9/27/20: The New York
Times is reporting that they have documents to show that the year Trump ran
for president, he paid a measly $750 in federal income taxes.
Did you pay more, MAGA-hatted truck driver? Did you, Antifa Starbucks
barista? Did you, retired speech therapist? Did you chip in more to pay for that
border wall, Tea Party loyalist?
Mr. Blogger, did you cough up more in taxes to support the U.S.
Yes, you did!
And guess how much Trump paid in
Again: $750.
As Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
notes, she paid thousands more, as a bartender, before winning a stunning upset
for a seat in Congress. An undocumented worker in construction, down Texas way
(where the undocumented often find work in the building trades), would pay more
than Dictator Don.
The blogger, making it clear: He's miffed. |
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