THIS POST WE COVER THE FIRST YEAR of the Robert Mueller investigation. He was
appointed Special Counsel on May 17, 2017.
We also provide background on Trump/Russian relations prior to and during the 2016 campaign.
We cover the second year in a new post, “Another Year of Robert Mueller (Part II),” which we will update as need arises. It arises often.
In fact, a third installment eventually grows out of the second, “Another Year of Robert Mueller (Part III).”
I am guessing, Part IV will be titled something like, “The Trump Presidency Goes Down in Flames.”
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Trump nemesis: Robert Mueller. |
Donald J. Trump and the Russians
KEEP THE STORY of Donald J. Trump and the Russians straight, it helps to
remember how the saga began.
first proven lie
does not come until February 2017. Dozens of previous lies have been proven
since. Nor has anyone ever explained what that “original sin” lie was told
by one member of the Trump administration (General Michael T. Flynn) to another
(Vice President Mike Pence (a.k.a. “Vice President Jesus”).
did Flynn have to lie to his own team?
At the
time, a newly elected President Trump was swearing that no one involved
in his campaign had ever met with any Russians about anything
fishy. As one aide put it early on: “There’s no there there.” Trump was already
well aware that that was a lie and a giant one.
For our purposes, we will start our count
here, one Russian flag, or “Ruskie,” to represent each proven lie. Flags will
not always appear on the day the lies occurred, but rather as they fit into our
Each time you see this flag, from now on,
it will represent one proven lie, told
by Trump or members of his family, campaign team or administration, usually
related to the Russians. Other egregious falsehoods will at times be awarded
“Ruskies,” as they relate to the level of trust we can place in key characters
in the story.
A “Ruskie” shall be awarded like an Oscar
or Tony, only for people without shame. The greatest award of all shall be the
rare “Grand Ruskie,” which can be won only for sustained lying above and beyond
even the call of duty.
Humor aside, I pray the U.S. Constitution will
If we
could travel back in time—to Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017—here is what we
would be told. Don Jr. had never met with any Russians. Jared
Kushner was going to be too busy bringing peace to the Middle East to talk to any
Russian bankers. Carter Page had
been to Moscow but had never met with any top Russian officials.
Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer, had never traveled to Prague, for the
purpose of meeting with close associates of Vladimir Putin.

(Only the claim about Cohen still remains
unproven. Don Jr., Jared and Rick Gates had all had contacts with Russians.)
that day James Comey was famous mainly for “outing” Hillary Clinton in regard
to questions about her emails and her judgment. Very possibly, he had
cost her the chance to be president.
we need background.
Putin and his cronies are busy pillaging their country, piling up
billions of rubles and stashing them in secret private bank accounts.
Thousands of pro-democracy activists gather in Moscow and other cities to
protest rigged parliamentary elections.
is a thief!” they chant.
of State Hillary Clinton says protesters, “deserve the right to have their
voices heard and their votes counted, and that means they deserve free,
fair, transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them.” Putin
definitely does not like Clinton.
Obama administration has so far failed to achieve the “reset” in Russian relations
it had hoped.
Putin definitely
doesn’t like Obama.
Rykov, a Putin ally, begins promoting Donald J. Trump as a candidate in the 2012
U.S. presidential election.
himself is busy stoking the “birther” myth in a series of tweets and numerous
public appearances.
will be pertinent later when we have to assess the veracity of what he says as
candidate president.)

Trump will not finally admit until the
fall of 2016 that President Obama was born in American. He will then blame
Hillary Clinton for starting the “birther” myth and magically making him keep
spreading it for years.
His supporters will fall for that, too.

Trump is lying all along about Obama’s
birth certificate. We could give him a thousand lies here; but we’re going to
be conservative and just call it one.
October 24: In a
shameless play for publicity, Trump promises to donate $5 million to a charity
of President Obama’s choice if he will release his college transcripts and
passport and other records, proving he’s an American citizen.
a huge cloud hanging over this presidency,” Trump says. “This could be solved
in a positive and easy manner.”
Not until February 2019 will we learn that when Trump was running for president
in 2016 he would have his personal lawyer send threatening letters to his old
schools, warning them not to release any of his school records or even talk
about what kind of student he had once been.
(We don’t award “Ruskies” for hypocrisy,
In a poll taken after the 2016 election, 6
out of 10 voters who chose Trump (57 percent) said it was “definitely
true” or “probably true” that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
Carter Page, who will later serve as adviser to the Trump 2016 campaign, meets with a Russian spy, posing as an attaché with
the United Nations. Page passes on documents related to the energy industry, in
hopes of landing a lucrative deal in Russia. F.B.I. agents, who are already tracking several
Russian spies, determine that Page doesn’t realize he’s dealing with a spy.
spy refers to Page as an “idiot.”
Victor Podobnyy, that spy, is recorded telling another
Russian, “I promised him a lot. How else to work with foreigners? You promise a
favor for a favor.”
He refers to Page as an “idiot.”
Emin Agalarov, a Russian pop singer and Rob Goldstone, his agent, who has dual
U.S. and British citizenship and lives in New Jersey, approach Paula Shugart,
president of the Miss Universe Organization. Could she help book a pageant
contestant to appear in one of Emin’s music videos?
mentions the possibility of bringing the pageant to Russia. The singer suggests
Moscow. He and his father will ultimately pay $15 million to host the Miss
Universe pageant in their home country.
Emin, Goldstone and Emin’s father, Aras Agalarov, meet Donald J. Trump
in Las Vegas, where the Miss USA pageant is being held. Goldstone sits
at dinner next to Michael D. Cohen, a Trump lawyer. As Goldstone
later explains to the Washington Post:
Trump appeared to hit it off
with Emin Agalarov. At one point during dinner, Trump loudly challenged the
young singer: “‘Hey Emin! I’ll reduce the [pageant] fee right now by a million
dollars if you tell me if you’ve ever slept with any contestants!’”
Agalarov shot back:
“Interesting. I’ll increase your fee by $5 million right now if you tell
me if you’ve ever slept with any contestant.”
Trump responded with a smile,
“We should just forget the bet.” The room cracked up.
A deal
is worked out. The 2013 Miss Universe Pageant will be held in Moscow. What
could go wrong?
Russian lawmakers pass legislation making it a crime to distribute literature
that would be considered “homonormative.” It is now a crime to write about homosexuals as ordinary
human beings.
and his cronies insist they want to protect Russian children (not counting LGBT
children, who are nothing but a bunch of perverts, weirdos and sinners, who
will suffer damnation for all eternity because of the way they were
Sarcasm. Sorry.
Obama and many Western leaders criticize the new legislation. Putin is
reportedly furious.
Page already on the F.B.I. radar.
6/13/13: The
F.B.I. interviews Carter Page about contacts with Russians. He’s already on
their radar—and his problems have nothing to do with Donald J. Trump.

Right-wing pundits will later lie about
this repeatedly. They will claim that U.S. intelligence agencies were out to
get Trump when they placed Page under surveillance again in 2016. Page already
had a questionable history with Russians. Plus, they knew he had traveled to
Moscow, met with top Russian officials—and then lied.
That lie is already counted.
10/17/13: On
the David Letterman Show, Trump tells the host he has done “a lot
of business with the Russians.”
I do have a relationship [with
Putin] and I can tell you that he’s very interested in what we’re doing here
today [discussing the Miss Universe pageant]. He’s probably very interested in
what you and I are saying today, and I’m sure he’s going to be seeing it in
some form, but I do have a relationship with him and I think it’s very
interesting to see what’s happened.
there has long been a possibility of large piles of $$$$$$$$$$$$ to be made, including rubles.
Trump tweets: “I’m in Moscow for Miss Universe tonight—picking a winner is very
hard, they are all winners. Total sellout of arena. Big night in Russia!”
Trump tweets: “Emin from Russia—a very talented guy [the singer has just
performed at the pageant].”
will be important later.
that name. Emin Agalarov will reappear in June 2016. He will help
broker a secret meeting between Paul Manafort, Jared
Kushner and Don Jr. with Russians offering to provide dirt on
Hillary Clinton. (See: 7/10/17.)
crown is won by Gabriela Isler ( pictured below, with Agalarov, left, and
Donald J. Trump).

2/23/14: On
this fine day we are treated to a typical Trump tweet. It is both insulting and
comically lacking in any grasp of complex issues: “Russia beat the
United States in the Olympics—another Obama embarrassment! Isn’t it time that
we turn things around and start kicking ass?”
knew Obama could cause U.S. athletes to lose at hockey and curling?
who knew Russia was running a massive doping scheme? More than a
thousand Russian figure skaters, distance runners and weight lifters will
eventually be banned from future Olympics.
Christopher Steele, a former longtime British spy for MI6, expert on Russian affairs and fluent in Russian, is already gathering information about Russian bribery involving international soccer.
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Okay, we were doping! |
Russian forces invade Crimea, an area owned by the Ukraine but home
to a large Russian ethnic population.
War breaks out.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lashes out at Russia, in response to the invasion of
Crimea. “Now if this sounds familiar,” she says, “it’s what Hitler did back in
the ‘30s. All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by
ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places,
Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people, and that’s what’s
gotten everybody so nervous.”
is not pleased with the comparison.
Trump tweets respect for
the Russian president: “[Vladimir] Putin has become a big hero in Russia with
an all time high popularity. Obama, on the other hand, has fallen to his lowest
ever numbers. SAD”
Two Russian women, Aleksandra Krylova and Anna Bogacheva, tour the United
States. Their orders are to take the pulse of the American people. According to
a document in the hands of U.S. investigators, Putin already has plans for the 2016 election.
The Russians will try to “spread distrust toward candidates and the [American]
political system in general.”
two women later report back to the Russian government on what they have found.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, flying from Amsterdam, carrying 298 passengers and
crew, is shot down over the Ukraine.
A lengthy investigation ends when the
Dutch government places blame on Russia for firing the missile
that downed the jet.
GETS THE BUG to run for president despite the fact he has clearly never read
the U.S. Constitution.
3/5/15: Michael Cohen,
Trump’s fixer and personal lawyer, sends Trump’s old high school and the
colleges he attended letters threatening legal action if they release any
information regarding Mr. Trump’s academic performance. Trump used to hint that
something sneaky was involved because President Obama had not shown the
American people his grades from Harvard.
Donald J. Trump rides down the escalator at Trump Tower. Melania looks fetching
in a stylish white designer dress.
ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United
States,” her husband says.
answer could be worth tens of billions.
7/11/15: By
some freak of chance—or plotting—a young Russian redhead, Maria Butina, appears at a Las Vegas rally, where Candidate Trump
will be speaking. There she is selected from the audience to ask him a
question. If elected, she wonders, would he continue the economic sanctions
aimed at Russia by President Obama, following the invasion and annexation of
Trump’s answer could be worth tens of billions to Russian
oligarchs whose funds had been frozen overseas as a result of the sanctions.
“I wouldn’t think you’d need the sanctions,” Trump replied.
Not when he was in charge and the United States was “respected” again.
In Moscow they heard that answer and loved it.

(In July 2018, Butina, still living in the
United States, is indicted for her work as an unregistered agent of the Russian Federation. She cops a
plea and begins cooperating.) Butina
is already lying in the summer of 2015.
7/24/15: Classified
information is discovered on Clinton’s private email server. The
F.B.I. opens an investigation.
The Washington
Post is not yet “fake news.”
8/8/15: The Washington
Post reports that the F.B.I. is investigating the
security of Clinton’s server. This is the Post doing what
the Post does best: Keeping tabs on the powerful.
No one
calls this “fake news.”
Felix H. Sater, a close Trump associate (and convicted felon), emails Michael Cohen about hot prospects for
building a Trump Tower in Moscow. “I will get Putin on this program and we will
get Donald elected,” crows Sater.
“Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it,” and “I
will get all of Putins team to buy in on this.”
As David Cay Johnston will make clear
in his book, The Making of Donald Trump, Sater is a shady
He appears in federal court records in
“a $40 million organized-crime stock swindle he confessed to in 1998…[a swindle
that involved] using high-pressure tactics to get naïve people to buy worthless
shares from Sater and his mob friends.”
He also had a 1991 felony conviction
for “stabbing a man in the face with the stem of a margarita glass.”

Sater and Cohen later deny any such
a very colorful person.
Talent, without any doubt….But it’s not our affair to determine his
worthiness—that’s up to the United States. But he is absolutely the leader in
the presidential race. He wants to move to a different level of relations,
to more solid, deeper relations with Russia and how can Russia not
welcome that [emphasis added]—we
welcome that.
already ♥’s
always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected
within his own country and beyond,” Trump responds.
Three days later General Flynn, then a top campaign adviser, flies to Moscow
for a speaking engagement.
At a
gala dinner he is seated smack dab next to Vladimir Putin. Flynn is paid
$45,000 for participating but doesn’t report his fee as
required by U.S. Army regulations.
(That’s not the only time he takes cash from Russians.)
Flynn collects $530,000 from Turkish interests, while supposedly
working in the interests of Trump and the U.S. There are reports he
may have been offered as much as $15 million if he could help the Turks get
their hands on the leader of the Gülen movement,
blamed for stirring up a coup against the government of Turkey. (That leader
had taken refuge in the U.S.)

never reveals the payoffs from the Turks or the Russians.
3/21/16: In
an interview with the Washington Post (not yet “Fake News”)
Candidate Trump announces the names of his foreign policy
advisers. Carter Page and George Papadopoulos both
make the list.
Reuters reports: the Russians
are warming up to the idea of Candidate Trump as the next
President of the United States. On Russian TV, Dmitry Kiselyov claims that the
Republican party elite has struck a secret deal with Democrats to derail Trump,
in part because of his sympathy for Russia.
who once said Russia could reduce the United States to “radioactive ash,” has a
favorable opinion of the mercurial GOP candidate. “Trump,” he says, “is ready
to find a common language with Putin.”
3/24/16: George
Papadopoulos meets in London with a professor named Joseph
Mifsud, who brings a “female Russian national” along. She is introduced as a
niece of Vladimir Putin.
tell Papadopoulos they wish to arrange a meeting between Trump and his campaign
and “Russian leadership.”
later disappears.)

later denies having this meeting.
3/29/16: Paul
Manafort joins the campaign. “Paul is a great asset and
an important addition as we consolidate the tremendous support we have received
in the primaries and caucuses, garnering millions more votes than any other
candidate,” Trump says. “Paul Manafort, and the team I am building, bring the
needed skill sets to ensure that the will of the Republican voters, not the
Washington political establishment, determines who will be the nominee for the
Republican Party.”
may be the original sin. Manafort is dirty from his socks up.
The F.B.I. learns early on that Manafort is talking to people
agents believe are tied to Russian intelligence
Trump meets with national security advisers, including Papadopoulos, who tells
the group he has Russian connections. They can arrange a meeting between Trump
and Putin.
participants in that meeting forget they were there.

No one
remembers anything about the meeting. We should probably count this as a lie
for every person present; but let’s count it once.
Professor Mifsud, who has already met with Papadopoulos, tells him Moscow has
a possible gift for the Trump campaign: thousands of hacked emails
that might damage Hillary Clinton.
Candidate Trump gives his first major foreign policy speech. Russia and the United
States, he says, should look for areas of mutual interest. “Common sense says
this cycle, this horrible cycle of hostility, must end, and ideally it will end
same evening, Papadopoulos emails the Russian foreign ministry, “That’s the
signal to meet.”

