9/26/20: Still waiting to
hear if we test positive for COVID. Spent the day at Theodore Roosevelt
National Park. In case you don’t know, Teddy was deeply interested in protecting
the environment, unlike Trump. He took on the “malefactors of great
wealth,” as he called the superrich. Trump wouldn’t know what “malefactors”
meant. Also, Teddy fought for this country.
Trump is a blustering sissy-boy.
At Theodore Roosevelt National Park. |
And, since
we’re on the topic of the environment, we should note that a federal judge has
ousted William Perry Pendley from his job. President Trump appointed Pendley to
be the acting head of the Bureau of Land Management more than a year ago. He just
never bothered to get Pendley okayed by the U.S. Senate. A mere formality – as
in the U.S. Constitution and U.S. law require it.
Not to
mention, that the Bureau of Land Management under a Trump presidency has been
pretty much a rubber stamp for whatever Big Business wants to do. As NPR
explains, “Pendley has long been polarizing. Prior to coming to the bureau, he
called for the sale or transfer of federal public lands to the states. He also
spent much of his career as an attorney challenging the agency he now leads.”
There was no way Pendley
would ever have been confirmed; and so there was no way to go forward except to
do what Trump did.
Ignore the Senate.
Also the Constitution.
Not for
nothing, have the leading environmental groups backed Mr. Biden in the coming
election. (See: 9/8/20.)
MEANWHILE, Dictator Don is trying to buy a second term. Three years after
Puerto Rico was smashed by a hurricane, he finally wants to send $13 billion to
the island. He also wants to send every senior citizen a $200 debit card to use
in purchasing prescription drugs. The only problem with that idea is that
Congress hasn’t allocated the money and we have a massive federal deficit for
the year. Trump would spend ten trillion to win a second term if that’s
what it took.
R.I.P., Tea Party folks. Your ship has been torpedoed and sunk by your own
Olivia Troye, who worked for VP Pence until recently, says White House
officials often discussed what would have to be done if Trump lost in November and refused to leave office.
(I, for one, would suggest luring him out with cheeseburgers and a couple
of scantily-clad porn stars.)
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