12/4/19: Four legal scholars testify before the House Judiciary Committee. Three say Trump should be impeached.
One says he shouldn’t.
Republicans pound the dais and shout that the impeachment hoax is over!
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Professor Turley opposed impeachment, calling the evidence "wafer thin." |
“But there is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit, at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by Congress.”
Letter signed by 878 legal scholars
Meanwhile, an open letter begins circulating. Legal scholars from almost every prestigious U.S. college and university sign. William & Mary is represented, and Emory, and the John Marshall School of Law. Professors from Duke and Michigan sign. Experts on the U.S. Constitution from Columbia and the University of Alabama add their names. Men and women versed in the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, from Yale and Seattle University, Penn and Case Western, Catholic University and SMU, are listed. The roll grows to 878 names:
We, the
undersigned legal scholars, have concluded that President Trump engaged in
impeachable conduct.
We do
not reach this conclusion lightly. The Founders did not make impeachment
available for disagreements over policy, even profound ones, nor for extreme
distaste for the manner in which the President executes his office. Only
“Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” warrant impeachment.
But there is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of
office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to
help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit,
at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by
“Listen to the witnesses.”
TWO FORMER Republican senators, William Cohen of Maine and Slade Groton of Washington, appear on CNN and lay out their positions regarding the impeachment of President Trump.
Host Erin Burnett asks Cohen if he believes the entire process is “a sham,” as the president and his champions insist.
“I would say, listen to the witnesses. Listen to the professionals who came before the Congress to swear under oath,” Cohen replies. “You’re saying that all those people who came before the committee are lying under oath.”
In Cohen’s eyes, that makes no sense. He urges lawmakers “to go back and look at the entire spectrum from the Mueller report. There’s a pattern here of (Trump) saying, ‘I’m not beholden to anyone.’”
says he feels “sorry for the people who are tying themselves to the President.
They should be waiting to hear all the facts. I think it’s very easy for them
to determine that the President did this, did what he’s accused of
[emphasis added],” Gorton adds. “It’s one thing to say, we don’t think that
arises to the importance to take a man out of the presidential office. It’s
quite another to denounce it in advance when you don’t know what there’s going
to be presented to you.”
What does Leviticus say about invitro fertilization?
THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED U.S. Senate confirms another judge for a lifetime position. The vote, 49 in favor (every Republican except Susan Collins), 44 against (every Democrat present, plus Collins) puts Sarah Pitlyk in judicial robes, despite the fact she has never tried a case.
The American Bar Association unanimously rated her “not qualified” for the job. But Sen. Milksop McConnell decided he had no choice but to do the bidding of President “I’m Not Impeached Yet” Trump.
Abortion is one issue on which Pitlyk may have a chance to rule. Pitlyk doesn’t just want to stop abortion. She’s against fertility treatments. She opposes the use of surrogates. In a legal brief she co-authored in opposition to California regulations related to such procedures, Pitlyk claimed that “the practice of surrogacy has grave effects on society, such as diminished respect for motherhood and the unique mother-child bond.” Pitlyk has argued that surrogacy “is harmful to mothers and children, so it’s a practice society should not be enforcing.”
At the same time, Pitlyk has argued that frozen embryos should be recognized as human beings under the law. When couples successfully fertilize an embryo and have a child, or two, or three, and extra embryos remain, Judge Pitlyk would want us to agree those unused embryos are “children” and should not be “killed.” Surrogacy, though – actual children being born – no way!
That’s bad for society.
Those unused embryos would be stored forever, or at least
till the parents are dead – because – that’s what the Bible says? Apparently,
invitro fertilization is explained in Leviticus.
VIDEO of other world leaders laughing at Trump at the NATO summit (see: 12/3/19) brings out creepy Kellyanne to defend her boss.
Ms. Conway shows up on Fox & Friends for a friendly chat. Well, she grumps, those other leaders were “childish.” They weren’t denouncing Trump’s policies because his policies are great!
The greatest, most stupendously perfect policies ever!!!!!!!!!
“What was it really about?” Conway asks, before answering her own question. “It was about the fact that President Trump commands a room, and he does. And maybe that makes a couple of people jealous.”
(This blogger is
thinking they’re jealous of his hair.)
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