Papadopoulos later denies this.
Manafort is promoted to campaign chairman and chief strategist. Trump thinks
Manafort is great.
5/20/16: The
National Rifle Association, at its national convention in Louisville, Kentucky,
endorses Donald Trump for president.
In an
email with the subject line, “Kremlin connection,” GOP operative Paul Erickson
tries to broker a meeting between Putin and the Trump campaign.
“Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” he
writes. “Ever since Hillary compared Putin to Hitler, all senior Russian
leaders consider her beyond redemption.”
At the
time, Erickson is shacking up with a young Russian redhead, Maria Butina. She
will later be arrested as an unregistered agent of the Russian Federation. (See:
7/13/18, 7/18/18 and 8/4/18.)
5/21/16: On Facebook, a group called “Heart of Texas” has been urging
people to attend a rally scheduled at noon for this day. “Stop Islamization of
Texas,” the group’s posts warn. A protest will be held outside an Islamic
center, opened fourteen years earlier, in downtown Houston.
follower of the group responds: “Need to blow this place up.”
of Texas,” which has a quarter-million followers, later turns out to be one of
at least 470 Facebook pages created by agents of the Russian government working
to spread disunity in the U.S.
Russian “keyboard warriors,” are working 12-hour shifts to stir up trouble
during the coming election.
2,700 fake individual Facebook accounts are created with the same purpose: stir
up anger in every way.
Instagram, 170 fake accounts run by agents of Russia post 120,000 times.
Twitter, 3,814 fake accounts are activated, as well as 50,258 automated “bot”
accounts spreading disinformation.
posing as Americans, hiding behind names like “Kate S. Milton” and “James
MacMorgans,” create podcasts, post videos on Vine and blog on Tumblr about
politics and life.
New York Times later explains how a company, the
Internet Research Agency, tied to Russian military, set to work:
In the company’s new
department, some 80 young English speakers worked in shifts to feed Facebook
pages and Twitter accounts imitating the snark and fury of outraged Americans.
They stole photos, favoring attractive young women, for their Twitter profiles.
They copied or created sharp poster-like commentaries on American life and
politics, only occasionally slipping up with grammatical mistakes. They focused
their efforts on pages that struck American nerves, with
names like “Guns4Life,” “Pray for Police,” “Stop All Invaders,” “South United”
and — mimicking Mr. Trump — “America First.”
Memes were a specialty—usually
designed with a specific purpose: Damage Hillary, help Trump.
Many of the Facebook memes
portrayed Mrs. Clinton as angry, corrupt or crazed. Mr. Trump was depicted as
his campaign preferred: strong, decisive, courageous, willing to shun political
correctness to tell hard truths. The Russian operation also boosted
Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate who had dined with Mr. Putin in
Moscow, to draw votes from Mrs. Clinton. It encouraged supporters of Mr.
Sanders to withhold their votes from Mrs. Clinton even after he endorsed her.
Trump knocks out his last remaining opponent in the Republican primaries:
“Lyin’ Ted” Cruz.
Trump’s former fixer and lawyer, Michael Cohen, claims in
2018 that top campaign officials and Don Jr. held a strategy meeting that day to discuss plans to
meet with the Russians and see what dirt they could provide. Cohen also says
Don Sr. was aware of and green-lighted the meeting.
not conclusively proven; but someone is lying, either Cohen or others.
“I am going to give a major
speech on probably Monday of next week [June 13] and we’re going to be
discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons.
“I think you’re going to find
it very informative and very, very interesting. I wonder if the press will want
to attend. Who knows? Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her
private hedge fund. The Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese all gave money to
Bill and Hillary and got favorable treatment in return. It’s a sad day in
America when foreign governments with
deep pockets have more influence
[emphasis added] in our own country than our great citizens.”
It is a sad day in America when foreign governments have
more influence. Yes, how well we now realize.
6/9/16: A
momentous day: Don Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort meet secretly at Trump
Tower in New York City with Russians they believe are bearing
gifts—frankincense, myrrh and dirt on Hillary.
meeting will not be revealed for thirteen
months, not till the free press, namely The New York Times, does its job.

three men “forget” having ever had this meeting until The New York Times breaks the story in July
2017. (We counted Don Jr.’s lie before.)
Mowatt-Larssen, a former C.I.A. officer who served as station chief in Moscow, later
tells the Times, “The Russians
aren’t reckless, and I don’t see them going through with this effort without
thinking they have a willing partner in the dance.”
Three days after the Trump Tower meeting, Julian Assange appears on British
television. He announces that WikiLeaks will soon be releasing emails damaging
to Hillary Clinton.
Monday comes and goes. The major speech promised by Candidate Trump on Hillary
Clinton fails to materialize.
6/14/16: It’s
Flag Day. But members of the Trump campaign seem confused about which flag
they’re honoring.
The Washington Post
breaks the first story about Russian involvement in the hacking and release of
damaging emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee. These emails do
immediate damage to the Democratic Party, driving a wedge between Clinton and
Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

This flag, ladies and gentlemen; you’re
serving this flag.
Wikileaks begins publishing stolen Clinton emails, which it claims to have
received from a Romanian hacker, Guccifer 2.0. The lone hacker wants to
make it clear. He or she has nothing to do with Russia.
experts at CrowdStrike, working for the Democrats, say Guccifer is lying.
Guccifer replies, “It seems the guys from CrowdStrike would say I’m a Russian
bear even if I were a catholic nun.”
Several GOP
candidates running for Congress ask Guccifer 2.0 for dirt on Democratic
opponents. The “Romanian” is happy to oblige.
July 2018, the Department of Justice issues a lengthy indictment against a dozen Russian
military officers who—you guessed it—were behind the website, Guccifer
6/22/16: Additional
Democratic National Committee emails, hacked by Russian agents, are released to
6/27/16: Clinton is getting beat up in the press.
This is six months before “Fake News” is invented.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch meets with Bill Clinton. They talk for thirty
minutes. This meeting looks bad, like Bill is pressuring her to go easy on
Hillary. The story is widely covered, including by CNN.
The free
press is working.
7/5/16: In
an unusual move, F.B.I. Director James Comey announces that he does not recommend
criminal charges against Clinton. He does, however, call her decision to use a
private email server “extremely careless.”
So far
the only damage done by Comey is to Hillary.
7/7/16: News
begins to swirl about Russian meddling in the campaign. Trump is forced
to address the issue. Asked about his relationship
with Vladimir Putin, Trump responds, “I’ve never met Putin. I don’t know who Putin

Carter Page is in Moscow, giving speeches on foreign policy. The Steele dossier
will warn that while in Russia, Page meets with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally and
Igor Diveykin, Putin’s deputy chief for internal policy.
is allegedly told that the Russians have compromising material on
Hillary Clinton.
lucrative oil deal is allegedly floated under Page’s nose.
7/20/16: Page meets
with Sergey Kislyak, Russian Ambassador to the U.S., at the Republican National
Convention in Cleveland. Page will later deny that he ever met with Russian officials
during the campaign.

met with Russians on multiple occasions.
“Deep State” fails because it’s a figment of the imagination.
July: The F.B.I. opens
an investigation into Russian attempts to influence the election, including
links to the Trump campaign. The fictitious “Deep State” which we will hear so
much about later, fails, mostly because the “Deep State” is a right-wing
figment of the imagination.
investigation remains secret until after the election. The F.B.I. does
not want to intrude further in the electoral process.
Guccifer 2.0 passes 19,252 stolen emails to WikiLeaks which publishes the trove three days before the
Democratic National Convention.
emails expose DNC staffers’ secret support for Hillary and antipathy toward
Bernie Sanders. This drives a wedge between the wings of the Democratic Party,
which later proves important in tilting the election Trump’s way.
Trump actually tweets: “The new joke in town is that Russia leaked
the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin
likes me[.]”
We know he does.
7/27/16: In a
televised speech, Candidate Trump urges the Russians to find 30,000 lost
Clinton emails. All kinds of Clinton and DNC emails are soon leaking.
Michael Cohen arranges a $130,000 payment to silence a porn star primed
to reveal a consensual sexual encounter with Trump in 2006. Melania Trump was
recovering from the birth of her and Donald’s son Barron at the time.
Stormy Daniels got paid.

and Trump cover up this affair. The future president is lying to his third
THIS PERIOD, when Melania was pregnant, as Trump reveals in the Access Hollywood tape,
the future president was doing his best to lure other women to bed. He took one
of his targets furniture shopping. “I did try to fuck her,” he can be
heard bragging. “She was married. I moved on her like a bitch.”
10/28/16: Director
Comey announces that the F.B.I. is reviewing a fresh set of Clinton
emails. These were found on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Weiner is famous at the
time mainly for sending “dick pictures” to teen girls.
With just
days till the election, Trump loves Comey.
10/31/16: With only days to go to till the election, Trump tells enthusiastic crowds that F.B.I. Director James Comey has done something great. The Bureau is reviewing a fresh set of Clinton emails!
it took guts for Director Comey to make the move [emphasis
added] that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they’re
trying to protect her from criminal prosecution,” Trump says. “You know that.
It took a lot of guts.”
“A lot
of people want him to do the wrong thing,” Trump suggests. “What he did was the
right thing.”
Trump ♥’s
Trump is elected president.
Clinton blames Director Comey for her defeat. Trump has no reason to believe
Comey is out to get him.
have to be incredibly dense to miss this point. Many Trump
fans and all the talking heads at Fox News eventually miss it.
Or at Fox they spin it, hoping Trump fans will miss it.
could go down as, like, 50,000 lies for Fox News; but we aren’t counting Fox
News lies. Trump, however, pushes the same narrative.
12/9/16: President
Obama orders the intelligence community to review suspicious Russian activity
during recent months. Any revelations before votes were cast might
have raised a storm of protest. Right-wingers would have called it a craven
plot to swing the contest in Clinton’s favor.
Trump had been complaining constantly that the U.S. election system is
news of this investigation leaked, damaging his chances, Trump might have asked
his fans to grab their guns and start shooting liberals, Mexicans and
transgender persons using the wrong restrooms.
Obama administration could have damaged Trump before the election.
General Flynn, senior Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak and Jared Kushner meet at
Trump Tower. No one involved remembers having had this meeting until
the free press breaks the news.

and Kushner fail to reveal this meeting.
Flynn assures Kislyak that sanctions imposed by Obama will be rolled back once
Trump takes over.
later lies to the F.B.I. about this meeting. Clearly, no one on the Trump team
has anything to hide.
He also
lies to Vice President Jesus.
For narrative purposes we’ll count this one later.
1/6/17: U.S.
intelligence agencies report: “Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an
influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia’s
goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate
Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.”
Trump insists the U.S. intelligence community is full of
beans. He will continue to deny the truth for months.
is probably lying; he may be simply stupid.
one knows to this day how much of the dossier is
Comey informs Trump of the existence of the dossier four days earlier; but
Comey says the allegations contained cannot be proven.
We do
know something about Christopher Steele. Steele has previously helped the
F.B.I. break up a $200 million bribery scheme involving
top international soccer officials. Steele also helped expose the Russian
government’s role in the poisoning death of dissident Alexander
allegations in the dossier—several of which have since been proven true—include this charge
(still in doubt): that Trump “and his inner circle have received a
regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic
and other political rivals.”
warns that Russian intelligence has compromised Trump, in part
because of “perverted sexual acts which have been arranged/monitored by the FSB
[Russia’s counterintelligence agency].” The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Moscow was
known to be under surveillance. It was here the “golden showers”
activity—prostitutes peeing on a bed where Obama once slept, to amuse
Trump—allegedly occurred. More than one source tells Steele that Trump’s
behavior had provided Russian authorities with ample material “to blackmail him
if they wished.”
sampling of the findings will provide a sense of how disastrous the dossier
would be if validated:
Further evidence of extensive
conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Kremlin, sanctioned at the highest
levels and involving Russian diplomatic staff based in the US.
Agreed exchange of information
established in both directions. Trump’s team using moles within DNC
and hackers in the US as well as outside in Russia. Putin motivated by fear and
hatred of Hillary Clinton. Russians receiving intel on Russian oligarchs and
their families living in US.
According to sources, in a
July 2016 meeting, Carter Page was told the Russians could release damaging
information on Clinton—but also hinted they had damaging info on Trump.
“Russians apparently have agreed not to use ‘kompromat’ they hold on Trump as
leverage, given high levels of co-operation forthcoming from his team.”
If the
Trump team played ball, Page was told there could be big money involved.
This “included offer of large stake in Rosneft [Russia’s state-owned oil
company] in return for lifting sanctions on Russia.
confirms this is Trump’s intention.”
admits he traveled to Moscow but says he never met with top Russian officials. He
later changes his story. We counted this lie already.
other words….as “Deep Throat” told reporters during the Watergate
investigation, follow the money.
(For Russians facing U.S. sanctions there are hundreds
of billions of dollars at stake.)
Steele’s sources tell him Aras Agalarov (his name will appear in the email chain related to the secret June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower) would know details about Trump bribes and illicit sexual activities in St. Petersburg. “Trump had participated in sex parties in the city too, but that all direct witnesses to this recently had been ‘silenced,’ i.e. paid bribes or coerced to disappear.”
bodyguard Keith Schiller will later admit that he was approached during
a high level meeting in Moscow in 2013 by someone he didn’t know about sending
up five prostitutes to Trump’s room.
will claim he was “on guard” outside Trump’s hotel room until 2 a.m. and
finally went to his own room. As far as he could tell there were no monkeys (or
Russian whores) jumping on Trump’s bed.
lie: We know Trump has no compunction about sleeping with porn stars, Playboy
Bunnies, or anyone else he can lure into bed.
Kremlin insider told Steele that a key role in the 2016 campaign’s effort to
reach out to Russians “was being played by the Republican candidate’s personal
lawyer Michael Cohen.”
was trying to cover up links that made Manafort vulnerable and
hide the story of Page’s visit to Moscow.
to the Kremlin insider, Cohen was now heavily engaged in a cover up and damage
limitation operation in an attempt to prevent the full details of Trump’s
relationship with Russia being exposed.”
was alleged to have had a secret meeting in Prague where discussion centered on
how to “process deniable cash payments” including to anti-Clinton hackers “paid
by both Trump team and Kremlin.”
Probable lies: a shitload;
![]() |
Michael Cohen, Trump's fixer and personal lawyer. |
1/13/17: As
word spreads about a possible investigation into Russian meddling in the
election, Trump tweets about “fake news” for the first time.
As president he has since used this handy term in hundreds of tweets.
Trump takes the oath of office promising to do his best to “preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
he’s kidding.
1/24/17: F.B.I. agents
visit the White House to interview General Michael T. Flynn. The agency
already has questions about his behavior.
is no record Flynn tells the president or any other high-ranking
official about this interview.
Flynn might not have told anyone about his interview. But Deputy Attorney
General Sally Yates calls White House Counsel Don McGahn first
thing in the morning. She says she has “a very sensitive matter” to
discuss. He invites her to stop by and she warns him there are serious problems
with Flynn’s F.B.I. interview. Claims Vice President Jesus and others
are making in regard to Flynn’s conduct, intelligence agencies know “not to be
the truth.”
does not say Vice President Jesus is lying.
Flynn is lying to Pence.
was a problem,” she later testifies, “because not only did we believe that the
Russians knew this, but that they likely had proof of this information. And
that created a compromise situation, a situation where the national security
adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the Russians.”
McGahn calls Yates and asks her to return to the White House. They discuss
Flynn’s exposure to indictment. In what every good American will realize
is totally a coincidence and not in any way an attempt to obstruct
justice, that same day Trump calls F.B.I. Director
Comey and invites him to dinner.
will later tell a Congressional panel that the president suggested 6:00 at the
White House. They agreed to 6:30.
called his wife and broke a previous engagement.
He testifies
under oath that it seemed strange Trump was inviting him to a private dinner.
He was worried enough to begin keeping detailed notes. Comey says during
dinner the president asked for “a pledge of loyalty.”
later denies this. “No. No, I didn’t.
But I don’t think it would be a bad question to ask,”
he tells reporters.
Taking decisive action, Trump fires…Sally Yates! Flynn
remains National Security Adviser.
2/5/17: The
Trump-Putin bromance turns steamy. When Bill O’Reilly asks the president about
the Russian leader during an interview, O’Reilly refers to Putin as “a killer.”
Trump, who once praised Saddam Hussein for skill in handling
terrorists (which meant gassing anyone he didn’t like), replies: “There
are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?”
Trump + Putin = ♥.
2/9/17: Vice
President Jesus learns Flynn lied to him. No one can explain why it took the
president two weeks to clue in Pence.
supporters can never explain why Flynn lied to Pence.
Flynn resigns, but only after it is made clear—because the free press
reveals the story—that he lied to VP Jesus about his dealings with
Russian agents. Oddly enough the president has known for eighteen days that Flynn lied
and doesn’t fire him till the story breaks in the papers.
not “Fake News.”

