Monday, March 28, 2022

November 29, 2021: Trump Calls Maria Bartiromo to Vent


11/29/20: If Saturday was a tough day (minus the golf outing) for President Trump, Sunday was no better. A two-county recount demanded by his campaign in Wisconsin ended. At a cost of $3 million, with the bill going to his campaign, the recount in heavily Democratic Milwaukee and Dane counties proved that if there was massive voter fraud, and machines magically cheated the president out of millions of votes, it didn’t happen in Milwaukee and Dane. 

Joe Biden gained 87 votes.

Trump does his first interview since the election.



STILL, REALITY can be an ugly place. Trump decided not to visit Sunday. Instead, he placed a call to Maria Bartiromo of Fox News for his first interview since his bitter defeat. It would be hard to say whose performance was more pathetic, Lame Duck Don’s or the pseudo-journalist’s.



“I don’t think we even have to prove this.” 

President Trump



Straightaway, Ms. Bartiromo asked the president to be “as precise as possible” and explain exactly what evidence he had that the election was rigged. This was the starting gun for a lengthy evidence-less diatribe. 

Since Bartiromo failed to challenge the president, or even ask fundamental follow-up questions, I have included a few helpful observations of my own.



Trump: Well, first of all, I have to start by saying the whole world is watching, and nobody can believe what they’re seeing. And you have leaders of countries that call me say [emphasis added, unless otherwise noted], that’s the most messed-up election we have ever seen.  

Blogger: Trump doesn’t mention any of the leaders by name. This is not evidence. Bartiromo doesn’t notice. 

(I am thinking, maybe Putin called?)


Next, the president complains about the “Dominion machines,” which he says cheated him out of millions of votes.


Trump: We have affidavits on from many people talking about what went on with machines….we had glitches where they moved thousands of votes from my account to Biden’s account. And these are glitches. So, they’re not glitches. They’re theft. They’re fraud, absolute fraud. And there were many of them, but, obviously, most of them tremendous amounts, got by without us catching. We got lucky to catch them. I think we caught four or five glitches of about 5,000 votes each, and different states. 

Blogger: You didn’t catch most of the glitches? But still, you know they happened? Why not be precise and specify the local jurisdictions where the four or five 5,000-vote “glitches” occurred? Because then people could look up the facts for themselves.


Trump is on a roll and Bartiromo decides her job is to stay out of his way: 

Trump: That was fraud. And they got caught. But, for the most part, they got away with it. And what happened, if you watched the election, I was called by the biggest people, saying, congratulations, political people. Congratulations, sir. You just won the election. It was 10:00 [p.m. on Election Night]. And you looked at the numbers. 

Blogger: At 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, polls in many Western states would just be closing. North Carolina, one of two battleground states Trump would win in the end, would not sort out its final count for a week. 

By midnight, Eastern Standard Time, Biden would have already built decent leads in Arizona and Nevada at a time most people had headed for bed.


Trump rambled on about “dumps, big massive dumps” of votes, in “Michigan, Pennsylvania, and all over.” These dumps went against him in almost every battleground state. He complained about the Dominion machines again. He insisted one of the “great pollsters” said he would win Pennsylvania, but you had to allow “at least five percent for cheating, because they cheat.” 

Blogger: A reasonable observer might remember that President-Elect Trump did not complain about “cheating” in Pennsylvania in 2016, when he won the state by a little more than 44,000 votes. 

We also know on Saturday (see: 11/28/20) that the Trump campaign’s lawsuit in the state was pitched by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, in part because no voter fraud was alleged. 

Trump’s just making s*** up.


Bartiromo: Right. 

Blogger: That’s her journalistic contribution. One word. She doesn’t ask questions. She lets the president rant.


Trump: The mail-in ballots were are a disaster. They sent millions and millions and millions of mail-in ballots. 

I’m sure you know people that got two, three, or four, because I do, where they said, you know, we got four ballots. They got one at a country home. Dead people were seeing ballots. Even worse, dead people were applying to get a ballot. They were making application to get ballots, many. 

Blogger: Here in Ohio (a state Trump won handily) my wife and I did receive multiple ballots each. My daughter Sarah, who moved to Washington D.C. in 2008, and to Oregon this year, received one. (She notified the local election board years ago that she was no longer an Ohio resident.) 

My wife and I each sent in one. We signed our names, one safety feature, to protect the integrity of the vote. We included one or the other: last four digits of our Social Security numbers, or our driver’s license numbers. 

The state would count our ballots and add us to the computer. A second ballot in either of our names would set off alarms. 

