Sunday, March 20, 2022

June 10, 2021: Right-Wing Buffoons vs. GOP Truth Tellers


6/10/21: Alternately making fun of Rejected-President Trump and warning that all Americans should be terrified of what he would like to do has been my mission for five long years. 

As a former American history teacher, veteran, and decent human being, as well as a man who likes to chase down facts, let me say it again. Trump is an ill-informed fool. Trump, in power, is an incredibly dangerous man.



“He is not fit to be president of the United States.” 

Jack Ciatterelli



Today, let’s begin by making fun of buffoons! Trump announced last week that he and Bill O’Reilly would be going on a three-city tour to talk about his presidency and policies and set history right. The “History Tour,” Trump promised, “will be fun, fun, fun for everyone who attends!” 

I think it should be called the “Sexual Abusers’ Tour,” since O’Reilly got canned at Fox News after being accused by multiple women, whereas Trump got accused by two dozen. Both men paid handsomely in an effort to keep victims out of the news. In fact, I thought the idea for the tour was so bad, that two such men would go out together and not realize how terrible the optics are, I assumed the first story about the plan must be parody. It’s real. And it’s going to be “fun, fun, fun.” 

Too bad Harvey Weinstein couldn’t join them.

What a lineup for a tour it would have been!


WHEN IT COMES to buffoonery, it’s virtually impossible to match Texas Republican Congressman Lou Gohmert. 

In a recent talk with National Forest Service officials, he wondered if, to fight climate change, the agency might figure out how to change the moon’s orbit. Better yet, maybe the earth’s orbit. Couldn’t we do that? 

No, you poor dolt, we cannot.


LESS HUMOROUS, but way more authoritarian, was Trump’s reaction to the President of Nigeria’s decision to shut down Twitter in his country. This came after Twitter deleted one of his posts. 

Trump loved that f***ing idea! 

Why didn’t he ever think of that? (Well, actually he did. He just didn’t have the legal right. Maybe next term.) 

Here’s how it might hypothetically work. Trump gets elected in November 2024. We start following the China model, where Twitter is banned. From the lead to a story in The New York Times in January 2019:


SHANGHAI — One man spent 15 days in a detention center. The police threatened another’s family. A third was chained to a chair for eight hours of interrogation.


Their offense: posting on Twitter.


Just change “Shanghai” to “Fort Wayne,” or “Akron,” and there you are. President Trump, 2.0.


Next, let’s check in on stand-up comedian, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, for a bit of humor. Now that there is renewed talk the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab, Sen. Graham thinks this could be great news for his Orange Idol. Speaking with fellow comedian, Sean Hannity, he crowed, “If Trump was right about the lab leak, it would change the image the public had of President Trump regarding the coronavirus!” 


Unless you have the power to make people forget Trump spent almost a year telling us not to worry (even if the virus leaped out of Joe Biden’s back pocket), because he had it under control (he didn’t), and it was no worse than the flu (it has proven at least ten times as deadly), and you could cure it by injecting bleach or imbibing hydroxychloroquine (you can’t). According to CDC records, 

599,034 Americans have died from COVID-19.



SPEAKING OF the pandemic, there’s good news and bad. Hundred are still dying every day, but not thousands. As of this morning, 63.9 percent of U.S. adults had had at least one vaccination, and cases are falling dramatically. 

Not such good news? Trump fans are reluctant to get vaccinated. One lady we can put in the “no” category is Dr. Shirley Tenpenny. She recently testified before Ohio lawmakers after Republicans invited her – and then listened as she babbled on for the better part of an hour. Dr. Tenpenny, you could say, did not earn boffo reviews, after insisting that those who took the vaccine would find themselves connected to the 5G internet. Also, their heads would be magnetized. “You can put a key on their forehead, it sticks,” she warned. “You can put spoons and forks all over and they can stick because now we think there is a metal piece to that.” 

“Later, there was some show-and-tell,” as the Columbus Dispatch reported. “Joanna Overholt, a registered nurse from Strongsville, defended Tenpenny’s testimony and placed a key and a hairpin against her chest and neck.”


Nurse Overholt demanded an answer from lawmakers, saying, “Explain to me why the key sticks to me. It sticks to my neck too. So, yeah, if somebody could explain this, that would be great.”  


But when she tried to demonstrate, the key failed to stick to her neck!


Explain THAT!



IN OTHER NEWS, Jack Ciattarelli defeated three other Republicans in a primary, and will be the GOP nominee for New Jersey governor in November. We make note because Ciattarelli knocked out two Trump-loving sycophants. He once correctly referred to Trump as a “charlatan.” 

“The fact is, I’m an Abraham Lincoln Republican,” he announced, after his primary victory, “one who believes in tolerance, mutual respect and the power and beauty of diversity.” 

When I do a little extra checking, which I always try to do, I turn up a story from December 10, 2015, in the New Jersey papers. After Trump suggested during a GOP presidential debate that all Muslims should be banned from entering the United States, Ciattarelli sent out an email, warning members of his party. “Sitting silently and allowing [Trump] to embarrass our country is unacceptable,” he wrote. “He is not fit to be president of the United States.”


Here, we should also remember what Sen. Graham said about Trump before Lindsey was neutered. This is the same senator who once described Donald as a “race-baiting, xenophobic bigot.” 

And a clueless one, at that. 

As Graham explained that December, “You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.” 

“He doesn’t represent my party. He doesn’t represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for. … He’s the ISIL man of the year.”


Graham said Trump’s rhetoric benefits ISIS in helping them recruit people to their cause. He said having traveled to the Middle East 36 times as a lawmaker and in the Air Force reserve, he knows the troops and diplomats on the front lines are very concerned.


“What Mr. Trump is doing – and I don’t think he has a clue about anything. He’s just, just trying to get his numbers up and get the biggest reaction he can,” Graham said. “He is helping the enemy of this nation. He is empowering radical Islam. And if he knew anything about the world at all, you would know that most Muslims reject this ideology.”


Ah, the good old days, when truth mattered to Republicans. 


POSTSCRIPT: Allow me to tack on a story I missed earlier. It appears, where the topic of climate change is concerned, Loser Don has less capacity for growth than a Cocker Spaniel. After Mr. Biden mentioned that during his time as vice president, he was told by top military leaders that climate change would be the biggest threat we faced, Loser Don felt compelled to weigh in – with one of his typically uninformed insults. (See: 6/29/21.) 

In a statement Thursday, the former president complained: “Biden just said that he was told by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that Climate Change is our greatest threat. If that is the case, and they actually said this, he ought to immediately fire the Joint Chiefs of Staff for being incompetent!” 

First, poor Donald missed the fact that the Joint Chiefs of Staff from back when Biden was VP have already moved on. Second, he still has no clue, where the matter of climate change is concerned. 

Four years in the White House and he learned nothing. (See: 6/17/21.)

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