Saturday, June 25, 2022

January Fools - No Fairy in the Fairy Tale - Part I - The Plumbing is Rigged



“No fairy in the fairy tale has ever been found.”


In this post, we dive into the massive record made up of Trump claims that victory in 2020 was cruelly snatched from his grasp. 

Start by asking yourself: What do you have to believe to remain as delusional as the MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell? The poor dope keeps insisting that “Reinstatement Day” is coming, and Trump will be back soon. 

Here’s an easy one. You have to be fool enough to believe that a man who cheated on all three wives, and repeatedly lied to them, and in sequence, would feel a need to tell voters the truth. 

We’ve been down this silly pathway several times before. And we’re going to be traveling the same well-traveled road again in 2022 or 2024, whenever Trumplican Party candidates are bested at the polls. 


BLOGGER’S NOTE: Throughout this post, we will insert pictures of Trump (as seen above, but reduced in size) every time you are required, if you choose to believe in the fairy tale, to accept a ridiculously unbelievable statementswallow an absurdity as factoverlook an outright lierefuse to consider evidence to the contrary or ignore common sense In honor of his bone spurs, we use this symbol (reduced in size), a picture of a younger, less blubbery Trump leaping in the air on one of his golf courses. 



It’s also important, if you fervently wish to believe there is a fairy in this fairy tale of the stolen election, not to draw conclusions based on logic. In the most recent Republican primary in Pennsylvania, Trump’s favored candidate for an open seat in the U.S. Senate, finished with the thinnest possible lead, just over a thousand votes out of 1.3 million. 

If you have been living with your head stuck in a bucket, or busy pumping gas and wondering if you need a second mortgage, here’s the situation. Ex-President Blubber endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz to run in the general election in November. (Since Trump has long favored insulting nicknames, like “Sleepy Joe,” we felt he should be slapped with a juvenile descriptor of his own. So: “Blubber,” it is!) 

David McCormick found himself in shadow-close second place. 

This was Trump talking, so, long before all the votes were counted, he suggested that Oz “declare victory” and… 


Call for Pennsylvanians to storm the legislature in Harrisburg, if they tried to deny Oz the “victory?” 

“It just makes it harder for them to cheat with the ballots that they ‘just happened to find,’” Trump explained on Truth Social, his new media site, although he lacked evidence of actual fraud. 

The obvious question is why anyone would be surprised. Yet, former Pennsylvania state GOP chairman Rob Gleason said he was. He told reporters it was “just shocking” that Trump was calling for canceling of Republican ballots cast in a Republican primary. That is: to stop the counting of mail-in ballots, with the candidate he endorsed slightly ahead. 

“Just shocking?” Consider Trump’s history. Gleason should have been shocked if Ol’ Blubber didn’t try to stop the counting.




We’ve heard this story before. Trump insisted that the 2016 presidential election was going to be rigged – and then won. 

Think about that. 

And Hillary won the popular vote. And Trump insisted that was rigged, too. 



Going back one step farther, to February 2016, Candidate Trump claimed that the Iowa Republican primary was rigged, because Sen. “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz eked out a win. Frankly, if anything fails to go his way, Blubber insists the contest was fixed. If the man clogged a toilet, he’d claim the plumbing was rigged. 

I have blogged about this repulsive human being for seven sad years – because I believe the danger that he represents should be made clear to all. Yet, even I had forgotten, until I was editing my work not long ago, that President Blubber claimed the 2018 midterm elections would be rigged. 

In those days, I kept studying the polls. I didn’t want to be surprised again, as I had been in 2016. (Unlike Trump, I am not prone to delusional thinking.) In April 2018, I knew the Democrats were in solid position. In what is known as the “generic ballot,” which asks voters if they would prefer Democrats or Republicans to control the next Congress, Democrats had a 7.5-point lead. Not a single poll, and there had been more than 150 since Trump plunked down in the Oval Office, had shown the public with a preference for GOP candidates in the coming midterms. 

In keeping with his style, the president simply claimed that the polls were…wait for it… “phony,” and “rigged.”


I kept checking the numbers because I’m not a dope. As a white guy, I was embarrassed in July 2018, to see that a solid majority of men approved of Trump’s  job performance. I was waiting for Trump to claim that the Nineteenth Amendment had been rigged – but, then again, he doesn’t know much American history and probably doesn’t know what that amendment did. A poll that month showed that men preferred Republican candidates by eight points in the midterms, and women preferred Democrats by a margin of…58 percent to 33 percent. 

In August, Trump warned that if Republicans lost the coming election there would be violence. That seemed kind of nuts. 

Meanwhile, he kept predicting that a “big red wave” was coming in November. It was going to break over the Democrats’ heads, and wash them away. 