Mail-in balloting made safe.


Trump talked next about tens of thousands of dead people voting. Fourteen thousand corpses supposedly shuffled to the Michigan polls, according to one right-wing news story going the rounds. Some, Trump agreed, had been moldering in their graves “ten, fifteen years.” 

Blogger: There was only one problem. CNN did what any news organization could have done. They examined this claim, amplified by several stalwart Trump supporters, including Newt Gingrich. And if you can’t trust Newt, a man who cheated on his first wife, then discussed divorce with her while she was hospitalized and recovering from cancer, and then cheated on his second wife to be with his third, if you can’t trust Newt, defending another man, who cheated on all three of his wives, who can you trust? 

So, CNN did what Bartiromo could have done. They checked the list of “Dead Men Walking” to the polls. They checked the first 25. Then they checked 25 at random. 

Thirty-seven of the alleged dead voters were in fact dead. Sadly, none had arisen, Christ-like from the grave, to vote. 

Five of the fifty had voted – those dead rats – except that CNN found those five were very much alive. 

That left eight others, all of them still walking the earth. None of those eight bothered to vote. 

When CNN checked back again, they discovered that the list of 14,000 had been “removed from the site hosting it.” 

But the zombie story of voter fraud refused to die. Trump, for one, still believed it, much like a five-year-old who still believed Santa Claus brought all the toys for good girls and boys in a sled.


The president soon dropped another bombshell, although, like all the others, this one was a dud. 

Trump: And how the FBI and Department of Justice I don’t know. Maybe they are involved. But how people are allowed to get away from this stuff with this stuff is unbelievable. This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud. And it continues to be, as they hide. And the problem we have, we go to judges, and people don’t want to get involved. 

Blogger: So now the F.B.I. (led by a Trump appointee) and the Department of Justice (led by a Trump toady) were involved in a plot to steal the election?


Trump whines about the media next, and how “the media doesn’t even want to cover” this story. He compliments his host, however. 

Trump: I mean, you’re doing something. You’re actually very brave, because you’re doing something.” He talks about how only the New York Post went after the story of Hunter Biden. No one else in the media would. 

Bartiromo: Yes. 

Blogger: Hunter Biden is totally irrelevant, unless maybe he voted three or four times. And we might note, since Bartiromo won’t, that the New York Post has already published an editorial, telling Trump to stop with the “stolen-election rhetoric,” and all the “conspiracy-addled talk.”


Trump: (Fill in with blather here.) 

Bartiromo: Yes.


Next, the president turns his hand to math. He says “we don’t have freedom of the press in this country. We have suppression by the press.” 

Trump: This is the whole ball game. And they cheated. Joe Biden did not get 80 million votes. Now, we were we were planning we I got 63 million votes four years ago and won quite handily in the Electoral College, won quite handily. 

We did very well. I got 63. We were hoping to get 68 or so. And we felt that was a path to an easy victory. I got 74 million votes 

Bartiromo: Yes. 

Blogger: The Fox News shill doesn’t ask Trump about his claims, in 2016, that even though he won the Electoral College, he still believed the election was “rigged,” and that he actually won the popular vote. Hillary Clinton won by almost three million votes. 

Second, Biden got 81 million votes. He won by seven million. 

If Bartiromo had been on her toes, she might have asked about Trump’s claim in 2016, after Ted Cruz won the Iowa Republican primary, that that vote was rigged. “Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump tweeted at the time. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”


Back to the president: 

Trump: …the largest in the history of a sitting president, so much more, many millions more than anyone thought you know, than we were even trying to get. And everybody said, this is over. I’m telling you, at 10:00, everybody thought it was over. 

Bartiromo: Right. 

Trump: And then the phony the phony mail-ins started coming in, Maria. But, just so you understand, I got 74 million votes. It was over. And then mail-in started happening. 

Bartiromo: Yes. 

Blogger: Even the dimmest wits who followed the news would have known the mail-in ballots would be counted last. In Pennsylvania, the Democratic governor and a Republican-controlled legislature had agreed in the act that created expanded mail-in voting, that mail in votes would not be counted until polls closed on Election Day. 

They were, by law, going to be counted last. 

By mid-October, ABC News was already noting that 2.8 million requests for mail-in ballots had been filed in Pennsylvania, including 693,670 from registered Republicans. There were 216,971 requests from unaffiliated voters, and 1,794,448 requests from Democrats. In other words, it was crystal clear that once the count of mail-in ballots started the totals were going to change drastically, and Biden would be slashing into Trump’s 10:00 p.m. “victory” lead.