This is the original proven lie; Trump
supporters can never explain why Flynn would lie to Pence.
This lie has nothing to do with the “Deep
State” or Comey and the F.B.I. supposedly trying to bring Trump down.
Meeting with Comey a day later, Trump asks him to drop the Flynn investigation.
Comey prepares a memo stating the same and shows it to other
top F.B.I. leaders. He thinks something smells funny.
PROBABLE LIE: Comey has nothing to gain
from lying here. Clearly, Trump does.
Trump’s history shows
lying comes as naturally to him as taking in carbon dioxide does to trees.
of lying, a check for $70,000 is handed over to Michael Cohen, as payment for
his work covering up the story of Stormy Daniels and her one-night stand with
Citizen Trump in 2006.

Technically, this lie isn’t about
Russians; but it goes to show you how happy Trump and his minions are to lie
when it serves their purposes.
Trump claims he was wiretapped by the Obama administration;
leaders of both parties in Congress deny there is evidence. “No such
wiretap existed,” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan tells
reporters. Press Secretary Spicer tells reporters the president stands by his
claim. It’s what he believes.
like when a child claims he saw the Easter Bunny. It’s what
the child believes.

wiretaps occurred; it’s another lie.
Trump says everything involving Russian attempts to influence the election is
“fake news.” (Later, he starts to capitalize the phrase.) Russia? He doesn’t
even like Russian salad dressing. Where is Russia, anyway?
Meanwhile, Comey
informs Congress there is an investigation going on, including
looking for “any links between
individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and
whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”
3/22/17: The
Associated Press reports that Paul Manafort once worked for a Russian billionaire and friend
of Putin. He was paid as much as $12.7 million to “advance the interests
of Russia.”
Secretary Spicer tries to claim that Manafort “played a very
limited role for a very limited amount of time” during the campaign.

Lie: Manafort
was a driving force for five months.
Manafort is revealed to have ties to a bank in Cyprus
that laundered money for Russians. He used 15 different accounts and operated 10
different shell companies on the island.

is a shady crook.
Roger Stone, longtime Trump pal, offers to testify in front of Congress. Did he
contact Guccifer 2.0, a hacking group known to be a front for Russian
intelligence agencies? Guccifer 2.0 is tied to the leaked Democratic National
Committee emails during the campaign.
yes, he admits, maybe he did.
Stone insists
Guccifer isn’t a Russian front. And who are you going to believe? Roger
Stone? Or U.S. intelligence agencies?
Probable lies: Pretty much everything
Stone says.
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Roger Stone at Trump Inauguration. |
Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner gets a bunch of jobs in the administration. These include
serving as top policy adviser and “primary point of contact” with leaders and
ambassadors from many foreign nations.
House spokesperson Hope Hicks (a.k.a. “The White House Babe”) admits Kushner had a previously undisclosed
meeting in December 2016 with the head of a Russian bank facing
U.S. sanctions.
Jared “forgot.”
more interesting, the bank once provided cover for Russian spying in New York
City in 2014.
was lying when he said he forgot; we already counted this lie.
5/2/17: Hillary
Clinton once again blames her loss on Director Comey’s announcement about her
emails on October 28, saying, “If the election were on Oct. 27, I would
have been your president.”
We learn Sally Yates is preparing to testify in
front of Congress. She will say she informed White House lawyers, “Flynn was
lying when he denied in public and private that he had discussed U.S. sanctions
on Russia in conversations with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak.”
& Co. will blame the fact Flynn was working in the White House on
Barack Obama.
Flynn had a security clearance under the previous administration!
Trump did was hire the man to serve in his campaign, after Obama
fired him, and elevate him to National Security
Obama’s fault!
President Trump wakes up constipated and lets rip with an angry, early morning
tweet: “The Russian-Trump collusion story is a total hoax, when will this
taxpayer funded charade end?”
5/9/17: In a
bold move to end the “taxpayer funded charade,” Trump fires Comey. White House aides are at pains to
point out that the president “acted based on the clear recommendations” of two
men, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod
Trump ♥’s
Sessions and Rosenstein.
Conway assures Anderson Cooper that evening: “This had nothing to do with
Russia, as much as somebody must be getting $50 every time the word is said,
I’m convinced, on TV. This has nothing to do with Russia.”

Conway says this has nothing to do with Russia.
5/10/17: At a
morning press gathering new Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (a.k.a.
“Press Secretary Pinocchio”) tells reporters that the president fired
Comey only because of recommendations from Sessions
and Rosenstein. They said Comey had lost the confidence of rank-and-file agents
at the Bureau.
has a meeting that afternoon with Russian ambassador
Sergey Kislyak and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. This meeting is kept secret for two days, in large
part because the “fake news” people are banned from attending.
because the White House decides not to mention it and even after news leaks,
decides to release photos, but crop
Kislyak out of the scene.

says Comey’s firing had nothing to do with Russians. The White
House tries to crop Kislyak out of the pictures.
5/11/17: In
an interview with Lester Holt of NBC, Trump explains
his rationale for the Comey firing. Holt wonders: How much of a factor were the
two letters penned by Sessions and Rosenstein?
“Oh, I
was going to fire regardless of recommendation,” Trump replies. “I
was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it. And, in fact,
when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia
thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.’”
right. Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation.
August 2018, the president will start tweeting that the interview with Holt was edited to
change the meaning of what he said.

That lies is so dumb, you wonder: Who
could be so stupid as to believe it? (On Twitter, when I check, the tweet has
almost 70,000 likes.
The Russians prank the president, releasing photos of his meeting on the 10th with
Kislyak (not to mention a variety of other Russians, including representatives
of Russian media).
in the photos appears to be having a great time.
of the fun involves Trump telling the Russians he fired Comey because he was
“crazy, a real nut job.”
A week
later, The New York Times acquires a leaked document outlining what was discussed at
the meeting. “I faced great pressure because of Russia,” Trump told his foreign
pals. “That’s taken off.”

White House kept this meeting secret as long as it could.
5/17/17: In
the wake of Comey’s firing, questions about the investigation grow. Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein decides to appoint Robert Mueller as
Special Counsel.
sycophants will later argue that Comey and Rosenstein were in cahoots to bring
Trump down. Only complete idiots will fall for this line.
7:21 p.m. the White House announces, in the wake of the Mueller appointment,
that the president is “looking forward to this matter concluding quickly.”
In the
meantime, the president will be fighting hard “for the people and issues that
matter most to the future of our country.”
Trump seems calm and reasonable.
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Trump tells Holt he removed Comey because of Russia. |
5/18/17: WTF! So much for “calm” and “reasonable.” Trump takes to Twitter at 6:52 in the morning to howl: “This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!”
5/24/17: The
New York Times reports that U.S. intelligence agencies collected
information during the 2016 campaign, “revealing that senior Russian
intelligence and political officials were discussing how to exert influence
over Donald J. Trump through his advisers.” The names of Flynn and
Manafort were mentioned.
was also “information about direct communication between Mr. Trump’s advisers
and Russian officials.”
5/28/17: Politico reports:
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Sunday that he and the intelligence
community were “very concerned” about reports that White House adviser Jared
Kushner discussed establishing secretive back channels with the Kremlin.
will tell you that my dashboard warning light was clearly on,
and I think that was the case with all of us in the intelligence community,
very concerned about the nature of these approaches to the Russians.”
5/31/17: The
“fake news” folks at Vox join the fray. Vox reports, “Federal investigators are fixated on a
mysterious December meeting between senior White House adviser Jared Kushner
and Russian banker Sergey Gorkov.”
Kushner suddenly remembers he
did meet with Gorkov but they only talked about…he can’t be sure…maybe
PBS wonders why Kushner suggested in their meeting
that a back channel to Russia be created…using Russian diplomatic
Critics wonder why any private citizen would “try to set up covert communications with a hostile power like Russia, particularly after U.S. intelligence accused Moscow of trying to interfere in the 2016 election to help Trump.”

Kushner is still lying.
We won’t know this for months; but Trump issues an order to fire Mueller. White House Counsel
McGahn threatens to quit rather than support the
backs away from a legal precipice.
Having watched James Comey testify before Congress, as filtered through Fox
& Friends, Trump tweets: “Despite so many false statements and lies,
total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!”
observers react differently, believing testimony shows Comey was fired because
Trump wanted to kill the investigation.
of justice comes to mind. So say articles in the Chicago Sun-Times,
the Baltimore Sun, USA Today, The Hill, Time, National
Review, and stories on CNN, NBC and even BBC
6/17/17: The
New York Times reports that another member of the Trump campaign is
under investigation.
Rick Gates, an ally of Paul Manafort, survived his mentor’s demise after Manafort was accused of taking millions from Ukrainian leaders with Russian ties.
the time Manafort worked in the Ukraine, Gates would fly to Moscow to conduct
business in his boss’s name. He would sign documents, including those related
to shell companies in Cyprus, and funnel payments to Manafort and secret bank
accounts. One client was Oleg Deripaska, who had been denied a visa to the
United States, because of ties to organized crime.
(Gates later pleads guilty to eight felony
Trump is in Germany for the G-20 summit. In Poland, the day before, he gave the
best speech ever given by an American president, according to…Trump. Because he cares about freedom, the president
decided not to criticize the Polish government which has been subverting an independent judiciary, cracking down
on journalists, and making “unwanted protests” (protests
the government doesn’t like) illegal. These are all ideas the U.S.
president can get on board with.
Trump and Poland’s leader, Andrzej Duda, commiserate on the woes of dealing
with media outlets that won’t be cowed. Trump sends Mr. Duda a romantic tweet: “We will fight
the #Fake news together!”
Trump + Autocrats = ♥.
in Hamburg, Germany, he meets with Putin. Apparently, the two leaders hit it
off. Trump does, however, “grill” the Russian leader on the “fake” Russian
interference in the 2016 election.
later provides reporters with a blow-by-blow description of how he held Putin’s feet to an Art of the Deal fire:
said to him, ‘Were you involved in the meddling with the election?’ he
recalled. “He said, ‘Absolutely not. I was not involved.’ He was very strong on
it. I then said to him, in a totally different way, ‘Were you involved with the
meddling?’ He said, ‘I was not—absolutely not.’”
Counsel Robert Mueller can pack it up and go home.
POSTSCRIPT: On the plane ride home, the
president is already working on a misleading letter to cover up the purpose of
a secret meeting Don Jr. took with Russians in Trump Tower the previous June.
In other words, he already knows that the Russians interfered in
the election.
He is lying when he tells reporters he
believes Putin; but this lie is only proven much later.

is where all pretense of presidential innocence is lost. Trump is lying about
Russian interference in the 2016 election and knows his campaign was complicit.
Had he made these statements under oath he would have been guilty of perjury. Instead,
he’s “only” lying to the American people.
POSTSCRIPT: On the plane ride home, the president is already working on a misleading letter to cover up the purpose of a secret meeting Don Jr. took with Russians in Trump Tower the previous June. In other words, he already knows that the Russians interfered in the election.
He is lying when he tells reporters he believes Putin; but this lie is only proven much later.
![]() |
Best buds!!! |
7/8/17: The New
York Times reports that Don Jr. took part in a secret
meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in June 2016. Also attending were
Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort.
Jr. and Jared and Paul remember—hey—we did have a meeting!
asked to comment, Jr. issues an official statement assuring the Times the
meeting was mostly about adoption policy.

The Times explains
that the lawyer in question, Natalia Veselnitskaya, “is best known for mounting
a multipronged attack against the Magnitsky Act.”
This law was passed by Congress to blacklist human rights abusers. It so enraged Putin, “he retaliated by halting American adoptions of Russian children.” Veselnitskaya’s “activities and associations have previously drawn the attention of the F.B.I., according to a former senior law enforcement official.”
In his
statement, Jr. tries to explain away the damage. “It was a short introductory
meeting,” that’s all.
asked Jared and Paul [Manafort] to drop by. We primarily discussed a program
about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with
American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but
it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up. I was asked
to attend the meeting by an acquaintance, but was not told the name of the
person I would be meeting beforehand.
kind of had the idea he wanted to add: “I could have been talking with Taylor
Swift, for all I remember.”
same evening, Mark Corallo, spokesman for the Trump legal team, issues a
statement, hinting Jr. was set up. Veselnitskaya and an interpreter who came
“misrepresented who they were.”

They did not disguise their purpose. They made it clear.
Magnitsky Act, named after Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who died in
police custody, sanctions 44 Russian nationals and allows the U.S. to deny
visas and seize any of their monies it may locate.
Russia you can be killed for reporting the truth.
7/9/17: The New
York Times reports that Don Jr. met with a lawyer the paper
describes as “Kremlin-connected” after being promised damaging
information about Hillary Clinton.
issues a second statement in regard to the meeting he originally
forgot he ever had. Suddenly, it’s all coming back!
pleasantries were exchanged,” Jr. claims,
woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russian
were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Hillary Clinton.
Her statements were vague, ambiguous, and made no sense. No details or
supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear
she had no meaningful information.
conversation turned to adoption policies and the Magnitsky Act, which Jr.
surmised was “the true agenda all along.”
Priebus labels the story of the secret meeting a “big nothing burger.”
Still a lie; but this one has been
![]() |
Donald J. Trump Jr.'s burger. |
Jr.’s story changes dramatically—again—after the Times informs
him it has in its possession emails
that blow giant holes in his second cover story. Jr. scrambles for safety like
a rat leaving the S.S. Trump.
From: Rob Goldstone To: Donald Trump Jr.
June 3, 2016
just called and asked me to contact you with something very
interesting. The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this
morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign
with some official documents and information that would incriminate
Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your
father [emphasis added].
is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of
Russia and its government’s support for
Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin.
do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able
to speak to Emin about it directly?
I can
also send this info to your father via Rhona [Graff], but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to
you first.
is Russian pop star Emin Agalarov. “Aras” is his father, a wealthy real estate
billionaire, sometimes called the “Donald Trump of Russia.”
is a British music promoter.
From: Donald Trump Jr. To: Rob Goldstone
June 3, 2016, 10:53
Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak
to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer [emphasis
added]. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?
From: Rob Goldstone To: Donald Trump, Jr.
June 7, 2016, 4:20 PM
asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government
attorney [emphasis added] who is flying over from Moscow for this
A good
deal of discussion follows—time of meeting—what day—plans change. Finally, it’s
on. At 5:19 Goldstone adds, “I will send the names of the two people meeting
with you for security when I have them later today.”
Jr. replies at 6:14: “Great. It will likely be Paul Manafort (campaign boss) my
brother in law and me.”
that point Donald Jr. forwards the entire thread to Kushner and Manafort.
Christopher Wray, Trump’s nominee to head the F.B.I., sits for an interview
with a Congressional panel. He is asked three times if the Russian
investigation is a “witch hunt.”
thrice denies the premise.
7/11/17: The
president rises early and starts retweeting links
to Fox News. The story of the meeting with Don Jr. and—somebody—about
something—is going to be cleared up! “My son, Donald, will be interviewed by
@seanhannity tonight at 10:00 P.M. He is a great person who loves our country!”
Hannity that evening, Jr. swears the whole story is out. Hannity and Jr. trade
admiring glances. Both are huge fans of hair gel. The meeting was just Don
Jr. and Jared and Paul and, okay, one Russian lawyer.

The whole story is not out.
The guest list for the meeting grows. In a second interview with Fox
News, where all Trumps go when sad, Jr. forgets who else was there. Perhaps
invitees hid under the conference table.
he says. There were two Russians.
That’s it. Two! A Russian-American lobbyist named Rinat Akhmetshin is the
second. NPR says he has been described “as a Russian ‘gun
for hire’ and a former Soviet-era spy and has worked in the West for years as
an advocate for Russian interests.”