If Donald was living in Cloud Cuckoo Land, I was not. I kept checking. A Quinnipiac poll late that summer asked respondents if they felt proud to have Trump as president, embarrassed, or didn’t know. Only 31% said they’re proud; and that figure was inflated by the 69% of Republicans who weren’t bothered by a pussy-grabbing president who locked up children along the border. 

Almost half of all Americans, 49%, choose “embarrassed.” That included most white men with college degrees (54%) and most women (55%). More than half of Americans, ages 18-49, said they were embarrassed. So did six in ten Hispanics and three of four African Americans. 

Finally, Election Day! The average of all polls on November 6, 2018, showed Trump with an approval rating of: 

42.9 percent.


As expected, President Blubber refused to face reality. Or perhaps, crippled by narcissism, he couldn’t. He claimed a CNN poll just out a few days before, showing Democrats leading in most congressional races, was a “Fake Suppression Poll.” His fans should “watch for real results Tuesday.” 

In fact, a wave was coming, just not red. Voters turned out in huge numbers, thirty million more than voted in the 2014 midterms. The polls turned out to be highly accurate. Republicans maintained a grip on the U.S. Senate, but barely, as experts predicted. Overall, Democrats outpolled Republicans by 8.6 million votes in the combined House races, or 7.9 percent. That meant poll averages were right on target. In the House it looked like the GOP would lose 40 seats. 

Stop here and ponder one number a moment. Thirty million. Thirty million more voters had turned out in 2018, than in 2014. Both parties had to know. Turnout in 2020 was going to be huge.



The “frivolous side of the line.” 

A couple of “humorous” notes first. Then we’ll dive into the story of how Trump spent his time leading up to the 2020 election, and how he has spent it since his ignominious defeat. He has been trying (successfully) to poison as many minds as he can with ever more ridiculous claims, and prove that Joe “Let’s go Brandon” Biden is not the rightful occupant of the White House. 

Before we move on, it’s fun to point out that Trump first endorsed Sean Parnell as his choice to run for and fill the open U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania. Parnell didn’t last long, and had to drop out after losing a custody battle in court, just because his estranged wife accused him of domestic violence. 

See also: Trump’s choice for a U.S. Senate seat from Georgia – namely Herschel Walker. Yes, the party of “law and order” is running a man for high office, who once beat up his wife, threatened to kill an ex-girlfriend, and warned he might have to engage in a shootout with police. 

Then, this past May, a federal judge – appointed by Ex-President Blubber – slapped aside another “stolen election” claim filed by the perpetually-deluded-and-cluelessly-loyal Mike Lindell. The legal language was abstruse, but boiling it down as best I can, U.S. District Court Judge Carl Nichols ordered Mr. MyPillow to pay court costs and legal fees for Smartmatic, the voting software company currently suing Mike for defamation. This wasn’t a total defeat for Lindell, but did not bode well for his case. Judge Nichols said in his ruling that at least one of Lindell’s stolen vote claims was “frivolous,” and noted that “other claims” fell on the “frivolous side of the line.”



With that matter out of the way, let’s look at the history of Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was going to be rigged, that it was in fact rigged, and that he rightfully won. He didn’t care about evidence from the start. He only needed the most gullible MAGA suckers to swallow his line.


2/21/20U.S. intelligence experts warn Congress that Russians are already meddling with the coming election. 

As NPR explains, 

And at the briefing, the election threats executive, Shelby Pierson – she’s the intelligence community’s coordinator for election security against foreign threats – she relayed that there was intelligence that Russia essentially wanted to see Trump re-elected, that Russia had developed a, quote-unquote, “preference” for the incumbent, for Donald Trump.


The fact that the Russians might be interfering again (let’s not forget it took Trump more than two years before he admitted they meddled in 2016) barely dented the president’s consciousness. He refused to heed the warning and order cyber defenses against the Russians bolstered. 

Instead, we had a flurry of sometimes bizarre, sometimes dangerous decisions. First, Trump went to work tweeting. “Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress,” he growled. “Hoax number 7!” 

A keen observer would quickly note that “Democrats in Congress” weren’t responsible for what Pierson said. What Pierson said was that the Russians were again messing in our elections. 

Trump moved decisively and fired Joseph Maguire, the Director of National Intelligence, which did no earthly good.




5/22/20: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, backed up by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, makes an appearance on Fox News. Paxton wants everyone to know he isn’t going to stand for mail-in voting, just because people might be afraid of showing up in person and catching COVID-19. 

Lt. Governor Patrick is really, really upset about Democrats trying to get people to vote by mail. It’s a “scam,” he says. They want to “steal votes.” 

On Fox, of course, Paxton and Patrick are allowed to say whatever they like without scrutiny. Paxton could have said, “Democrats plan to bring in illegal immigrants from Ireland and allow leprechauns to vote.” But one might be forgiven for thinking these fools were crying “illegal voting-wolf” once too often. 

