Saturday, June 25, 2022

January Fools - No Fairy in the Fairy Tale - Part VI - Trump Remains Dangerous



“America’s democracy was almost stolen from her.” 

Judge J. Michael Luttig, speaking of events on January 6.



This part of the story of our country remains to be written, and the blogger will continue to gather evidence as time and motivation allow. The key question being: Could Ex-President Blubber rise again from the political grave? 

It seems he could. 

We know Mike Lindell, the MyPillow dope, and the QAnon tribe still believe in the Orange God of Mar-a-Lago.




6/14/22: I think it’s safe to say that in Republican circles it’s now all the rage to claim that any election you lose is “rigged.” 

Now Republicans are eating their own feces. We know ex-President Blubber told his endorsed candidate in the Pennsylvania primary to decide the nominee for an open seat in the U.S. Senate to just say he won before all the votes were counted. That one was fun. 

In Georgia, far-right candidate Kandiss Taylor, came up a little short in her bid to unseat Governor Brian Kemp – a Trump-hated man. Taylor, who got just 3.4% of the total vote, to Kemp’s 73.7%. 

“We have a national data team working on the 2022 primary election fraud. More will be forthcoming,” a spokesperson for the Taylor campaign said. 

“Given that my vote total currently lags my number of volunteers by nearly 20,000, I do not trust these election results and neither should any supporter of either of my opponents or candidates in any other races,” Taylor wrote in a press release. In her opinion, Georgia elections had “become a travesty spearheaded by the corrupt, organized, willful assault” on democracy by Gov. Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Attorney General Chris Carr, and, for good measure, gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who won the Democratic primary.


Then on Tuesday, the hobgoblins struck afresh. In Nevada, the two Joe’s faced off in the GOP primary for governor. On one side you had Joey Gilbert, a COVID-truther and believer in stolen elections, now including his. With votes still left to count, on Wednesday morning, Gilbert cried electoral foul. Joe Lombardo appeared to have won with 38.4% of the vote. Gilbert, at 27.6% wasn’t about to take defeat like a man. 

As Raw Story notes, Gilbert exploded in a Facebook rant, even capitalizing a random word, like Old Blubber used to do when he still had a Twitter account, and dreamed of pardoning himself. “Maybe the establishment and swamp rats forgot who they’re dealing with,” he wrote. “I smell a lawsuit because this STINKS! I will concede nothing. No one likes No Show Joe and he absolutely is not beating me, and will not beat me in a fair fight/race.” 

Love it: “No Show Joe,” a kind of Trumpian insult of his own. And bonus points, I guess. Gilbert added a rat emoji to bolster his point.



6/15/22: What do we know today? We know Mr. Blubber is still claiming he won the last election, even though a herd of his closest advisors just testified under oath and admitted they knew he never did. 

Still, “Blubs” could return in 2024. Today, this blogger checked a few polls. First of all, President Biden’s approval ratings are in the tank. (Unlike Lindell or Trump, this blogger has no problem facing unpleasant truths.) 

If the election were held today, polls show Trump would probably win a rematch against Joe Biden. 

For only the second time in American history, then, we’d have a maniac plunked down behind the Resolute Desk. 

A check of recent polls (May and June) shows Mr. Biden’s average approval rating at 38.7 percent, his disapproval rating at 54.4 percent. 

Small favors, really, but at least he has been mature enough not to howl about “rigged polls,” or blame his low numbers on “Enemies of the People,” working for the free press. You know. Like Trump.


What else is worth noting today? This blogger believes in polls, generally, and when averaged, they have rarely been wrong. In the race for an open U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania, Fetterman, the Democrat, vs. Oz, the Republican, the Democrat holds a 9-point lead. 

In the battle for a U.S. Senate seat in North Carolina, Beasley vs Budd, Beasley, the Democrat is up by four points. 

Or down 2; it depends on the poll. 

Interestingly enough, polls in Utah show that Evan McMullin, former Republican (famous for ratting out current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, when, in 2016, McCarthy said he believed there were two people Putin paid – one of them being Donald J. Trump), now an independent running for U.S. Senate, might have a shot at ousting the incumbent – which would be kind of fun. 

In Ohio, where the blogger resides, J.D. Vance leads Tim Ryan, the Democrat, by 3 points in the only poll taken so far. Both men seem to understand the average American worker better than most, which this blogger considers good. Vance, of course, once said he’d have to think twice about voting for Hillary Clinton, because he didn’t like Trump. In fact, in 2016, he voted for McMullin, running as an independent, instead. 

Five different polls show Gretchen Whitmer, the current Democratic governor of Michigan (once labeled “Half-Whitmer” by then-President Trump) with at least a 34-point lead vs. assorted challengers on the right. Ryan Kelly, thought to have perhaps the “best” chance of beating her in November, was recently arrested for his role in the January 6, 2021, attack on Capitol Hill. 

In Georgia, polls show that Trump could take the state (for real this time), as he sports a 7-point lead in a hypothetical matchup with the current President of the United States. Joe Biden, I mean. 

You have to remind the QAnon bunch occasionally who the actual president really is.


In generic ballot polls (where voters are asked which party they would like to control Congress after the next election), Republican have an average 3.8-point lead. 

As for Congress itself, on June 15, 2022, that august body has an average approval rating of 21.6 percent. For a brief period earlier this year (March-August) our lawmakers managed to boost their approval ratings into the 30s, peaking at 36.3 percent on May 8. Previous to that, the last time Congress scored as high as the 30s, was 30.4 percent…on August 29, 2009.



6/28/22: Lightning doesn’t strike twice in today’s GOP. It strikes every time there’s an election. 

Once again, a Republican has claimed voter fraud in a fraud-free election. This time the man with the bogus complaint is Rep. Phil Lyman, a Utah lawmaker, who called fraud in the GOP primary. This time, there were “reports” in Wasatch County that a machine changed voters’ choices and…oh…the hell with it. 

Lt. Deidre M. Henderson (also a Republican) explained that the problem was “small font size” and every voter had three chances to verify their choice. 

Meanwhile, the search for the Loch Ness monster continues and Bigfoot hasn’t stuck his foot in a bear trap yet.

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