Lie: There was a third
Russian in the meeting.
7/18/17: How
many people with ties to the Russian government were in the meeting with Don
not one, not two, but three!
Even Fox News can’t ignore the story. It turns out the newest participant in the meeting
which Don Jr. forgot about—was a Russian-American, Ike Kaveladze, an expert on
adoption and babies!
works for the Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, a man worth $1.96 billion.
Agalarov is known for close ties with Trump, a man worth
$3.5 billion and Putin. The Russian president has spent
his time in office wisely. He has been saving his rubbles. One source estimates he may have a private stash of
$200 billion.
by investigators with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to
have helped move more than $1.4 billion on
behalf of a large number of Russian and Eastern European clients through
accounts with Citibank in New York and Commercial Bank in San Francisco.
his actions turned out to be legal. Still, investigators found he had filed
papers to open 2,000 shell corporations and U.S. bank accounts in Delaware,
“all on behalf of Russian operators that were used to launder offshore cash
coming into the United States.”
7/20/17: The
“Fake News” folks keep uncovering evidence that Russians were lurking in every
nook and cranny of the Trump campaign.
are reportedly studying records related to Trump’s finances at Deutsche Bank.
To be fair, no evidence of wrongdoing has been uncovered. Still, Deutsche
does have a lengthy rap sheet and once paid a $630
million fine for helping Russian
criminal interests launder an estimated $10 billion.
Corallo, the spokesman for Trump’s legal team resigns. He doesn’t really give a good reason. (See:
7/24/17: Is it possible
Trump can bring
Americans together: in the sense that almost everyone wonders if he’s nuts?
White House has made his position clear. Trump does not want to impose greater
sanctions on Russia—and would like to great rid of sanctions that exist—and buy
Vladimir a pony.
vote in the House and Senate on sanctions.
of the House of Representatives see it differently. By a vote of 419-3, lawmakers agree to impose
greater sanctions and tie Trump’s hands so he can’t remove them without
recap for Trump fans: the Senate came to the same conclusion—that Russians
meddled in the election. The president might want to get rid of sanctions,
whether or not it would be good for our
country. On June 20 the Senate voted, 98-2, to pass a similar bill and tie up the
guy in the Oval Office.
The Washington Post cites several sources aboard Air Force One when
discussion turned to how to handle revelations about Don Jr.’s meeting with the
Russian lawyer. Aides wanted to release a truthful statement, to get out in
front of the story. No dice said the Liar-in-Chief.
dictated a statement for Don Jr. saying that he and the Russian lawyer had
“primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children.”

is bullshit and the president knows it. So does his son. Two liars for the
price of one!
to the Post, top Trump advisers now worry the president’s
actions leave him vulnerable to allegations of a cover-up.
was . . . unnecessary,” said one of the president’s advisers, who like most
other people interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity
to discuss sensitive internal deliberations. “Now someone can claim he’s the
one who attempted to mislead. Somebody can argue the president is saying he
doesn’t want you to say the whole truth.”
AND FURY IS PUBLISHED, author Michael Wolff claims, “Corallo, seeing no good outcome—and
privately confiding that he believed the meeting on Air Force One represented a
likely obstruction of justice—quit.”)
![]() |
Not on the president's reading list. Actually, he doesn't have a reading list. |
88/2/17: The
White House acknowledges that the president did “weigh in” on the original and
completely disingenuous statement issued in Don Jr.’s name. Press
Secretary Pinocchio claims the president was only helping his son.
It was
what “any father would do.”
is, assuming any father might be trying to hide a trail of collusion with agents of a hostile
foreign power.

opens her mouth: you can pretty much assume lies spill out. The president’s
lawyers later admit he dictated the letter.
8/10/17: The New
York Times and other “Fake News” outlets report that the F.B.I. has
conducted a search of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s home.
Manafort might destroy evidence if given advance warning agents show
up at his house in the night, pick the front door lock and wake him up by
knocking on his bedroom door.
8/27/17: An angry Lou Dobbs
chastises Twitter for shutting down the rightwing website DCLeaks. This is
“leftist Fascism,” he growls.
backs down and reinstates DCLeaks. Suddenly, all is right with the rightwing
(The site
is shut down permanently in July 2018, after Mueller’s investigators link DCLeaks to a Russian military disinformation
Facebook admits Russian trolls bought ads and created
fake personal accounts and issue pages in an effort to sway voters during the 2016
campaign. Their main goals: First, undercut faith in American democracy.
insure defeat for Hillary Clinton.
Melvin Reddick of Harrisburg, Pa., as your first example. Pictured on Facebook,
you could see him, baseball cap turned backwards, holding a cute little girl.
And you could read posts from Melvin like this (June 8, 2016): “These guys show
hidden truth about Hillary Clinton, George Soros and other leaders of the US.
Visit #DCLeaks website. It’s really interesting.”
only was Reddick not a real person, the DCLeaks website was created by Russians,
just days earlier.

Trump hasn’t complained about the “witch hunt” on Twitter since July 29. That
could be because he’s increasingly worried as investigators discover brooms in
various closets.
learn that Special Counsel Mueller is working with the Attorney General of New
York and may charge former Trump campaign aides—and possibly Don Jr. and
Jared—with state crimes. Why state crimes? A president can’t use his pardon power to wipe away state
also know Trump lawyers are arguing over how much evidence to turn over to
Mueller and nervously walking the White House halls. They’re worried other staff members might be wearing
October; date uncertain:
Joseph Mifsud, the professor who first met with George Papadopoulos and offered
dirt on Hillary Clinton, disappears. His whereabouts remain a mystery.
At one
point he does change his WhatsApp status, simply, to: “Alive.”
Trump continues to undercut every institution that bars his path. He’s pissed
about the investigation. He brings up the Steele dossier, first funded by
Republican operatives early in the campaign. Information in the files may
or may not be true; but several accusations have been confirmed. (There’s still no videotape of prostitutes
peeing in the bed. But we can dream!)
President of the United States tweets that the F.B.I. might have been
involved in nefarious practices. Did they pay for this “hit job” which might
prove not to be a hit job at all?
tweets: “Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take
the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the F.B.I. or the Dems (or
has no use for the Fifth Amendment, at least for now. (See: 5/7/2018.)
Trump is so excited he nearly pees his Depends. His name has been cleared! He
has never seen a Russian. Even in Moscow he kept his eyes closed (except when
entering the dressing rooms of half-naked Miss Universe contestants, an
activity he always says he enjoyed).
president watches Fox & Friends and then tweet-thanks the
hosts for a heaping serving of pro-president propaganda.
at 8:33 a.m. Trump buckles down to the issue at hand. “It is now commonly
agreed, after many months of COSTLY looking, that there was NO collusion
between Russia and Trump. Was collusion with HC!” he tap-taps. Yes, devotees of
Fox News! You can close the book on any investigation unless it involves
Hillary. We’ll just lock her up and throw away the key….and…
10/30/17: This
is not one of Trump’s best days, even though he does tweet early in the morning
that there was “NO COLLUSION.”
what you will, Paul Manafort, 68, just got indicted for money laundering and
lying all day, every day, and lying in baby talk.
Press Secretary Pinocchio says none of the indictments have anything to
do with the president or his squeaky-clean campaign. Manafort only worked for
Trump for, oh, five minutes.
indicted: Rick Gates, 45, a Manafort protégé. Gates remained with the campaign up to
Inauguration Day and beyond.
is young. He has a wife and little children to worry about. He cannot relish
spending the next twenty years in an orange jumpsuit. Gates has plenty of
reason to cooperate with the Mueller team. My guess is that he already is.
(Note: This was later confirmed.)
George Papadopoulos, now described by Press Secretary Pinocchio as a nobody in
the campaign, pleads guilty. Trump surrogates start insisting the young man was a “coffee boy,” of no
import in the campaign. The president tweets about some guy named “George,” as
if he never laid eyes on the man.
Yet we
know Candidate Trump did inform the Washington Post that
Papadopoulos was a top adviser on his team. As late as August 2016 a campaign
adviser (unnamed in his guilty plea) was suggesting “George” take a trip to
Moscow and look into a deal with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.
means the next target of investigation may be that top campaign
adviser mentioned in the coffee boy’s indictment. Different sources suggest “George” might have been talking
to Sam Clovis, co-chair of the campaign. Or he might have been talking to Cory
Lewandowski, another former campaign manager. If we are to believe Sean
Hannity and the assorted liars on the Team Trump, all “George” was asking about
was did the Big Bosses want one lump of sugar or two?

was no coffee boy.
know the F.B.I. interviewed Papadopoulos a week after Trump took office. Agents
caught him in several lies, leading to charges of obstruction of justice. If
this sounds familiar it should. “George,” the coffee boy, lied about meeting
with Russians. Who else lied about meetings with Russians?
Kushner. Don Jr. and Manafort.
![]() |
Papadopoulos, center, at left of table. |
Trump is off on a trip to Asia and still sucking up to Putin. Trump tells
reporters he asked Putin again. Did you meddle in the U.S. election? Putin says
+ Putin = ♥♥♥♥♥.
the president describes former heads of the F.B.I., C.I.A. and
the former director of National Intelligence as “political hacks.” He thinks
all of them are lying. Only Putin is telling the truth.

lies to Trump—again. Trump says he believes him. Again!
11/30/17: It
turns out, over the summer, that the president did his best to convince
Republican lawmakers to help him with the investigation. Senator Richard Burr,
head of the Intelligence Committee, says Trump spoke to him about how he’d like
Congress to conduct its business. “It was something along the lines, ‘I hope
you can conclude this [investigation] as quickly as possible.’”
says he responded, “When we have exhausted everybody we need to talk to, we
will finish.”
asked other senators, including Milksop Mitch McConnell and Roy Blunt, to end
the investigation swiftly. Blunt says he was lobbied by the president during an
Air Force One flight to Springfield, Missouri.
he said, told him “to wrap up the investigation.”
12/7/17: We learn that Don Jr. was “grilled” for
eight hours by the House Intelligence Committee. Alas, Jr. refused to answer
questions about what he and his father said, discussing the infamous June 2016
meeting with representatives of the Russian government who offered dirt on
Don Jr. now says he can’t answer any questions about the discussion he had with
good old Dad. Why, House committee members wonder? Client-attorney
privilege, Jr. explains.
seems odd. Don Jr. is not a lawyer. Don Sr. is not a lawyer. (Don Sr. is not
even a very good president).
Trump starts his day off rage-tweeting:
Despite thousands of hours
wasted and many millions of dollars spent, the Democrats have been unable to
show any collusion with Russia - so now they are moving on to the false
accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don’t know and/or have never
This claim is promptly undercut
when People magazine begins posting pictures of the president
with several of the women who have accused him of inappropriate sexual conduct.

The president claims he has never met
any of the women who accuse him.
1/3/18: The
President of the United States wakes up in a chipper mood. He yawns once, feels
the cold side of the bed where Melania used to sleep, and grabs his iPhone to
tweet some sweet Trump love. “Such respect for the people of Iran as they try to take back their
corrupt government,” he types. “You will see great support from the United
States at the appropriate time!”
(Just don’t ever try to immigrate to
the United States.)
Bannon suggests Don Jr. and Jared
committed treason.
Trump’s day takes a malodorous turn
when skunks begin spraying each other. Skunk #1, Steve Bannon, once a Trump
campaign strategist, is quoted in a new book, Fire and Fury. Among
other gems he calls Ivanka “dumb as a brick.”
Bannon suggests that her husband and
brother Don Jr. may have committed treason by holding the now well-documented
meeting with representatives of the Russian government in June 2016.
Naturally, when a skunk sprays Trump,
Skunk #2, he sprays back ten times harder. Trump works on a series of drafts of
a statement blasting Bannon. He says Bannon had nothing to do with his November
victory. Bannon never had one bit of influence while working in the White
And when Bannon lost his job, he “lost
his mind.”
1/8/18: The “Sloppy Steve Apology Tour”
commences. Bannon says he is sorry he criticized members of the Trump family
and got quoted in a book. He says he was wrong when he claimed Don Jr., Jared
and Paul Manafort were possibly guilty of treason when they took the meeting
with the Russians. Bannon says Don Jr. wasn’t “unpatriotic” after all. That’s
not what he meant—even if it is what he said.
Once it becomes clear he might lose
his job at Breitbart, Bannon realizes he was wrong about Don Jr.
and Jared Kushner. “My comments were aimed at
Paul Manafort,” he explains lamely, “a seasoned campaign professional with
experience and knowledge of how the Russians operate. He should have known they
are duplicitous, cunning and not our friends.”
1/10/18: For fifty-five minutes, as
cameras roll, Trump runs a cabinet meeting and seems…normal. He promises to
sign any bill Congress brings him to protect the DACA “Dreamers.”
He wants a “bill of love.”
(I, for one, wonder if maybe Milksop
Mitch has slipped a mickey into the president’s Diet Coke.)
Of course, just as water runs downhill
and Earth revolves around the sun, Trump can’t act normal long. His bile rises
again when he learns Senator Diane Feinstein has released transcripts of
testimony given months ago by GPS Fusion founders to a Senate investigating
committee. (Fusion is involved with the Steele dossier in case you don’t
Naturally, Vladimir’s Secret Santa
feels he must lash out. You know what’s coming!
Trump Tweets!
The single greatest Witch Hunt in
American history continues. There was no collusion, everybody including the
Dems knows there was no collusion, & yet on and on it goes. Russia &
the world is laughing at the stupidity they are witnessing. Republicans should
finally take control [emphasis added]!
What does the president mean when he
says he wants Republicans to take
that doesn’t sound ominous to you, it should.
1/18/18: Can
we assume Donald woke up lonely again in bed? This is not his best day, now
that In Touch magazine is running a 5,000 word interview with
Stormy Daniels, a porn queen who says she slept with Trump in 2006.
other news, Sen. John McCain is the second GOP senator to take the president
to task for attacking the free press.
In an
opinion piece for the Washington Post, he writes:
[The president] has threatened
to continue his attempt to discredit the free press by bestowing “fake news
awards” upon reporters and news outlets whose coverage he disagrees
with [emphasis added]. Whether Trump knows it or not, these efforts
are being closely watched by foreign leaders who are already using his words as
cover as they silence and shutter one of the key pillars of democracy.
decades,” McCain continues, “dissidents and human rights advocates have relied
on independent investigations into government corruption to further their fight
for freedom.”
“The news is what you can prove.”
still true in America. And that’s good. We want Fox News to cover the Benghazi
story. We want the free press to unmask the creepy behaviors of Harvey
Weinstein and Bill O’Reilly. We want CNN to put hard questions to Trump and his
surrogates and not feed us a diet of stories of Trumpian greatness. At the
state and local level we want a free press to unmask crooks in the New York
statehouse, to comment on the misdeeds of the Missouri governor, to give Chris
Christie a thumping for masterminding Bridgegate. Unless we have our heads up
our civic posteriors we want the free press to follow leads in the Russia story
and see where it really ends.
can’t know yet where that is. No one can. Still, the news isn’t “fake” a Washington
Post reporter explains.
news is what you can prove.”
Trump is packing his bags for a trip to Davos, Switzerland, where he will
deliver a big speech at the economic summit. First Lady Trump is not packing
her sexy under-garments—or anything else.
isn’t going. She has a sudden “scheduling conflict.” That conflict is known as
Stormy Daniels, whose story continues to come out in the news.
with reporters later in the day, Trump is asked if he’s ready to talk to Robert
Mueller. He assures them, “I‘m looking forward to it,
actually. I would do it under oath,” he adds.
“I would
like to do it as soon as possible.” (See: 5/7/2018.)
the news Senator McConnell faints dead away. Other right-wing voices howl
warning. Rush Limbaugh comments that same night. “Don’t do it,” he tells
the president. “I don’t care what format. I don’t care what circumstance. Don’t
do it. There’s nothing to gain. Especially if they’re off the ‘collusion’
business, there’s nothing to gain by talking to Mueller.”
1/25/18: The
New York Times reports that Trump wanted to fire Robert Mueller last
summer. This makes Sean Hannity furious. On his nightly show he calls the story
“fake news.” His sources cannot confirm the Times story. Boy
does that piss Hannity off! He warns loyal Fox News fans the Times is
“trying to distract you.” The president would never think of
is informed, on air, that, yes, Fox sources are confirming the story. What can
a right-wing shill do in this situation?
1/26/18: The
Big Topic on cable news is the “perjury trap” which the president might step into
if he talks to Robert Mueller.
right-wing thinker who is taking no chances regarding the perjury trap would be
Patrick Buchanan. He warns that Trump must avoid the trap at all
costs. “If the president’s legal team lets Trump sit for hours answering
Mueller’s agents, they should be disbarred for malpractice.”
Trump should avoid answering questions. That is good strategy.
On Fox
News, Judge Napolitano warns the president—who is no doubt watching
Fox News. Napolitano explains to viewers that Mueller and his team know
“exponentially more about the case than Trump does, and Trump has no way of
knowing what evidence Mueller may already have.”
Trump supporters try out a brand new argument in the Mueller investigation. The
president should refuse to answer questions. Period. He has absolutely nothing
to hide.
So why
bother testifying!
Remember the famous Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. and other Trump campaign
officials, with a bunch of Russians?
New York Times reports Mark Corallo will talk with Mueller’s investigating team.
Corallo, once spokesman for the president’s legal team, will describe a
previously undisclosed conference call with President Trump and White House
aide Hope Hicks. Hicks (a.k.a. The White House Babe), he has told colleagues,
made it clear that emails Don Jr. had sent and received about the meeting “will
never get out.” Only a few people received them. So….couldn’t they just, um….
this, Corallo feared Hicks was contemplating obstruction of justice—destruction
of evidence.
after, the president supervised the drafting of a statement that obscured the
purpose of that meeting, which, to reasonable people might sound like a further
attempt to obstruct justice.
primarily discussed a program about adoption.”
to two people with knowledge of the discussion, “Mr. Trump was insistent about
including language that the meeting was about Russian adoption.” Don Jr. then
insisted on one change. The final statement read:
It was a short introductory
meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We primarily discussed a program
about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with
American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but
it was not a campaign issue at that time and there was no follow up.
Jr.’s change?
It was
to include the word: “primarily.” But it wasn’t. The meeting was arranged for
the purpose of gathering dirt on
was apparently so concerned by the call with the president and The White House
Babe he notified White House lawyers, jotted down notes to memorialize it, and
shared concerns with Steve Bannon.
Probable lie: The White House Babe seemed ready to make
evidence disappear.
Cancel the investigation! Congressman Devin Nunes releases a three-and-1/3-page
memo, proving everyone who works for Trump is an innocent lamb. All the top
officials with the F.B.I. and Department of Justice are lowlife
crooks. According to Nunes, one member of the Trump campaign, Carter Page,
was placed under a FISA warrant without cause in 2016.
proves people like General Flynn and George Papadopoulos, who have pled guilty,
are innocent.
As for
Don Jr. and Jared, this means the secret meeting they had with Russian
government agents no longer matters.
can trust Devin Nunes—even if he did once have to recuse himself from the
Russian investigation.
it probably stings a little when the largest newspaper in his home district,
the Fresno Bee, labels him, “Trump’s stooge.”

