Tuesday, April 26, 2022

November 11, 2019: Trump - "Like a Squirrel Caught in Traffic."


11/11/19: Happy Veterans’ Day. If you haven’t noticed, a tidal wave of negative testimony, in the form of sworn witness statements, pours out of the House Intelligence Committee. 

The president is reduced to defending himself in idiotic Twitter posts. For example, at 9:12 this morning:


Okay, first, is the president drinking? Is he spelling words like they sound when he slurs them?


Secondly, just because the lawyer made it clear, when Trump was running for president, that he thought he was a bum, that doesn’t mean the “Whistleblower” loses all credibility. You’d have to be a nincompoop, or an avid fan of Sean Hannity’s show (that’s redundant) to miss all the ways the whistleblower’s complaint has been validated by witness testimony. 




Logic, however, does not compel the president to hesitate and consider what he’s posting. Eight minutes later, without a shred of evidence, Trump posts:

Shifty Adam Schiff will only release doctored transcripts. We haven’t even seen the documents and are restricted from (get this) having a lawyer. Republicans should put out their own transcripts! Schiff must testify as to why he MADE UP a statement from me, and read it to all!



FORMER U.N. AMBASSADOR Nikki Haley has a book coming out. President Trump thinks we should read it. Unfortunately, both author and president miss the chilling import of a story she relates.



“They weren’t being insubordinate. They were trying to save the country.” 

Ambassador Nikki Haley




According to Ambassador Haley, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly tried to “undermine the president.” In one passage she describes how they approached her for help. “Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country,” Haley writes. “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die.” 

In Haley’s telling, the two men should have gone to Trump to urge him to reconsider any decisions they opposed. Instead, Haley saved America by not joining the plot! “It should’ve been ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” she told CBS News. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” 

The problem, of course, is that two top officials thought the President of the United States was a danger to the country. 

Tillerson has not commented publicly. 

General Kelly told the Washington Post that if giving Nixon (ha, ha, the blogger means “Trump”) “the best and most open, legal and ethical staffing advice from across the [government] so he could make an informed decision is ‘working against Trump,’ then guilty as charged.”



APPARENTLY, TILLERSON AND KELLY aren’t the only people who worked with Trump and came away convinced the man was a loon. In another new book, Lt. Com. Guy Snodgrass, who served as Sec. of Defense James Mattis’s chief speech writer, paints an unflattering picture. 

Snodgrass flew an F/A-18 Hornet in combat over Iraq and later served as an instructor in the TOPGUN fighter pilot program. So, he’s not the kind of guy to fear the Twitter wrath of Trump. 

In one story, he describes the first meeting of Mattis with the new president. It’s a meeting for which Mattis has prepared at length. From the first, however, it proves impossible to keep the Leader of the Free World focused on problems round the world, which Mattis hoped to lay out. Trump veered from topic to topic – Syria – Mexico – a military parade he wanted, with tanks – a recent Washington Post story – like a “squirrel caught in traffic.” As Lt. Com. Snodgrass describes it, “The issues were complicated, yet all of the president’s answers were simplistic and ad hoc. He was shooting from the hip on issues of global importance [emphasis added].” 

He still is.

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