10/6/19: It’s the weekend. President Trump is not
happy. Evidence that supports the decision to pursue an impeachment inquiry
accumulates. Even a few brave souls in the GOP are willing to admit it.
“It strains credulity to suggest that it is anything other than politically motivated.”
Sen. Mitt
While most Republican lawmakers chose to shelter in place last week, Sen. Mitt Romney made his position plain, after the president called on China to investigate Joe Biden. “When the only American citizen President Trump singles out for China’s investigation is his political opponent in the midst of the Democratic nomination process,” Romney said, “it strains credulity to suggest that it is anything other than politically motivated.”
Of course, that meant Trump had to go ballistic on Twitter. At 6: 47 a.m. on Saturday, we had this:
Somebody please wake up Mitt Romney and tell him that my conversation
with the Ukrainian President was a congenial and very appropriate one, and my
statement on China pertained to corruption, not politics. If Mitt worked this
hard on Obama, he could have won. Sadly, he choked!
That was followed at 9:17 by this:
Mitt Romney…is a pompous
“ass” who has been fighting me from the beginning, except when he begged me for
my endorsement for his Senate run (I gave it to him), and when he begged me to
be Secretary of State (I didn’t give it to him). He is so bad for R’s!
Meanwhile, multiple sources told Axios the president had spoken with GOP members of the House of Representatives. Trump told them that even though his July 25 call to Zelensky was “perfect,” he wasn’t to blame for making it. Energy Secretary Rick Perry made him punch the buttons!
If this was Trump’s attempt to throw Perry under the bus, Perry wasn’t ready to be mashed. He told the Christian Broadcasting Network that, “as God is my witness,” when he talked to Trump about a call to the president of Ukraine, “neither Joe or Hunter Biden’s name ever came up.”
Also, he said he would soon be resigning his post.
Trump’s defenses continued to crack and crumble, including the claim the whistleblower had nothing but second- and third-hand information. We learned there was a third whistleblower – and the second tooting warning regarding Ukraine. This whistleblower had first-hand information that backed up the first.
Democrats rushing to judgment.
What about the idea that Democrats were rushing to judgment? Down that defense went too. We learned that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wasn’t just “rushing” to judgment. He had his mind made up. In a video shot to solicit campaign donations, Mitch looked square into the camera and intoned, “Nancy Pelosi’s in the clutches of a left wing mob. They finally convinced her to impeach the president.”
“All of you know your Constitution,” he continued. “The way that impeachment stops is a Senate majority with me as majority leader. But I need your help. Please contribute before the deadline.”
Even a far-right plot to smear Sen. Elizabeth Warren goes awry. The story explodes when a 24-year-old Marine, Kevin Ty Whelly, claims to have been having an affair with the senator, a woman nearly three times his age.
That tall tale is blown to bits when the Marine Corps reveals that the young Lothario, who claimed to have seen combat in Afghanistan, had never been to Afghanistan. As for the Purple Heart Whelly claimed he proudly wore, the Marines noted that Whelly had never been wounded, either.
So, we can safely assume he never won Sen. Warren’s heart.
Finally, a ray of sunshine pierced the darkening clouds over the White House. Rapper Kanye West once again defended his support for the man in the Oval Office. West explained that he never based his decisions on skin-color – an admirable position.
Alas, the singer seriously undermined his own logic, pointing
out that it was “the Republican Party that freed the slaves,” meaning he liked
Trump because Republicans ended slavery 154 years ago.
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