Lie: Every
judge on the FISA courts was appointed by a Republican president. The judges
have no reason to go after people in a Republican campaign, unless they broke
the law.
Trump wakes up in a chipper frame of mind. According to no less a legal
authority than himself, the Nunes memo proves that he is innocent of all
wrongdoing in regard to Russia. He tweets:
This memo totally vindicates
“Trump” in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no
Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one
year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an
American disgrace!
2/5/18: A
single tweet allows the president to call five Americans liars. What are all
five lying about? The Russian investigation!
“Little Adam Schiff, who is
desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in
Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves
closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be
Tuesday turns out to be a bad day for Donald J. Trump. Michael Cohen, his
personal lawyer, admits he paid Stormy Daniels—the porn star—$130,000!
worry, though! Cohen paid out of his own pocket. He claims he was not
payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful,” he says, “and was not a campaign
contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
Cohen is telling the truth, that would mean no campaign finance laws were
violated, which would be a good thing if you’re a lawyer and don’t want to be
disbarred. Still: You paid a porn star for
silence. This would not be a good look if you were President of the United
States and trying to convince the American people you would never lie about
dealing with Russians.
if you were the First Lady, you might not think who paid the
porn star or how was
actually the issue. You’d be thinking: Porn star! My husband’s lawyer paid
off a porn star!

Cohen is lying about how and by whom the
money was paid; Trump knows he’s lying and doesn’t correct him.
Capitol Hill, six heads of U.S. intelligence tell a congressional panel the
Russians clearly meddled in the 2016 election. Christopher Wray, the head of
the F.B.I. tells the panel, yes, they did.
Pompeo of the C.I.A. agrees.
Mike Rogers of the National Security Agency concurs.
Cardillo of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and General Robert P.
Ashley Jr. of the Defense Intelligence Agency chips both say yes.
heads of U.S. intelligence agree: the Russians meddled.
Dan Coats, head of National Intelligence, has his say. Of course, the Russian
interfered, he warns. They will try again. “There should be no doubt that Russia perceives that
its past efforts have
been successful [emphasis added] and views the 2018 midterm
U.S. elections as a potential target for Russian influence operations. Frankly,
the United States is under attack.”

For months the president has been insisting the Russians
never meddled in the election.
2/17/18: Special
Counsel Mueller indicts thirteen Russians and three Russian
organizations for meddling in the campaign. Charges included conspiracy,
identity theft and failing to register as foreign agents.
also charges that several Russians, posing as Americans, “communicated with unwitting individuals” [emphasis added] associated
with Trump campaign “to seek to coordinate political activities.”
president insists there has been no proof of collusion.
individuals associated with his campaign were unwitting tools of the Russians. They might not have been
were definitely fools.

You get the idea: one lie for each
indicted Russian or Russian company lurking behind the scenes in this story.
Now ask yourself: When have you ever heard President Trump talk about getting
to the true bottom of this gigantic mess?
2/26/18: A
new poll indicates that 75% of Americans now believe charges
filed by Special Counsel Mueller should be taken seriously. Most tell pollsters
they should be taken “very seriously.” The same poll shows that 58% of
Americans trust Mueller whereas 57% do
not trust the president.
the First Lady has to be having a tough patch. The New Yorker has
reported on another alleged affair involving her husband back in 2006. This
time the target of Donald’s affections was a Playboy Bunny named Karen
magazine explains:
McDougal, a slim brunette…had
been named Playmate of the Year, eight years earlier. In 2001, the magazine’s
readers voted her runner-up for “Playmate of the ’90s,” behind Pamela Anderson.
At the time of the party [at the Playboy Mansion where they met], Trump had
been married to the Slovenian model Melania Knauss for less than two years; their son,
Barron, was a few months old. Trump seemed uninhibited by his new family obligations.
McDougal later wrote that
Trump “immediately took a liking to me, kept talking to me - telling me how
beautiful I was, etc. It was so obvious that a Playmate Promotions exec said,
‘Wow, he was all over you—I think you could be his next wife.’”
We learn
from multiple sources that McDougal (like Stormy Daniels) was paid good money
to keep her mouth, if not her legs, closed in the days leading up to the
election. McDougal received a check for $150,000 from a company owned by a
Trump friend.

Trump had
another affair while married to his third wife.
![]() |
McDougal dressed for work. |
3/7/18: In
more bad news for Trump and his closest circle, Sam Nunberg, who got the 2016
campaign off the ground, agrees to testify before a Grand Jury. Two days
earlier, Nunberg, who had been subpoenaed as part of the Mueller investigation,
was threatening to rip up the court order on national TV.
wasn’t going to “waste 80 hours of his time” complying with a records request
and said Mueller would be crazy to arrest him.
sober second thought he decided to cooperate. Also, he admitted to reporters he
would soon be entering rehab.
is seeking documents and electronic records, from November 1, 2015, till the
present, involving Nunberg and:
K. Bannon
D. Cohen
White House Babe (Hope Hicks)
Donald J. Trump!
also learn, George Nader, a Lebanese-American gentleman is now cooperating with
Mueller’s investigation. Nader often works as an adviser to Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Zayed and the United Arab Emirates.
Nader travels in rarefied circles.
January 17, however, he was stopped by F.B.I agents at Dulles International
Airport in Washington, D.C. They handed Nader a subpoena, relieved him of his
electronic devices and questioned him for hours. This meant he missed his
connecting flight to Mar-a-Lago, where he hoped to help the president celebrate
his first year in office.
did the F.B.I. want to know? And what is Mueller asking Nader about now? One
possibility is that Nader funneled money from the U.A.E. into the Trump
campaign. That would be felonious.
also attended a meeting in the Seychelles Islands (population: 94,677) in
January 2017. If you’re like most Americans, you’re going to have to look up
where those islands are. Nader found them. So did Erik Prince, founder of
Blackwater Security, a man who was serving as an informal adviser to the Trump
transition team at that time. Who else flew to the islands at exactly that same
time? Kirill Dmitriev, representing Vladimir Putin!
can guess where this is going. Dmitriev managed a powerful Russian trust,
sanctioned by President Obama.
to The New York Times, Nader has since been questioned repeatedly about a variety of meetings,
including at least one with Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon at the White
topics slightly, we hear hints of fresh legal problems for members of Team
and McGahn concerned about witness tampering.
Reince Priebus and Donald McGahn and their lawyers were concerned enough about
approaches made to them by Mr. Trump—since both are witnesses in an investigation—to
report questionable contacts to Special Counsel Mueller. Priebus’s contact
might be benign. McGahn’s encounter is more problematic and occurred this past
January, after he had given sworn testimony, and after The New York
Times ran an article about the president’s attempt to fire Mueller in June 2017.
After the article was
published, the White House staff secretary, Rob Porter, told Mr. McGahn that
the president wanted him to release a statement saying that the story was not
true, the people said.
Mr. Porter, who resigned last
month amid a domestic abuse scandal, told Mr. McGahn the president had
suggested he “might get rid” of Mr. McGahn if he chose not to challenge the
article, the people briefed on the conversation said.
Mr. McGahn did not publically
deny the article, and the president later confronted him in the Oval Office in
front of White House chief of staff, John F. Kelley, according to the people.
The president said he had
never ordered Mr. McGahn to fire the special counsel. Mr. McGahn replied that
the president was wrong and that he had in fact asked Mr. McGahn in June to
call the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, to tell him that the
special counsel had a series of conflicts of interest that disqualified him for
overseeing the investigation and that he had to be dismissed.
Or to
put it plainly, if McGahn was correct, the president asked him to lie about
what happened last summer.

Take your pick: either Trump is lying or
McGahn is; and remember: Priebus, Porter and Kelly are all potential witnesses.
Nader is also a witness.
3/12/18: The
GOP-controlled U.S. House Intelligence Committee releases its long-awaited
report. Yes, the Russians did interfere in the election!
village idiot already knew that.
The Russians didn’t care who won. (The F.B.I. and C.I.A. would demur.) “We disagree with the narrative that they
were trying to help Trump,” Rep. Devin Nunes, the head of the House committee,
weren’t going to find anything they didn’t want to find.
we know the president is thrilled with these “findings.” He tweets his joy, all
in caps:
might impress the president and his fans but Nunes and the Republicans weren’t going
to find evidence of anything they didn’t want to find. And they really, really didn’t
want to find any evidence that would harm the president.
London a nerve gas agent has been employed to poison a former Russian double
agent and his daughter. Prime Minister Theresa May blames the Russian government for what she calls
an “indiscriminate and reckless” act, which left hundreds of bystanders and
first responders subject to contamination.
if the White House is willing to condemn Russia, Press Secretary Pinocchio thrice
weakly responds, saying the U.S. supports Great Britain, our closest ally. The
word “Russia” is frozen from her lips.
3/17/18: Trump spends a quiet Saturday
morning in the White House. Just before lunch he warms up and renews
his assault on the rule of law.
second tweet of the day reads:
As the House Intelligence
Committee has concluded, there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump
Campaign. As many are now finding out, however, there was tremendous leaking,
lying and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI, Justice & State.
the cornered rat he increasingly feels he is, Trump keeps squeaking. Finally,
he lets loose a furious Twitter blast:
The Mueller probe should never
have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime. It was
based on fraudulent activities and a Fake Dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary
and the DNC, and improperly used in FISA COURT for surveillance of my campaign.
lied about this before.
we learn that Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, floated the idea of presidential pardons to
Manafort and Michael Flynn last summer, before either had decided to cooperate
with the Mueller team.
course, none of this proves criminal intent. It just appears that way.
O’Day makes tabloid headlines, hinting broadly that she had an affair with Donald
J. Trump…Jr. The former contestant on The Apprentice had
previously floated the idea that a song she wrote, “DJT” was about the young
Pussy Grabbing Jedi.

try to pay attention: How many people would now have to be lying in a “scheme”
to frame Donald J. Trump? You could assume there are dozens of major players,
most with heretofore sterling reputations, supported by documentation, and
often speaking in the name of hundreds of federal agents and investigators.
Or you
could figure: Trump is lying.
would you teach, to save a sinking land,
All fear, none aid you, and few
Alexander Pope
Sunday morning, Trump is at it again. First, he tunes to Fox News. At 7:02 he
tweets: “Wow, watch Comey lie under oath to Senator G when asked ‘have you ever
been an anonymous source...or known someone else to be an anonymous source...?’
He said strongly ‘never, no.’ He lied as shown clearly on @foxandfriends.”
this point, if Fox & Friends claimed bagels were sentient,
Trump would tweet agreement; and his loyal fans would support him.)
7:22 Trump denies that notes former F.B.I. leader Andrew McCabe says he took
after meetings with the president actually exist.
what you like about any mistakes McCabe might have made, but remember Trump is
a man who can insist he never had an affair with a porn star, but if she does have evidence and spills it,
he’s going to take her to court for $20 million.
tweet-denial reads: “Spent very little time with Andrew McCabe, but he never
took notes when he was with me. I don’t believe he made memos except to help
his own agenda, probably at a later date. Same with lying James Comey. Can we
call them Fake Memos?”
can call them “fake memos” if you want. In court, a judge would almost surely
call these contemporaneous notes “evidence.”
doesn’t help the president’s case when it is revealed a third top official at the F.B.I., Dana
Boente, also kept notes.
notes back Comey’s story up.
Trump almost has to be
lying again; but, technically, it isn’t yet proven.
Trump starts a new week the same way he ended the last, tweet-raging about the
Mueller investigation.
We can assume his mood does not
improve as the day progresses. The stock market takes a tumble after Facebook
is revealed to have been duped into allowing a data-mining
operation to steal the personal information of 50,000,000 users.
And what was the name of the company
that did the mining? Cambridge Analytica!
Who used that firm during his or her
campaign for president?
Trump did.
Who decided using Cambridge would be a
good idea? Jared Kushner and Brad Parscale, who headed up the Trump campaign’s
digital operations. (Parscale has already been tapped to fill the same role in
2020, if all these sleaze bags manage to stay out of jail by then.)
What kind of characters run Cambridge
Analytica? Of course, there had to be a Russian-American, Aleksandr Kogan,
involved. Professor Kogan lied to Facebook, the site now says, and got his
digital foot in the door.
Communications Laboratories: Propaganda for sale.
Channel 4 News in Britain, where Strategic
Communications Laboratories Group (SCL), the parent company of Cambridge, is located, recently began investigating company
practices. An undercover reporter “posing as a fixer for a very wealthy client”
from Sri Lanka was sent to seek help from Chief Executive Alexander Nix of
Here’s how Nix explained [punctuation
follows British rules] the way the company worked—all at the right price:
In one exchange, when asked
about digging up material on political opponents, Mr Nix said they could “send
some girls around to the candidate’s house”, adding that Ukrainian girls “are
very beautiful, I find that works very well”.
In another he said: “We’ll
offer a large amount of money to the candidate, to finance his campaign in exchange
for land for instance, we’ll have the whole thing recorded, we’ll blank out the
face of our guy and we post it on the Internet.”
Offering bribes to public
officials is an offence under both the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act. Cambridge Analytica operates in the UK and is registered
in the United States.
…Mr Nix told our reporter:
“…we’re used to operating through different vehicles, in the shadows, and I
look forward to building a very long-term and secretive relationship with you.”
Along with Mr Nix, the
meetings also included Mark Turnbull, the managing director of CA Political
Global, and the company’s chief data officer, Dr Alex Tayler.
Mr Turnbull described how,
having obtained damaging material on opponents, Cambridge Analytica can
discreetly push it onto social media and the internet.
He said: “… we just put
information into the bloodstream of the internet, and then, and then watch it
grow, give it a little push every now and again… like a remote control. It has
to happen without anyone thinking, ‘that’s propaganda’, because the moment you
think ‘that’s propaganda’, the next question is, ‘who’s put that out?’”
Mr Nix also said: “…Many of
our clients don’t want to be seen to be working with a foreign company… so
often we set up, if we are working then we can set up fake IDs and websites, we
can be students doing research projects attached to a university, we can be
tourists, there’s so many options we can look at. I have lots of experience in
Just for the fun, who would you guess worked with Cambridge on this side of
the Atlantic Ocean, possibly in an illegal way, to shape the 2016 election? How
about one-time Trump campaign manager Cory Lewandowski!
Signs of trouble for the president
continue to multiply. Senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain, two Republicans
with principles intact, warn him not to fire Mueller. “If he tried to do that,
that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency, because we’re a rule
of law nation,” Graham says.
Congressman Trey Gowdy, famous for
leading the Benghazi investigation and by no means a “hardened Democrat,” says
if the president is innocent he “should act like it.”
If you haven’t noticed he isn’t.
FACT: According to The New York Times, during the 2016 campaign
Cambridge Analytica shared office space with Trump’s San Antonio-based digital
operation and the head of SCL, the parent company, took credit for his
November 9, 2016, Nix explained, “We are thrilled that our revolutionary
approach to data-driven communications played such an integral part [emphasis
added] in President-elect Donald Trump’s extraordinary win.”
FACT #2: Trump’s campaign paid Cambridge $5.9 million in five separate payments
and then tried to deny any links. Last October, Newsweek questioned that stance.
Donald Trump’s campaign
blatantly down-played the role data firm Cambridge Analytics played in helping
the president win last year and even ignored the campaign’s own
boasts following the election after the firm was linked to a collusion
effort [emphasis added] with Russians.

