Sunday, March 20, 2022

June 16, 2021: Trump Advisor Wanted to Pull Fire Alarm to Stop His Idiotic Comments


6/16/21: June is more than half over, and Team Trump continues to take fresh lumps from all compass directions. 

First, prosecutors in Alaska bring fresh charges of voter fraud against…okay…another Republican lawmaker. Former Rep. Gabrielle LaDoux faces four felony counts,  her legislative aide two.




It was so bad, Hill said, that she considered faking a health emergency or pulling the fire alarm, if it would just shut Trump up.



SECOND, former Trump advisor, Fiona Hill, makes it clear, with President Biden set to meet Vladimir Putin, how she felt in July 2018. That was the last time she watched a president at a summit meeting with the Russian autocrat. 

When Trump told a worldwide audience that he took Putin’s word over U.S. intelligence, and didn’t see why the Russians would have interfered in the 2016 election, Hill was stunned almost to inaction. “I couldn’t come up with anything that just wouldn’t add to the terrible spectacle,” she admitted recently. 

“It was one of those moments where it was mortifying, frankly, and humiliating for the country.” 

It was so bad, she said, she considered faking a health emergency or pulling the fire alarm, if it would just shut Trump up. 

She compared it to the sinking feeling Dr. Birx has said she had during the Orange Buffoon’s bizarre press conference, where he touted the curative powers of injected bleach in the fight against coronavirus. (See: 3/15/21.)



“If we want to avoid catastrophic climate change.” 

IN OTHER NEWS, climate change continues not to be a hoax. It is, in fact, so clearly not a hoax, that Loser Don no longer claims it is. Almost everyone with a thimbleful of brains has come to grips with a threat that is stunningly real. 

Miami, Florida is considering a $6 billion proposal from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to construct a sea wall up to 20 feet high, and six miles long. At issue, rising storm surge, as oceans of the world warm. 

Climate change. 

At the same time, a “megadrought” grips most of the American West, another result of climate change. The governor of Utah is so concerned that he has asked the people of his state to pray for God to send rain, calling this the worst drought in Utah since 1956. And his state is far from alone. 

Most of the West is now primed for a terrible fire season.

“This is like a different world,” Pat Mulroy, former head of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, told CBS recently.


No single day, no single summer, no single year “proves” that climate change has humanity by the gonads. Yet the evidence accumulates, year by year, with the eight hottest years on record the last eight. This week, record temperatures are expected across much of the bone-dry West, with highs from 15 to 30 degrees above normal. The Las Vegas Valley may see temperatures hit 127°. As far north as Billings, Montana, the mercury is expected to rise to 107°.


Meanwhile, the NOAA reports that the level of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere reached its highest level in 4,000,000 years. Every reputable scientist in the world knows we’ve got work to do – as a human race – to address the monstrous threat we all face. 

We are adding roughly 40 billion metric tons of CO2 pollution to the atmosphere per year,” Pieter Tans, a senior scientist with NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory, said in a statement. “If we want to avoid catastrophic climate change, the highest priority must be to reduce CO2 pollution to zero at the earliest possible date.” 

That’s the warning. Nobody denies meeting it will be a challenge. But if you are a QAnon freak, 

Trump fan, or singularly uninformed (there’s a lot of overlap in those categories), the loudest voices you are hearing on the right are still dedicated to filling your heads with hippo poo. 

For example: Joe Biden is going to take away your hamburgers! Fox News was forced to admit that that story, which it was peddling in April, was nothing more than a bit of hocus pocus. 

And, if you missed the point, again, that would be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than at any time in the last: 

4,000,000 years.


Let us pause, finally, to remember how President Trump and the rest of the Republican Party “dealt” with this crisis. You had Sen. James Inhofe show up in January in Washington D.C. with a snowball. He insisted existence of that handful of carefully packed snow disproved climate change. Trump made a huge deal out of the fact the terminology had morphed, from “global warming,” to “climate change,” as if that was the main issue. 

Or any issue, really. 

This blogger also fondly remembers the “eloquent,” miss-the-main-point argument Sen. Rand Paul made in favor of old-fashioned high-capacity flush toilets and personal choice.


In any case, that’s the entire plan Republicans have for addressing this crisis. It’s like their “new” healthcare plan. 

Which no human has ever seen. 


POSTSCRIPT: This humble blogger did not realize until later that at the time of the snowball stunt, Sen. Inhofe was chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. 

Even the aide (below) is clearly thinking along these lines: “This guy is a vacuous old codger. Since I’m young I’m going to have to deal with the fruits of his failure to understand simple science.” 

“If I only had a snowball of my own, I’d bean the fool”

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