Sunday, June 26, 2022

September 5, 2017: President Trump Kills DACA, then Saves DACA!

9/5/17: How is Trump doing when it comes to the DACA program (Deferred Action for Child Arrivals)? During the campaign he promised to scrap it, build a wall a thousand feet high along our southern border, and twist the arm of Mexico’s president till he agreed to pay. And said so in English. 



The president ends DACA and then regrets it.



President Obama implemented DACA. If Obama played a role Trump must kill it! Trump officially kills DACA. 

You came here from Guatemala with your parents, at age three, and have no memory of any country but this one? Too bad! Back you go, college student, age 20. 

Your parents snuck into the United States from Bangladesh? You were five? Now you’re twenty-five and working legally as a nurse, because DACA allows it, and paying taxes like any nurse? Back to Bangladesh! 

Trump talked himself into a corner and can’t talk himself out. He told reporters he would treat the Dreamers with “great heart,” even referring to them by that name. “We love the Dreamers,” he said. Aides portray his order to end DACA “as a difficult emotional decision for the president.”


Down in Houston, DACA recipient Jesus Contreras, a trained paramedic, has just finished a week helping people impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Alonso Guillen, another Dreamer, has drowned while trying to rescue neighbors. 

Aracely Martinez-Ramirez, 20, has seen her family home destroyed. She came to the U.S. when she was two. She works multiple jobs to help her mother and siblings and watches three sisters, ages 12, 9 and 7. (All are U.S. citizens.) DACA allows her to drive legally and walk the girls to the school bus stop without fear of being arrested and sent “back” to a country she can’t recall. 

The president makes his bold decision to end DACA. Then he begins to regret what he’s done. (See: 9/14/17.) 

Naturally, it’s not the fate of the Dreamers, per se, that troubles Trump. The man displays the same degree of empathy we might expect of a garden gnome. No. What worries him is the political math:


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