Trump campaign pretends they knew nothing about Cambridge. Almost six million
dollars says they did.
3/20/18: The
Big Orange President calls Shirtless Strongman Putin to congratulate him on
winning an election in which leading opposition candidates were barred from
John McCain responds correctly:
[A]n American president does
not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections.
And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian
citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to
determine their country’s future, including the countless Russian patriots who
have risked so much to protest and resist Putin’s regime.
Secretary Pinocchio admits that the president did not mention Russian meddling
in the election. Nor did he ask about the use of a nerve agent in an attempted
assassination of a leading Kremlin critic on British soil.
Congratulations, Vlad!
3/21/18: John
O. Brennan served for twenty-five years with the C.I.A. He left government
service, and then returned, serving as head of the agency from 2013 to
2017. In theory, he could be another liar picking on poor Donald.
Trump ordered Andrew McCabe fired (just hours before he became eligible for an
F.B.I. pension), Brennan tweeted his response:
When the full extent of your
venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will
take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.
You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but will not destroy America ...America will
triumph over you.
serious threat to US national security.”
So, if
you watched Fox, you had to figure:
McCabe was a liar.
James Comey was a liar.
Brennan was a liar.
fifth “liar,” retired four-star General Barry R. McCaffrey, had harsh words for Trump the same day.
“Reluctantly,” he tweeted, “I have concluded that President Trump is a serious
threat to US national security. He is refusing to protect vital US interests
from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason
under the sway of Mr Putin.”
what does McCaffrey know?
All he
has are three Purple Hearts, two Silver Stars for valor, and
two Distinguished Service Crosses on his record.
3/22/18: John
Dowd, Trump’s lead defense lawyer, suddenly resigns. Sources tell reporters
Dowd believes he cannot control his client. Trump reportedly believes Mueller
is the Anti-Christ.
just eleven days earlier, the president had fired off a pair of tweets to
attack the Fake News people at The New York Times:
The Failing New York Times
purposely wrote a false story stating that I am unhappy with my legal team on
the Russia case and am going to add another lawyer to help out. Wrong. I am
VERY happy with my lawyers, John Dowd, Ty Cobb and Jay Sekulow. They are
doing a great job and.....
...have shown conclusively
that there was no Collusion with Russia..just excuse for losing. The only
Collusion was that done by the DNC, the Democrats and Crooked Hillary. The
writer of the story, Maggie Haberman, a Hillary flunky, knows nothing about me
and is not given access.

Trump lies
when he says he was happy with his lawyers and insists the Times story
was “Fake News.” It wasn’t.
Speaking of lawyers, Trump continues to have trouble finding topflight lawyers
to defend him in the Russian investigation.
however, is telling aides he can hire any lawyer he wants, including Saul
Goodman, from “Better Call Saul.”
3/29/18: Rick
Gates now admits he was aware an
individual he was communicating with during the Trump 2016 campaign
had ties to Russian intelligence.

goes to the question of how much you can trust your average Trump. Like father,
like son, we know Don Jr. lied to his wife.
3/30/18: Friday,
as first reported by the British newspaper, the Guardian,
Trump campaign figure Ted Malloch, was intercepted at the Boston airport after
a flight from London. Malloch was separated from his wife, served a subpoena,
and had his cellphone confiscated by the F.B.I.
would Malloch be of interest to the Russia investigation? Malloch has close
ties with Nigel Farage—who has close ties with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks—who
helped expose the damaging Clinton/Democratic National Committee emails—which
helped Trump win the election.
In an
email response to the Guardian story, Malloch,
described himself as a policy
wonk and defender of Trump, [and] said the FBI also asked him about his
relationship with Roger Stone, the Republican strategist, and whether he had
ever visited the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the Wikileaks founder
Julian Assange has resided for nearly six years.
…Malloch said the federal
agents who stopped him and separated him from his wife “seemed to know
everything about me” and warned him that lying to the FBI was a felony. In the
statement Malloch denied having any Russia contacts.
The biggest
lying asshole of all.
soon learn that Stone is nervous. Thursday
night, Sam Nunberg, once the brains behind the Trump run for president, says during
a TV interview that Stone had tried to “curry
favor with Trump by suggesting he had met with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
prior to the 2016 presidential election.”
did not sit well with Stone. He quickly took to Instagram to blast his former
friend and ally. Nunberg, he said, was a “psycho,” “a cocaine addict” and
a “lying asshole.”
are times it appears that President Trump has surrounded himself with lying
assholes; and he’s the biggest lying asshole of all.
4/1/18: The
Treasury Department announces sanctions on 17 more Russian officials, 12
companies, 7 Russian oligarchs and 6 Lords-a-Leaping.
those sanctioned: Oleg Deripaska and eight of his companies.
Any connection to anyone in the Trump 2016 campaign?
and Paul Manafort had been doing business for years prior to Donald J. Trump’s
run for the money…I mean...president.
Torshin, also sanctioned, worked through the N.R.A. to set up a meeting with
Don Jr. during the campaign.
third gentleman on the list is Suleiman Kerimov, accused of smuggling cash into
France in suitcases, $20 million at a time, and laundering it by purchasing
villas. Why might that ring alarm bells in Trumpistan? NPR explains:
The Treasury Department’s
singling out of Kerimov for allegedly smuggling cash out of Russia
followed a report this week by CNN that said Justice Department special
counsel Robert Mueller’s office has been interdicting wealthy Russians as they
fly into the United States in order to interview them about potentially
transporting cash.
If Russia funneled money to
American political campaigns or organizations as part of its attack on the 2016
election, one way it might have done so is by simply smuggling paper dollars in
order to avoid electronic transfer records.
Foreign contributions are
barred in U.S. elections…
One way in which illicit money
allegedly moves out of Russia is via real estate. A rich person buys property
in the West—in London, New York or South Florida—without living in it. Instead,
hot real estate markets in those places make it simple to resell a condo or a
mansion and free up legitimate cash. In Kerimov’s case, he was allegedly using
this scheme in the south of France when he was arrested in Nice last year.
2008, Donald Trump sold an estate he had purchased for around $42 million in
Palm Beach, Fla., to Russian tycoon Dmitry Rybolovlev for $95 million.
else was on a January 2018 Treasury Department list for possible sanction? Rybolovlev was one. Aras
Agalarov, who helped broker the infamous meeting in Trump Tower, would be
second. Sergei Gorkov, a Russian banker who met with Kushner during the transition period
before Trump took office, would be third. Gazprom, a Russian oil company and Rosneft Oil—tied to Carter Page, the Trump aide who became
a target of the FISA court—would make four and five.
are so many potentially corrupt links and conflicts of interest it takes Politico seven
charts to include them all.

are so many potential lies involved that we’ll just stick a big Russian flag
here and continue with our story.
4/9/18: The
day starts badly for President Trump, when F.B.I. agents
bearing search warrants raid the office, home and New York City hotel suite of
his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.
terrible mistake for the country.”
is not a good look for the President of the United States. The Chicago
Tribune and every reputable news outlet in America pick up the story.
“This search warrant,” former U.S. attorney Joyce White Vance tells a reporter,
“is like dropping a bomb on Trump’s front porch.”
As you
might expect, Trump lashes out at everyone involved in the raid. First, he goes
after Jeff Sessions. Speaking to reporters, the president vents. “The Attorney
General made a terrible mistake when he did this and when he recused himself,
or he should have certainly let us know if he was going to recuse himself, and
we would have used a—put a different attorney general in,” Trump groans. “So he
made what I consider to be a very terrible mistake for the country but you’ll
figure that out.”
this in view. Trump believes the job of the Attorney General is to protect him from
investigation. If Trump gets in legal trouble it’s somehow “a very terrible
mistake for the country.”
continues angrily:
So I just heard that they
broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys, a good man and it’s a disgraceful situation. It’s a total witch-hunt.
I’ve been saying it for a long time. I’ve wanted to keep it down. We’ve given I
believe over a million pages worth of documents to the special counsel. They
continue to just go forward and here we are talking about Syria, we’re talking
about a lot of serious things with the greatest fighting force ever and I have
this witch-hunt constantly going on for over 12 months now and actually much
more than that. You could say it was right after I won the nomination it
started. And it’s a disgrace, it’s a real disgrace. It’s an attack on our country in a true sense [emphasis added].
for a moment and consider the president’s fury. First, federal agents didn’t
“break in” to the office. They executed a court-ordered warrant.
it’s not about the documents turned over. It’s a warrant aimed at gathering
evidence authorities have probable cause to believe Cohen
may be about to hide or destroy.
it’s not “an attack on our country.” This was a raid in pursuit of evidence of
possible crimes committed or in planning.
is not hard to grasp. The rule of law—enshrined first in the Magna Carta in
1215—back when kings believed they could rule with impunity, protects all of us
from abuse by government officials.
need to guard against the subversion of the rule of law by this president—and
any other president to come.

It’s a
lie to say that agents “broke into” Michael Cohen’s office. They had probable
cause; and they had a warrant.
Trump wakes up angry. He can’t kill the Stormy Daniels story. His personal
lawyer just got raided. The president’s first order of business is
to tweet: “Attorney–client privilege is dead!”
usual, he doesn’t have his facts straight.
F.B.I. did seize documents and records involving communications between Trump
and Cohen. But special agents at the Bureau will have to peruse these materials
and make sure attorney-client privilege is not undermined.
privilege is not protected in
cases when attorney and client are
conspiring to commit new crimes.

privilege is not dead.
4/11/18: I
think we can assume the president spent another restless night in the White
House. Trump has serious issues to consider. For starters he must carefully
study a strike against Syrian military targets….
turns out the president is fuming about “an attack on our country in a true
sense,” and by that we mean...Russians?
means the F.B.I. raid on his lawyer, Michael Cohen’s office, home and hotel
do we know about the lawyer in question? Cohen has long been referred to as
Trump’s “pit bull.” In December 2015, with Trump already running for office,
Cohen was excited to see a news story quoting Vladimir Putin, saying Trump was
“talented” and “very colorful.”
viewed that story through the same lens anyone who works for Donald J. Trump would.
Namely: green-colored glasses. This was a chance to cash in! Cohen emailed a
friend who had been talking extensively with the Russians in an effort to close
the deal and build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
is the time,” Cohen told Felix Sater. “Call me.”
was working on drumming up Kremlin support. Negotiations progressed to where
Candidate Trump signed a letter of intent to build in the Russian
capital. Then the deal stalled.
reached out to the Russians again in January 2016.
remember: His boss is running to become the President of the United
States. And what is the focus here?
contacted Vladimir Putin’s private secretary to ask about getting a tower
built. According to Cohen nothing lucrative could be arranged. “I decided to
abandon the proposal less than two weeks later for business reasons,” he said,
“and do not recall any response to my email.”
addition, we now learn that the president had to be talked down from the White
House roof Tuesday—not to mention last December. The raids aimed at his lawyer left Trump in a rage.
to one White House source, behind the scenes the president was acting like a
loon. Asked by reporters on Monday if he intended to fire Mueller, Trump
responded, “We’ll see what happens.…Many people have said ‘you should fire
him,’” he claimed. Then he went with the clincher: “Again, they [the
investigators] found nothing and in finding nothing, that’s a big
course, if we’re being honest—always a problem for the president—no one knows
what the F.B.I. has found in Cohen’s case, including, for now, the F.B.I.
Secretary Pinocchio announces to reporters that, of course, the president can
fire Mueller any time he wants to.

Trump knows Cohen is lying when he says
negotiations for a deal in Moscow ended in January 2016. He doesn’t correct his
lawyer’s story.
once there are rumblings among Republicans, however gingerly they express them.
Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, is at the forceful end of the spectrum. “It would be suicide
for the president to want to talk about firing Mueller,” he warns.
Milksop Mitch is waiting to be enrolled in the Witness Protection Program and
cannot be reached for comment.
of the House Paul Ryan gives it up and announces he will be retiring at the end
of his term.
Fresh details continue to surface regarding the F.B.I. raids on Michael Cohen’s
office, home and hotel suite. For example, we learn the warrants also included
a safety deposit box.
are hints that law
enforcement officials believe Trump’s lawyer may have coordinated the release
of Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails for the same day the Access
Hollywood tape broke.
third hush money deal revealed.
abound. Did this release involve coordination with Russian entities which may
have been involved in the hacks? (See: 4/14/18.) Was a $150,000 payment
from a Ukrainian businessman to Candidate Trump (funneled through Trump’s
charitable foundation), in return for a 20-minute skyped “speech” by Trump, influence buying by a foreign entity in
the lead-up to the election? It looks surprisingly similar to the $150,000 that
ended up in the hands of Karen McDougal, the former Playboy Playmate, around
that time. McDougal, in case you’re getting your scandals mixed up, is the
Bunny who alleges she had a ten-month affair with Trump starting in 2006.
story was paid for, ostensibly, by David Pecker, publisher of the National
Enquirer, and then killed.
Cohen and Trump are longtime friends.
the raid on Cohen’s office has shaken loose the story of a third hush payment. A Trump Tower
doorman confirms he was paid $30,000 in days leading up to the 2016 election,
not to talk about a housekeeper and Donald J. Trump’s love child. Who paid and
buried the story?
and Cohen!
this all means, if you try to sort it out, is that possible crimes committed
include: bank fraud, wire fraud, multiple campaign finance violations, ethical
lapses serious enough to get Cohen disbarred and, most serious of all, an
on-going conspiracy to cover up all the other crimes.
Who might be involved in a criminal
conspiracy? Donald J. Trump.