Bartiromo (responding to the president’s tirade): Yes. 

Trump: This election was rigged. This election is a total fraud. 

Bartiromo: Mr. President, these are obviously very serious charges. And I want to walk through them and ask you how you will prove this in the courts, because, as you know, what I have been saying on the air is that elections are the reason that our young men and women go on battlefields across the world and, in some cases, lose their lives, because they believe that their vote, my vote matters just as much as your vote. 

Blogger: The host has finally asked a “follow-up question.” She’s really setting up Trump to respond as he chooses. 

I should also point out that “our young men and women” on the battlefields aren’t just protecting Trump votes. They’d be protecting mail-in ballots like mine, tallied in the red state of Ohio, or mail-in ballots in the blue state of Minnesota. They’d be serving on the battlefield for those extra 87 votes, now tallied in Wisconsin. They’d be serving for the 81 million votes Vice President Biden piled up, just as much as the 74 million garnered by Mr. Trump. 

Bartiromo misses the point again.


Bartiromo: So, this is no longer about you, President Trump. This is about America. And many people agree with you. According to Reuters, 68 percent of Republicans and 28 percent of all Americans that includes Democrats believe there was fraud in this election. 

Blogger: Of course, 68 percent of Republicans believe there was fraud. The president has been howling “wolf” every day since November 3. People like Bartiromo have been regurgitating his cries. 

At this point, Republicans will believe almost anything. In one recent poll, 56% said they believed QAnon conspiracy claims were “mostly or partly true.” If you went back to December 2017, you had a poll indicating that 51% of Republicans believed President Obama was born in Kenya, even after their Orange God admitted in September 2016 that Obama was, in fact, born in America. 

Besides, judges don’t agree. They keep tossing Trump campaign lawsuits out of both state and federal courts.


Even Bartiromo would like the president to focus. She asks about the six key battleground states. What proof has he that the election was stolen? 

Trump: Well, we’re trying to put the evidence in. And the judges won’t allow us to do it 

Blogger: Trump claims next that Democratic “thugs” threw poll watchers out of vote-counting rooms in “many cases.”


Trump: Maria, there’s never been anything like this in history. And it all started with the mail-in. But it also goes to Dominion. It goes to a lot of things. But the mail-in, millions and millions of ballots being shipped all over, and ballots – as you know, there were a lot of ballots where it was just Biden on top. They [Democrats supposedly stuffing ballot boxes] didn’t do anything else because they were in a rush. And from what everybody is saying, and from what – I don’t think we even have to prove this. They say that I was doing so much better than they thought that they panicked, and they started just doing ballot after ballot very quickly and just checking the Biden name on top. 

And they were just checked on top. Tremendous numbers of ballots like that. And that was done for the sake of speed. We have stories that are unbelievable. But we’re not allowed to put in our proof.  

Blogger: Did Trump just say, some of these stories “are unbelievable,” and “I don’t think we even have to prove this?” And the courts keep refusing to allow his campaign to “put in our proof?” 

He did.


Trump: Look at the election – look at the election you have coming up right now. You’re using the same garbage machinery, Dominion. And she’s going around, [Stacey] Abrams, she’s going around screaming that she’s got 800,000 or 850,000 ballots. 

Bartiromo: Right. 

Blogger: What Abrams is saying is that voters have already sent in 750,000 requests for mail-in ballots for a special election in January. In fact, in every tweet, she links to Georgia’s online “Absentee Ballot Request Form.” 

A completed, mailed in ballot is the political equivalent of money in the bank. You’d think either Trump or Bartiromo would get that. 

They may. They just don’t want the viewers to think about it, because it undercuts the whole Trump narrative.


Trump: What kind of an election is it? She’s going around collecting votes. What kind of an election is this? What kind of a country are we living in now, where you can vote for months ahead of schedule? 

Blogger: A legal system? I check the website for the National Council of State Legislatures. Even red states like Texas and Florida, which Trump won, allow early voting by mail. 

Only five states have resisted the move to make voting easier, and not limit it to Election Day.



Trump: And they had judges making deals. And they had electoral officials making deals, like this character [Secretary of State Raffensperger] in Georgia, who is a disaster. And the governor’s done nothing [Republican Brian Kemp]. He’s done absolutely nothing. I’m ashamed that I endorsed him. 

Blogger: If you’re keeping track, Trump had already called Raffensperger “an enemy of the people.” At best, he sounds like a fascist in sheep’s clothing. He has now insisted that the F.B.I. might be involved in fixing the election, and the Department of Justice. Now you have this “character” messing with the vote and “judges making deals” and “electoral officials making deals” too.


