Saturday, March 26, 2022

December 25, 2020: Merry Christmas Wishes to the Lame Duck


12/25/20: I say, “Merry Christmas, America!” In fact, “Merry Christmas, Mr. President and Happy New Year!” I hope you stay out of jail in 2021. 

If you read this blog, and to be honest, you really should, I know you’ll be looking for work soon, and maybe living off Pandemic Unemployment Assistance until you get your bone-spurred feet back on the ground.



The presidential equivalent of an ugly Christmas sweater.



So, I was thinking, sir. Maybe you could find work on television once you leave D.C. You could do a new season of The Apprentice: White House Edition. You could do four seasons, easy, with all the big names you’d have to choose from to appear on your show. 

The first season could feature your former press secretaries. That team of liars would be virtually impossible to beat. You could bring back Sarah “Pinocchio” Sanders. “Birther” McEnany could slide right in from her job as White House liar to TV liar. You’d have that other press secretary, the one who never gave a single press conference the whole time she worked in the White House, and Sean Spicer. Who can ever forget how Sean got your presidency off to such a great start! Who doesn’t remember when, during his first full day on the job, he claimed your Inaugural crowd was the largest ever, and roughly equal to the population of India? 

Right out of the box! “Pants on Fire!” It was a start of a glorious, prevaricating one-term presidency.



Again, I am merely thinking out loud. Trying, sir, to help a loser. The show could be filmed from Mar-a-Lago. So you could “work from home” like millions of Americans did this year. You could keep ignoring the virus until it disappears. Even better, the set for the show could be made to look like the Oval Office. So you’d feel less like a failed, one-term reject than you are. 

For the opening episode, Gen. Michael T. Flynn, the first man to be caught lying about Russia, could drive up to your estate in an M1A1 Abrams tank, since he and several of your cronies have suggested overturning the election by sending the military into contested states. Think of the scene! The hatches pop open. Flynn and his team pile out. You’d have the MyPillow guy. You’d have Allen West, chair of the Texas GOP, who suggested all red states secede unless election results are overturned. The fourth member, Mr. President-but-not-for-Long, could be a random white supremacist of your choice. Those guys have been itching to go to war against their fellow Americans for years. 

Anyway, I have many more ideas to share. Shoot me an email at if you want. 

For now, I wish you and your family, both the family members you may have to pardon, and the ones you won’t, the best for the coming New Year. 


POSTSCRIPT: In the end, Trump will be remembered by most Americans as the presidential equivalent of an ugly Christmas sweater, but one for which we were given the receipt by Aunt Mabel and so we could return. 

He lost the election. He may be unable to accept that reality; but most Americans already have. 

Then again: Mark Levin decides to spread some Christmas cheer on his holiday broadcast. He tells his audience (of up to 11 million listeners), that stealing elections “is becoming the norm for the Democrat Party.” He says his listeners should “crush them, crush them. We need to kick their ass.” 

(Or they could try to build a more inclusive party and stop trying to count on the white supremacist vote.)

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