Cohen, Pecker and Trump are all lying; we
just don’t find that out until later. Technically, this has nothing to do with
Russia. Again, you have to decide who you think is telling the truth. And, god
damn, these people lie all the time!
4/14/18: Have
we mentioned payoffs lately? Well, besides the doorman who got a measly $30,000
not to talk about Trump and the housekeeper’s baby? If you want to get
paid to keep your mouth shut, clearly the man to see is Michael Cohen. We now
know Cohen has been involved four payoffs. The whopper, so far, was coughed up
not to help out Trump but a top fund raiser for the Republican National
Committee. This payoff went to silence a second Playboy Bunny.
$1.6 million!
turns out this payoff went to a Bunny impregnated by Elliott Broidy. Broidy
was—until the news hit Friday—a bigtime fundraiser for Trump and deputy finance
chair for the RNC.
current member of that same committee, perhaps not much longer, is Cohen.
third pillar of conservative respectability, and the finance chairman, was
Stephen Wynn. Wynn exited in January after multiple women came
forward to accuse him of forcing sex upon them. This included one victim who
turned up pregnant but was paid $7.5 million in hush money to take a long

are not “Russian” lies; but consider who we are dealing with here. These people
will lie about anything: The doorman lies about the baby. Broidy lies
about the other baby. Wynn is a predator. Cohen lies to protect them.
to assess all of this evidence and to decide what one thinks of the president
himself, how does the average American separate the sheep from the sex-crazed
turns out Broidy was vice chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee. And there’s
also this: Last October, Broidy and Trump met at the White House to discuss
subjects of interest to the United Arab Emirates, for whom Broidy sometimes
works. Among other concerns, leaders of the U.A.E. hoped Trump would fire
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson—which he soon did—because they believed
Tillerson was too friendly with their neighbor and rival Qatar.
for fun—the U.A.E. signed a deal with Circinus, L.L.C., Broidy’s
security company, and paid out $200 million.
At the
time, Broidy was working closely with George Nader, an adviser to the U.A.E.
Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, was once charged with child pornography in the U.S. but
dodged conviction on a technicality. Then he got convicted for real in
the Czech Republic, and spent time in jail.
are allegations—as yet unproven—that Nader may have steered Emirati cash to…of course…the Trump
campaign in 2016. (See: 3/7/18.)
has been in the headlines before, although not for anything as titillating as
boinking a Playboy Bunny at a high per-boink rate. In 2009 he was forced to plead guilty when it was proven he made
at least $1 million in illegal gifts to New York State officials in order to
win a $250 million pension fund deposit for an investment firm he oversaw.
According to The New York Times those gifts included “trips to Israel and Italy, payouts to
official’s relatives and girlfriends [emphasis added]
and an investment in one [girlfriend’s] relative’s production of a low-budget
movie called Chooch.”

lies about child pornography. Broidy lies about pension funds. These are the
people the President of the United States likes to hang with.
So who
should we believe is telling the truth in this whole sorry saga of Trump and
the Russians—with the Playboy Bunnies thrown in?
Comey is the liar who threatens America.
make that decision all the more difficult, on Friday, the RNC (yes, the same
crew who brought you all the sexual abuse above), kicked off a campaign to
prove James Comey is the liar who threatens America.
a screenshot of the RNC link:
but absolutely not least,
guess who may in fact have taken a trip to Prague in 2016—as reported in the
Steele dossier—the dossier which according to everyone who ever worked for
Trump is chock-a-block filled with lies?
hint: This man once claimed, “I have never been to Prague in my life.”
hint: Christopher Steele, who compiled the dossier, said sources warned him
this man was involved in a conspiracy to coordinate ties with the Russians
to help the Trump campaign.
it’s Michael Cohen!
to McClatchy, Mueller’s team has uncovered evidence that Cohen traveled first to Germany.
This would show up on his passport. He then crossed the Czech Republic border
later, which would not.
our national dilemma is clear. If Mueller has
evidence Cohen was in Prague and Cohen says he was never in Prague, well,
who do we believe??? The guy in charge of paying off porn stars?
boss, who we know cheats on all his wives?
Or the
former head of the F.B.I., a decorated war hero, Robert Mueller? That would be
the guy once confirmed by a U.S. Senate vote of 100-0.
you know the U. S. Senate could agree, 100-0 on any topic, including: If an
asteroid the size of Madagascar was speeding toward Planet Earth and NASA could
launch a rocket to stop it, NASA should?
in Mueller’s case, they did.
This allegation about
Cohen traveling to Prague remains unproven to this day.
It may be a real case
of “Fake News.”
4/16/18: Some
days you don’t know whether to be terrified or bemused. Cohen has had only
three legal clients in the past year. One would be Trump. Second would be
Elliott Broidy.
third turns out to be none other than Sean Hannity, pillar of conservative
respectability at Fox News.
admit: I am hoping there’s another Playboy Bunny involved.
4/19/18: Did
we just say “another Playboy Bunny?”
did—and another Playboy Bunny, Barbara Moore, surfaces and says she had a lengthy affair with Trump
around the same time Marla Maples, his future second wife, was pregnant with
Donald's baby.
we’re not done yet!!! A Bunny friend of Moore’s says she once watched while Bunny Moore and Trump
had sex.

lies to Marla about the affair; Trump lies to Moore about being engaged. If you
haven’t noticed, Donald J. Trump lies rather frequently.
Besides bingeing on Fox News and wondering when Melania is going to dump his
orange ass for all the lying about porn stars and Playboy Bunnies x 2, what is
the President of the United States up to today? He’s fuming every time he hears
the name “James Comey.” He rages every time he thinks about Comey’s memos,
which Comey says outline talks he and Trump had about the Russia investigation.
months, Trump insisted those memo’s didn’t exist. Comey never took notes while
they were together!
just made them up later to cover his F.B.I. butt.
At one
point, Trump went for a lying-sack-of-presidential-poop bluff. He could prove Comey was lying. In a tweet
he hinted that the White House had actual tapes of their talks.

Several weeks passed. Trump laid low. Apparently, he was
lying in wait to catch Comey in a “perjury trap” of his own. (See: 1/26/18.)
Okay. No. Trump finally admitted he was stuffed with goose
poop. If there were tapes…. um, he didn’t have any.
the Comey memos have been released. They don’t directly implicate the president
in any collusion with Russians.
Trump allies suddenly insist the Comey memos are
real. You know what that proves? It’s GOP magic! What Trump claimed did
not exist now exists and the memos prove Trump is innocent.

supporters are lying for him. The memos prove Comey took notes on conversations
with the president just as he said. Trump lied when he acted like he had tapes.
related news, the Senate Judiciary Committee votes 14-7, to move forward with
a bill to protect the Mueller investigation.
Mitch says he sees no need to bring the
bill to the Senate floor; but the fact four Republicans, including
committee chairman Chuck Grassley, sense danger tells us much about the fear
Republicans secretly harbor in regard to the nut job occupant of the Oval
is clear about the need for protection for Mueller and any special counsels to
Because special counsel investigations
only occur where there is a conflict of interest within the executive branch,
special counsel investigations are usually matters of great national concern.
And Congress, by exercising its oversight powers, can help the American people
to have confidence that these investigations are conducted efficiently and
Something unusual takes place on this day; but we won’t know how unusual for
almost a year. (See: 3/13/19.)
At the time, the President is still tweeting out his undying
love for former lawyer, Michael Cohen.
In fact, when The New York Times publishes a story
indicating that Cohen might flip on the president, Trump calls the reporter a
“Crooked H flunkie,” claims the Times is using “non-existent ‘sources,’” and refers
to his former fixer as, “Michael, a fine person with a wonderful family.”
But no way will he flip.

Continuing the thought at the end of the tweet shown above,
Trump is sure: “Most people will flip if the Government lets them out of
trouble, even if.... means lying or making up stories. Sorry, I don’t
see Michael doing that despite the horrible Witch Hunt and the dishonest media!”

the scenes, some of the clearest signs of obstruction of justice will
eventually be revealed. Plus, the “dishonest media” have the story right.
4/26/18: In a
29-minute long rant on April 26, during a phone call to the Three Stooges
at Fox & Friends, Trump insists no campaign funds were ever
used in any way, shape or form to pay off Stormy the porn star.
Trump’s rambling diatribe sounds so unhinged even the Stooges become alarmed. Finally, Brian Kilmeade decides to cut the man off.
“We’ll see you next Thursday, Mr. President,” he smiles into the camera. “We know you have a lot to do.”

By this time, the president has already
signed several checks to Cohen in an effort to keep the story of the porn star
payoffs from exploding. So he’s actually lying to the fools at Fox News.
President Twitter Thumbs is so excited he has to tap out the news! The Russian
investigation is over.
to the final report of the GOP-controlled House Intelligence Committee, Trump
never saw a Russian walk into the Oval Office, never talked to Putin about
anything except the World Series, nor did he have any kind of sex
whatsoever with Russian hookers or watch them urinating.
The committee
has released its report, which, to be honest, they could have written without
doing any investigating at all.
Just Out: House Intelligence
Committee Report released. “No evidence” that the Trump Campaign “colluded,
coordinated or conspired with Russia.” Clinton Campaign paid for Opposition
Research obtained from Russia- Wow! A total Witch Hunt! MUST END NOW!”
should probably tell him that this investigation was so inept the Republicans
couldn’t have proved the president ate cheeseburgers in bed, even if they
caught him with a half-eaten sandwich in one hand and ketchup stains down the
front of his golden presidential PJ’s.
On the
other hand, the free press continues to do what the free press does
best. It keeps digging for truth.
emails show that Natalia
Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Trump’s son, Trump’s
son-in-law and Trump’s campaign manager at Trump Tower was not at the June 2016
meeting just to talk about adoption.
In an
interview with Richard Engel of NBC News, she admits she has not been entirely truthful.
Previously, she had said that she “wasn’t an agent for anyone” the day she
showed up offering dirt on Hillary Clinton. “I
am a lawyer, and I am an informant,” she now tells Engel. “Since 2013, I have
been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor
That makes her an
informant for the Russian equivalent of our Attorney General.

Veselnitskaya lied about who she was representing and why she
showed up at Trump Tower.
Trump explains to a crowd at a rally in Michigan that same
day—as he preps to run again in 2020 by ignoring the job in 2018—that this
proves he’s really, really innocent of colluding with Russia!
It was always clear who the “woman lawyer” was working for.
Here’s an actual sample of his
goofy logic. “I guarantee you, I’m tougher on Russia,” he tells cheering
In fact, have you heard about
the lawyer? For a year, a woman lawyer, she was like, ‘Oh, I know nothing.’
...Now all of a sudden she supposedly is involved with government. You know
why? If she did that, because Putin and the groups said, ‘you know this Trump
is killing us. Why don’t you say that you’re involved with government so that
we could go and make their life in the United States even more chaotic.’ Look
at what’s happened. Look at how these politicians have fallen for this junk.
Russian collusion. Give me a break.”
may come as a shock to those who love Donald J. Trump with a love beyond
reason. But it was always clear the
“woman lawyer” in question was working for the Russian government. It’s just
that for two years everybody in the Trump administration refused to admit it.
says in the emails to Don Jr. who Veselnitskaya is working for. (See: 7/9/17.)

lies about not knowing Veselnitskaya was representing the Russian government.
Edward Levi, appointed by President Gerald Ford to lead the Department of
Justice in the wake of the Watergate scandals, once made clear his
understanding of his role. “Our law is not an instrument of partisan purpose.”
cannot become “anyone’s weapon.”
Bell, appointed by President Jimmy Carter, stood on virtually the same spot.
His department, Bell said, was “a neutral
zone in the government, because the law has to be neutral.”
comparison, Trump has made it clear the
rule of law is an impediment. If he had his way, he said during his
campaign, he’d lock Hillary Clinton up as soon as he finished reciting the oath
of office.
this month he warned that former F.B.I. Director James Comey should be thrown
in jail.
this fine spring day, infuriated (once again) after watching his propaganda
pals at Fox News, he blasts former
director of National Intelligence James Clapper for “leaking” information
to CNN, having “wavered” (according to Fox) in testimony before Congress that
he had not.
consider how Trump views the Department of Justice. In an interview last
December with The New York Times, Trump made it clear what he thought
the job of the DOJ was. First he whined about his Attorney General Jeff
Sessions and Sessions’ failure to protect him from investigation.
only Sessions would do for him what he imagined—in a clear case of
projection—Attorney General Eric Holder had done for Obama!
have great respect for that.”
don’t want to get into loyalty,” Trump responded to a question about whether or
not he had ever asked law enforcement officials for loyalty, “but I will tell
you that, I will say this: Holder protected President Obama. Totally protected
him. When you look at the things that they did, and Holder protected the
president. And I have great respect for that, I’ll be honest.”
other words: forget the rule of law.
would have great respect for
anyone in the Department of Justice if they “totally protected him.”
4/29/18: In
an article titled “The End of Intelligence,” written by former C.I.A. head
Michael V. Hayden, The New York Times allows Hayden to
focus on some of the boldest lies of Candidate and now President Trump.
Candidate Trump claimed he
watched a video of thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the collapse
of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
He said the father of Ted
Cruz had a hand in the assassination of President Kennedy.
In July 2017, President Trump
claimed—after a disastrous speech to the Boys Scouts—that a Scout official had
called him to say it was “the greatest speech ever made to them.”
bad was the president’s lying?
writes that David Press, an intelligence officer who once gave daily
presidential intelligence briefings, asked him if he thought Trump could even
“distinguish between truth and untruth.”
is blunt: “We in the intelligence world have dealt with obstinate and
argumentative presidents through the years. But we have never served a president for whom ground truth really doesn’t
goes on to note that White House aides reportedly call Trump the “two-minute
man.” And we’re not talking sex.
your mind out of the gutter.
mean “briefings.” Previous presidents often received 60-page intelligence
briefings daily. Trump wants his five pages or shorter. Trump would be
happy if his briefing papers read simply: “Donald Trump is the absolute best
president ever and his hair looks great and he’s not even a little overweight!”
visit to the C.I.A. to see a friend retire allowed Hayden the chance to meet
many young agents and left him with a sense of hope. “Still, I wondered whether
the officers I saw at the ceremony realized how much we are now counting on
them. They know we traditionally rely on their truth-telling to protect us from
our enemies.
we need it to save us from ourselves.”

We know the story of Moslems celebrating
in New Jersey was a lie, as was the story about Ted Cruz’s father. They don’t
involve Russians; but if you have to assess the veracity of Donald J. Trump,
you know what he’s like.
5/1/18: The
sun rises over Washington. Trump awakes. Trump learns The New York
Times has published an article about forty-nine questions the
Mueller team would like him to answer.
tweets. Trump tweets angrily.
So disgraceful that the
questions concerning the Russian Witch Hunt were “leaked” to the media. No
questions on Collusion. Oh, I have a made up, phony crime, Collusion,
that never existed, and an investigation begun with illegally leaked classified
information. Nice!
tunes in to Fox News. This riles him further.
he tweets: “It would seem very hard to obstruct justice for a crime that never
happened! Witch Hunt!”
“perjury trap” is when you ask Trump questions and he lies.
reality, Trump should be happy to see any questions in advance because pretty
much every man, woman and child on his legal team lives in fear he will testify under oath. The fear is that—no matter
how carefully they might try to prepare him to meet with Mueller’s team—he won’t
be able to avoid stepping into what his handlers call a “perjury trap.”
“perjury trap,” as far as this humble blogger can tell, is where you ask the
president questions about allegedly illegal activities and he does what he
always does. He lies with abandon.
For a list of the possible questions Mueller would like the President of the
United States to answer, follow this link.
5/3/18: It
appears the Trump legal team may be giving up. Ty Cobb resigns. Don McGahn is looking for
the exit. Rudy Giuliani, only recently added to the team, apparently just says,
“F--- it!”
just going to blabber along.
In his
first real day on the job, Rudy lets slip during an interview with Sean Hannity
that Trump did know about the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels—but don’t
worry, he paid Cohen back. Everything was cool and no campaign finance
violations had occurred!
Hannity seemed momentarily stunned. This was going to require a creative new
round of lying, to replace all the lies Giuliani had just blown to
Hannity was happy to lie for Trump, as long as cable ratings remained high. But even his rabid viewers might start to notice eventually, that the president had been lying, at the very least to his wife.
added helpfully that Trump paid Cohen back by putting him on a $35,000 monthly
retainer, “with a little profit and a little extra margin for paying taxes.”
Four months, maybe five? That would come out to a pretty good payday of
$175,000, or $130,000 for Stormy and $45,000 for Cohen.
The president “didn’t know about the specifics of [the payment], as far as I know,” Rudy continued, “but he did know about the general arrangement that Michael would take care of things like this. Like I take care of things like this for my clients. I don’t burden them with every single thing that comes along.”
another interview later in the day, Rudy stuck his other
foot in his mouth. Cohen had actually been paid a total of $460,000, he said.
Or was
it $470,000?