Trump: Joe Biden did not get 16 million more votes than Barack Hussein Obama. He didn’t get it. 

Joe Biden did not get 14 million more votes than Hillary Clinton. And, by the way, he didn’t beat Obama in the black communities. 

Blogger: Trump doesn’t believe it because he doesn’t want to believe. If he admits to himself that Biden won, his narcissistic personality may unravel. You could easily find a story that debunks this kind of claim; but at this point it’s not worth it. 

You could dissect the causes of his defeat if you wished. Part of the reason Trump lost was that he got trounced by a growing youth vote (voters aged 18-29), 61% for Biden, 37% for Trump. In fact, young people “voted majority blue” in all but six states (with seven more not reporting data).


Trump also got thumped by women voters, losing that half of the electorate by nine points. 

Again, no rigging required. Democrats have won the majority of women by an average of 8 points in the last ten elections.


Trump: But he beats Obama in swing states. Now, think of that. He beat Obama in swing states. You know that didn’t happen. They stuffed the ballot box. Everybody knows that. 

Bartiromo agrees, at length, citing a story from The Federalist, explaining that based on five “election norms” there was no way Biden could have won. “They call it Biden magic,” she scoffs. 

Blogger: See youth vote, above, etc.


Bartiromo: Biden won despite Democrat losses everywhere else in the House. Kevin McCarthy is still celebrating wins in the House of Representatives….So, there are certainly statistic impossibilities…Mr. President, will you be able to prove that the computers can circumvent the controls that are in place? A lot of people say, oh, no, we have controls in place. There are paper ballots. The computers cannot get through the controls that are in place. 

Blogger: Yes, for example, paper ballots in Georgia, which also showed the president was defeated there.


Even Trump seems to realize he’s running out of options to steal the election himself. He insists that despite his campaign’s bleak record in the courts, it’s not really that bad. “A lot of the cases that have been lost haven’t been our cases,” he says, even though they’ve been filed in his behalf. In other words, the losing record isn’t as bad as it looks, legally speaking. 

Blogger: It’s actually terrible.


Bartiromo let’s his comment pass. Trump talks next about “the most dishonest political places” in the country, all Democratic-run, of course. He cites Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee. 

She does not bring up the Milwaukee County recount vote (part of the recount in which Biden gained votes). Trump complains about the media again, and taps into his inner-fascist for real. 

Trump: The – our – our newspapers, major newspapers and major networks are truly the enemy of the people in this country. 

Bartiromo lets that attack on the First Amendment buzz right past her head. (If Obama had ever called Fox News, et. al., “enemies of the people,” she would have shrieked for a week on her show. Then she would have caught her breath and shrieked for another week. Ignoring that point, she asks Mr. Trump, if you take out the six “tainted” states, is that the plan? If Trump can win six separate cases, then Biden has only 227 electoral votes. Trump has 232. 

Is that the plan?


Trump: Everyone knows that people were not allowed to vote when they walked in, so preciously, so beautifully, to vote. An elderly woman – we have her deposition – was told – who longed to vote, looked forward to the day of November 3, was told when she got in there, I’m sorry, you voted. And then they give her another ballot to sign, which they don’t use, because she already voted. 

That’s how brazen they are. They will actually vote people, knowing that there’s a good chance that those people will come. And there were thousands of those people. 

Blogger: Not a single top state election official has claimed that there was significant fraud in their state. In the case mentioned above, the poor elderly woman would receive a provisional vote. Her provisional vote would count if records showed in the end that she had not voted already.


Despite losing the machine vote in Georgia, and then losing the hand recount on top of that, Trump tells Bartiromo, “if I lost Georgia by, let’s say, 12,000 votes, we have tens of thousands more votes than that.” 

The president starts babbling about dead people who voted again. Well, screw those zombies! We have “hundreds of thousands of votes more than we need in every swing state that we’re talking about,” he says. 

He calls Chris Krebs, who he appointed to head the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity unit, whose job was to protect the election, “a fraud.” Krebs will be appearing on 60 Minutes later that evening. He has already called the 2020 election the most secure in U.S. history, and labeled Trump campaign lawsuits to overturn the results “farcical.” 

Bartiromo: Where is the DOJ and the FBI in all of this, Mr. President? 


Trump: Missing in action…You would think, if you’re in the FBI or Department of Justice, this is – this is the biggest thing you could be looking at. Where are they? I have not seen anything. I mean, I just – they just keep moving along, and they go on to the next president. 