Trump knew about the payments. He had
already been signing most of the checks; and Don Jr. signed the ones he didn’t
sign himself.
and 5/5/18: Various members of the Liars’ Club start the weekend
trying to explain which lies currently are the officially accepted lies. Did
the President of the United States know about the hush money payment to Stormy
Daniels or didn’t he? In February, Cohen assured the American people Trump did
not. Cohen claimed he paid the settlement out of the
goodness of his nearly bottomless legal heart.
by the free press to explain, Cohen next claimed he used a home equity loan to raise the
reporters forced poor Press Secretary Pinocchio to answer questions in regard
to the hush payment. Oh, no, Sarah Sanders said, the president never knew about the payment. And the president
would never have sex with a porn lady. The president always keeps his weenie in
his pants.
did blurt out, famously, that the Daniels case had already been won “in
arbitration.” So that was the end of the matter: although people did wonder how
Trump knew about the arbitration if he had never heard of the payment.
no matter! Stormy had signed a non-disclosure agreement. The courts had ruled
that she couldn’t talk about the affair she never had, for which she was paid
$130,000 not to talk about at all. If she did talk she knew she’d be facing
penalties of $1 million every time she opened her mouth about an affair that
never occurred.
this point you figured even Pinocchio had to be going home at night hating her
job, knowing she was forced to stand up and claim a giant pile of hippo dung
was a beautiful sculpture.
representatives of the free press cornered the head of the Liars’ Club on Air
Force One. Did Trump know anything about the payment to
No,” President Trump said.
why did Cohen make the payment, a reporter inquired?
have to ask Michael Cohen,” the president continued. “Michael Cohen is my
attorney and you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.”
you had to imagine that only complete fools could be falling for this crap.
Still, ardent Trump fans believed what he said. He could have stood and drooled
uncontrollably for five minutes.
wouldn’t have cared.
for the Liars’ Club, the alibis continued to unravel. Had Cohen worked in any
capacity for the Trump Organization during the 2016 campaign? This could lead
to questions about campaign finance violations if the answer proved yes. “No,”
the members of the Club cried out! In fact, no one at the Trump Organization
could believe anyone would ask such a mean question.
Daniel’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti, quickly noted that at least one email sent
by Cohen, related to the hush money payment, came from his address at the
Trump Organization. Another court filing related to the Daniels case was signed by Jill A.
Martin, a second lawyer for the Trump Organization. Hey, no big deal, all the
Trump enablers at Fox News replied.
was merely filing out legal papers on her free time.
for fun.
empty heads in red MAGA hats were already spinning, the following morning Rudy
showed up on Fox & Friends and gave them a fresh twist.
Giuliani tried to stick another foot in his mouth—only he was already out of
feet. This time he offered up the nugget that Cohen might have gotten a great
deal in the hush money settlement with Daniels. “My God, this is cheap,” Rudy
said Cohen must have thought at the time. “Let me get this signed up and signed
off.” Why this was almost “pocket change” for a man like Trump. As Rudy saw it,
$130,000 was nothing to worry about when it came to keeping a porn star lady
from spilling the beans. Just imagine, he asked the three horrified hosts, “if
that [story] came out on October 15, 2016, in the middle of the last debate
with Hillary Clinton.” Trump might not be president today!
that wasn’t Trump’s real motivation. Oh, no. According to Rudy, he only wanted
to spare his wife hurt.
By now
the total price included $130,000 to Stormy and another $330,000 or $340,000 to
Cohen and to pay ancillary expenses.
the story get more bizarre? It could. Thursday morning the president had to do
some tweet-lying himself. First he tweeted that any
hush money paid “had nothing to do with the campaign.” Then he admitted his
personal attorney had received a monthly retainer, as Rudy had said:
…from which he entered into,
through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a
non-disclosure agreement, or NDA. These agreements are.....
...very common among
celebrities and people of wealth. In this case it is in full force and effect
and will be used in Arbitration for damages against Ms. Clifford (Daniels). The
agreement was used to stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her
about an affair,.....
...despite already having
signed a detailed letter admitting that there was no affair. Prior to its
violation by Ms. Clifford and her attorney, this was a private agreement. Money
from the campaign, or campaign contributions, played no roll in this
launched himself on this tweet-lying rampage at 5:46 a.m. the president finished
in time for a bowl of Rice Krispies at 6:00.
Sanders was now tasked with cleaning up Rudy’s messes. In one press conference she was reduced
to saying six times that she was not misleading the public. She had been
providing “the best information I had at the time.”
Saturday morning a fresh layer of possible lies had been added to the growing
manure pile. According to The New York Times, Allen Weisselberg,
chief financial officer of the Trump Organization had “known since last year
the details of how Mr. Cohen was being reimbursed, which was mainly through
payments of $35,000 per month from the trust that contains the president’s
personal fortune, according to two people with knowledge of the arrangement.”
those of us who care about the U.S. Constitution and still believe absolutely
in the rule of law, if even half of this is true, the questions are far more
important than who did what, in matters of sleazy sex. If Trump would lie about
this, and lie without restraint, why would anyone not come to the conclusion
that he and his sorry crew would lie about anything, particularly Russians, to
save their sorry asses?

your pick: Pinocchio is lying to the press because she knows the president did
know about the payments; or the president is lying to Pinocchio and telling her
he didn’t. And the people at the Trump Organization knew all about the payments,
as we eventually learn when we see all the signed checks. (See: March 1, 2019.)
5/7/18: The
Rudy Giuliani Traveling Circus continues to make the TV talk show rounds. Now he
claims that the president still wants to testify in the Mueller probe. Rudy
insists, however, that the president shouldn’t have to. But if he did he’d
probably plead the Fifth Amendment.
one, least of all Rudy, could say what Trump knew about the payoff to
Stormy Daniels, or when he knew what he knew, or answer inquiries about other
possible payments. In yet another disastrous interview, Rudy responded to a
question by George Stephanopoulos on the show This Week.
Lawyer Cohen have made more payments to more women?
have no knowledge of that,” Giuliani winced and blinked. “But I would think if
it was necessary, yes.”
the glibbest of liars, Kellyanne Conway, told Jake Tapper on CNN that same day
she had no idea if similar payoffs were made to anyone else. For once she
didn’t dare risk a definitive “no.” “They didn’t cross my desk as campaign
manager,” she dodged. “And I would also tell you that I’m happy to answer these
questions, but I have limited visibility into what Mayor Giuliani is talking
about, because, politely, he is the president’s counsel. I am the president’s
counselor,” she said.
liars, different jobs.
also learn that Senate investigators want to know if Jill Stein’s Green Party got
money from the Russians during the 2016 campaign.
of course, siphoned off votes mostly from Clinton—since Trump supporters
believe global warming is a hoax and think Americans should buy more guns and
blast animals until entire species go extinct.
Possible lie: Stein took money from the Russians; no proof
yet; but interesting.
5/12/18: So
far, when it comes to draining the swamp, the Trump administration may not be any
worse than previous administrations—but it’s certainly no better.
Unfortunately, there seems to be an added disposition to help various Russian
individuals and Russian entities.
A former senior campaign and
transition aide to President Donald Trump recently inked a deal to help a
Russian oligarch's conglomerate shed sanctions the Trump administration slapped
on them last month.
Bryan Lanza, who is in regular
contact with White House officials, is lobbying on behalf of the chairman of
EN+ Group, an energy and aluminum firm presently controlled by Oleg Deripaska,
according to several sources. Deripaska is a billionaire who is close to
Russian President Vladimir Putin and was the target of US sanctions imposed
last month.
in in case you forget, is considered to have close ties with Russian crime
syndicates and was once accused in British courts of having ordered the
murder of an uncooperative banker. And have we mentioned that Paul Manafort and Deripaska had a
long history of close business ties?
other Russians we should mention?
Former New York Republican
Rep. John Sweeney has made more than $200,000 lobbying on behalf of a European
pipeline venture owned by Gazprom, the state-controlled Russian natural gas
company, according to federal lobbying disclosures. The New York Republican
previously worked on Trump's campaign and assisted with administration hires
during the presidential transition. Sweeney declined to discuss details about
the clients he represents.
The swampiest
creature of all would be Cohen. Fresh documents show he began selling services
to the highest bidders almost as soon as Trump finished swearing to uphold and
defend the U.S. Constitution. Within 24 hours, AT & T had agreed to pay him at least $200,000, in hopes he
could help smooth a path to an $85 billion merger with Time-Warner.
Swiss pharmaceutical giant, Novartis, did Cohen one better, forking out $1.2
million in return for his help.
No story
about the Trump administration is complete unless you add a few Russians. Cohen also
took $500,000 from a company called Columbus Nova and other entities controlled
by Viktor Vekselberg, a close ally of Vladimir Putin. The good news (defining
“good” broadly) is that Vekselberg is known as the “nice” Russian oligarch. He
has never been known to have rivals bumped off or arrested.
According to Vice President Jesus, the Russia investigation has gone on long
enough. Special Counsel Mueller has been at it a year.
entire year! Tooooo loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong!!!!
your busy blogger has an actual brain and can conjure up actual memories, let’s
turn back in time to when conservatives loved the Benghazi investigation. That one
lasted two years, four months.
Whitewater investigation spilled over into an examination of Bill
Clinton’s sexual misdeeds. How long did that last? Four years, one month and
six days, if you count only the
part after Ken Starr took over.
how Fox News stood up for the right of President Clinton not to have to testify
under oath—how it was all a “perjury trap!”
how Fox said Ken Starr couldn’t be trusted to run the investigation because he
was a Republican!!
you do not. Fox loved that investigation. If Sean Hannity had his way it would
continue to this day.
In any
case, the Mueller team continues to go about its work quietly and deliberately,
turning up new leads still. Viktor Vekselberg, yet another Russian oligarch,
was recently stopped at a New York-area airport and questioned
about payments to Trump’s personal lawyer, Mr. Cohen. In related news, we learn
that a surprising number of Russians attended the Trump Inauguration. No wonder Trump
thought it was the largest inaugural crowd ever.
was one. (Federal campaign filings indicate two of his American business partners
donated $1.2 million to festivities.)
pharmaceutical executive Alexey Repik and his wife were there.
were Natalia Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin, two of the Russians who participated
in the secret June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower.
but not least, Russian banker, Alexander Torshin attended. Torshin is famous
joining the National Rifle Association
attending five N.R.A. national conventions,
including the one in 2016, where he met Donald J. Trump Jr.
possibly funneling money to the N.R.A. to be
used in the campaign
reportedly holding the dual posts of banker and
“godfather” of a Russian crime syndicate and specializing in both roles as a money launderer.
other Russian-themed news, we learn the Mueller team has interviewed Thomas Barrack, a close personal friend
of the president. Barrack was chairman of the Trump Inauguration
We do
know Barrack was investigated by the Italian government, which wanted to know
about a complex scheme to funnel money through Luxembourg (motto: “We may be a
postage-stamp size nation, but we are a giant tax haven.”).
In the
process, Italian authorities believe Barrack and his pals may have evaded $190
million in taxes.
5/16/18: The
first year of the Mueller investigation ends the way it all began, with more
lies by Trump, his associates, and members of his administration. First, Trump
has to file paperwork and admit he paid back Michael Cohen in 2017, after his
personal lawyer gave $130,000 to Stormy Daniels.
means, that in regard to the Stormy Daniels story, Cohen has been lying for months; Trump has been lying too.
These lies have been counted.
American people might not care about a consensual sexual encounter between
Citizen Trump and a porn star in 2006; but when the President of the United
States lies about it aboard Air Force One, that’s more serious.
And if
you lie about a porn star to stay out of trouble with your wife, what lies are
you willing to employ when it comes to the Russians? First, the good news on
that subject, at least for the president: Rudy Giuliani tells reporters that
Robert Mueller has agreed that under Department of Justice guidelines a sitting
president cannot be indicted. A president might bludgeon his wife to death.
He might traffic in child porn. He might collude with Russian agents. He could
not be indicted. He might be guilty but he’d have to be impeached.
but not such good news for the president, F.B.I. Director Christopher Wray
speaks before Congress.
says (again) that the Russian investigation is not a witch hunt.
testimony today, Sen. Patrick Leahy asked Wray if he stood by his past
statement—that the investigation was not a witch hunt.
Wray responded. He did not elaborate or hedge. So, it’s
official. It’s not a witch hunt, according to Trump’s own pick to head the

president says it is too a witch hunt. Technically, this might count as
1,044 lies, since he continues to repeat the claim.
the Senate Judiciary Committee releases thousands of pages of testimony related
to the secret June 2016 meeting, with Don Jr. and Trump campaign officials and
agents of the Russian government.
transcripts show that Don Jr., who was not under oath, spun a tenuous tale.
First, a participant in the meeting remembers the president’s son starting off
by saying, “I understand you have some information for us.”
conversation veered off topic, Don Jr. was quick to refocus everyone. “What
have you got on Hillary” he wanted to know.
Don Jr. would claim the meeting was mainly about Russian adoptions. That would
be a lie.
oath, it would be perjury.
didn’t Don Jr. contact U.S. intelligence agencies?
of the committee wanted to know why Don Jr. took a meeting with the Russians in
the first place and never contacted U.S. intelligence agencies to warn about a
foreign power’s attempt to interfere in U.S. elections. Well, Jr. offered
lamely, the campaign had not received the hoped for dirt on Hillary.
So why
contact anyone?
harm in meeting with the Russians—hoping to get dirt on Hillary—not if it
didn’t lead to the dirt the campaign wanted.
fact, asked in July 2016, if there was any truth to
the claim, coming from the Clinton team that Russians were trying to help his
father, Don Jr. replied with indignation. “Well, just goes to show you their
exact moral compass,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “They’ll say anything to be
able to win this. This is time and time again, lie after lie….It’s disgusting;
it’s so phony.”

now another proven lie and a particularly brazen one.
other highlights from his testimony, Don Jr. said he couldn’t remember who he called and spoke with at a blocked
number for four minutes just before the meeting, who he spoke with briefly at a
blocked number during the meeting, or who he spoke to at a blocked number for
eleven minutes that same evening. It might have been a pizza delivery order. It
might have been his father. It might have been his mistress. No. Scratch that.
Don Jr. lied about that, too.
might have been Pope Francis. Don Jr. responded repeatedly to such questions,
“I don’t recall.”
Likely several more lies.
about a purposely misleading statement issued in July 2017, a year later, after
the free press got wind of the initial meeting? That was the statement which
said the meeting was primarily about adoption.
Don Jr. talk to his father about the statement? He did not recall. Did his
father help craft it—which would indicate, if nothing else, a desire to cover
up the truth about working with the Russians?
Jr. could not remember.
Hill reports
that Jason Sullivan, Roger Stone’s media assistant, had been called to testify before the Grand Jury.
the Senate Intelligence Committee announces its bipartisan conclusions. The Russians
clearly interfered in the 2016 election, members of the panel agree, and
clearly did so with the intention of harming Hillary Clinton and advancing the
prospects of Donald J. Trump. Vice Chairman Mark Warner puts it plainly: “The
Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated and ordered by President Putin
himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton.”
wait, there’s more!
Wylie, a whistleblower, informs a Senate panel that Cambridge Analytica
targeted certain groups of voters through social media. Sophisticated voter
suppression tactics were employed to convince voters not to show up at the
polls or used to undercut their support
for certain candidates. Wylie suggests that the professor at the center of
the Facebook data breach might have allowed the Russians to get hold of the
personal information he had gathered on millions of Americans. That professor,
Aleksandr Kogan, made numerous trips to Russia—possibly for legitimate reasons,
since he sometimes worked at St. Petersburg University.
you had to wonder how many connections to Russia, tangential and essential,
there are in this continuing Trump tale.
disease of dishonesty…a cancer that he’s spreading.
C.I.A. Director John Brennan sums up his concerns for reporters. He labels the
president’s ongoing efforts to denigrate law enforcement agencies and
investigators as “despicable.”
Nicole Wallace’s program on MSNBC he says the president suffers from “a disease
of dishonesty that afflicts him and metastasizes in so many ways. It’s a cancer
that he’s spread…hurting this country.”
There you have the crux of the matter: Trump and his pals, both here and in Russia, are doing damage to this country.

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