You know, the votes in Dominion, they say, are counted in foreign countries, OK? Can you believe this? 

Blogger: No. What an asshole this guy is. Bartiromo doesn’t challenge. Fox doesn’t pay her to challenge the Trumpian narrative.


Trump: There are many mailmen that are in big trouble for selling ballots, getting rid of ballots. This is the craziest thing you have ever seen. 

But many ballots – many ballots with the name Trump on were thrown out. You have read that. They found ballots in a river with the name Trump on from the military. They were signed. And they were floating in a river. They found ballots under rocks that had the name Trump on. They were signed. They were signed with Trump. 

Blogger: I decided to check out these “mailmen” claims. I found a story about a mailman in West Virginia who changed absentee ballot requests from “Democrat” to “Republican. A total of nine votes were involved. 

In New Jersey, another carrier was arrested after 1,875 pieces of mail were found in two dumpsters. But only 99 mail-in ballots were involved. In a deep blue state those votes would make no real difference and possibly hurt Democrats.


A Kentucky mail person was arrested for throwing “a large quantity of mail” in a construction dumpster, including 111 mail-in ballot requests. No actual ballots were involved. 

In addition, you had the case of a Massachusetts man setting a fire inside a ballot drop box outside the main library in Boston. Authorities retrieved 122 charred ballots, 87 of which were legible and would still be processed. 

Last, but not least, two USPS employees in Pennsylvania were arrested in early October and charged with tossing mail in the trash. In one incident federal agents recovered “314 items of First Class Mail, seven items of Certified Mail, one item of Priority Mail and 1,311 political advertisements or similar items of campaign mail.” One request for delivery of a mail-in ballot was found, but no completed ballots. The second arrest led to recovery of “75 items of First Class Mail and 25 items of political advertisements or similar items of campaign mail. The seized mail did not contain any mail-in ballots, but it did contain one request for a mail-in ballot.” 

None of these cases involved any “widespread election fraud,” and certainly there was no proof of a plot to screw Mr. Trump. 

Two days after the election, a New York postal worker was arrested and found to have delayed delivery of 813 pieces of mail, because he was too lazy to finish his route. Three ballots were involved. 

I kept going down the rabbit hole, hoping to find the elusive proof of massive mail-in fraud. There was the Ohio postal employee charged with dumping and destroying letters and newspapers he didn’t feel like delivering, and 32 Dolly Parton book club books. Only one absentee ballot request was lost. 

As for the Trump votes “dumped in the river,” a claim the president made during his first unhinged debate with Joe Biden, ABC News had already followed that claim to the river’s source. When White House Press Secretary “Birther” McEnany was asked which “river” the votes were found floating in, she accused reporters of “missing the forest for the trees.” 

In reality, three trays of mail had been found by a Wisconsin roadside, including “several” absentee ballots, but none from Wisconsin voters. 

No flowing water was involved.


No matter. Bartiromo finally asked what cases, specifically, Trump thought would make it to the Supreme Court? He’d need six. One to overturn the vote in Wisconsin. One for Nevada. One for Arizona. One for Michigan. One for Georgia. And one to block the Pennsylvania vote. 

Trump: Well, the problem is, it’s hard to get into the Supreme Court. I have got the best Supreme Court advocates, lawyers, that want to argue the case, if it gets there. But they said it’s very hard to get a case up there. Can you imagine? Donald Trump, president of the United States, files a case, and I probably can’t get a case, even with – and we have tremendous proof. 

We have hundreds and hundreds of affidavits, sworn affidavits. And it’s very hard to get a case to the Supreme Court.  

Blogger: You can get a case to the highest court in the land; but you have to have a case that has merit. 

So far, the Trump campaign has only ridiculous claims to spread. But the president isn’t quitting. He has Rudy Giuliani on his side.


Trump: Well, I’m going to use 125 percent of my energy to do it. You need a judge that’s willing to hear a case. You need a Supreme Court that’s willing to make a real big decision, based on everything that – it’s not like you’re going to change my mind. In other words, my mind will not change in six months. There was tremendous cheating here. 

Blogger: No one expects the president to change his mind. If his head were filled with cement instead of brains, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference. 

His mind is set.


Bartiromo thanks him for his call, and that’s it.



Sunday evening, at least one former Republican member of Congress has had all he can stand. Paul Mitchell describes himself in his Twitter bio as an “Opinionated defender of our Constitution and nation.”   

He tweets:



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