One could recall the claxon of alarm these knuckleheads sounded in January 2019. On Fox News, of course! It was then that Paxton said he had evidence that 95,000 non-citizens were enrolled in Texas to vote. Governor Greg Abbott flipped at the news and promised to prosecute under law. Patrick flipped too. 

President Trump watched Fox News. He saw those eye-popping numbers and he flipped, as well. 

And, lo, he did tweet: “58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. All over the country, especially in California, voter fraud is rampant. Must be stopped. Strong voter ID! @foxandfriends


And it came to pass. The search was on for non-citizen voters…and, verily, did they turn out to be just about as common in Texas as leprechauns. 

Lists of non-citizen voters were rushed out to all 254 Texas counties. Clerks were tasked with checking their voter lists. Within days, counties found error rates of 60 percent and weren’t even done. Sparsely populated McClennan County had one of the shorter lists: 366 names, the “tip of the iceberg,” so to speak. Like Santa Claus, county officials checked to see who had been naughty and nice and voted illegally. It turned out all 366 individuals listed were…U.S. citizens…giving state officials an impressive 100% error rate. 

The entire affair turned out to be such a huge embarrassment that Abbott and Paxton and Patrick dropped the matter for good. 

Trump, of course, moved on to the next lie in his bag of tricks.




7/30/20: President Trump suggests delaying the 2020 election. In a tweet (of course) he floats his authoritarian idea: 

With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???


I don’t want to delay. I want to have the election” he tells reporters. “But I also don’t want to have to wait for three months and then find out that the ballots are all missing and the election doesn’t mean anything.” 

The U.S. Constitution gives the power to set the times and places and rules for elections to the states. 

Trump should have looked it up.




8/6/20: Team Trump sues the State of Nevada to stop officials from expanding a vote-by-mail program. Under this plan all active registered voters in Nevada would be sent mail-in ballots for the November 3 election. The Trump campaign claims the measure “makes voter fraud and other ineligible voting inevitable.” 

If the decision stands, Nevada will join seven other states that have plans to send ballots to all active, registered voters. 

Now, consider Florida, where Trump himself is registered. Trump tweeted on Tuesday that he was encouraging mail-in balloting in the “Sunshine State.” 

Whether you call it Vote by Mail or Absentee Voting, in Florida the election system is Safe and Secure, Tried and True. Florida’s Voting system has been cleaned up (we defeated Democrats attempts at change), so in Florida I encourage all to request a Ballot & Vote by Mail!


Yes, Trump fans, in the coming election, your boy Don, was going to vote by mail. And his vote was going to count.




8/17/20: Trump is trailing Biden in all the polls, by a margin of nearly eight points. Ignoring grim evidence, the president tells supporters at a rally, “The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.” 

Or: the polls are right, which they almost always are.




8/20/20White House Press Secretary “Birther” McEnany is asked if her boss is prepared to accept the results of the coming election. 

(Like her boss, McEnany long argued that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States. So that’s another lie to drop into the stew.)

 (One birther lie for Kayleigh, one for Donald, too.)


The president has always said he’ll see what happens, and make a determination in the aftermath,” she responds. “It’s the same thing he said last November [last election, she means]. He wants a free election, a fair election, and he wants confidence in the results of the election.” 

That means: “No.” 



8/26/20President Trump warns again that foreign nations plan to manipulate the mail-in vote. He hints darkly that it will be “the scandal of our times.” 

The Office of the Director on National Intelligence, now under new Trump-appointed management, responds with this statement: “We have no information or intelligence that any nation-state threat actor is engaging in any activity to undermine the mail-in vote or ballots.” 




8/27/20For the first time in U.S. history, Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is forced to come out and say that the military will have no hand in settling a disputed election. “I foresee no role for the U.S. armed forces in this process,” he tells members of Congress. “We will not turn our backs on the Constitution of the United States.” 

Who do you think Gen. Milley feared might turn his back on the Constitution of the United States? 

Hint: His initials are not “JRB.”




9/17/20The president is hedging his bets, regarding the coming election. With almost every poll showing him going down to flaming defeat, Trump claims we’ll never know who won. In a tweet, he warns that the “result may never be accurately determined, which is what some want.”



Sen. Marco Rubio and other Senate Republicans are forced to clean up after their standard bearer again. 

“I don’t think we’ll have inaccurate election results,” Rubio contradicted. “They may take a lot longer than they ever have because of the amount of mailed ballots that are going to come in and so forth. But I don’t have any concerns about the accuracy of the election.”


In a recent report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously endorsed the conclusion that U.S. officials and candidates “should use the absolute greatest amount of restraint and caution if they are considering publicly calling the validity of an upcoming election into question.”


“Such a grave allegation can have significant national security and electoral consequences,” including aiding foreign intelligence services, the report adds.


Um. Trump doesn’t care.




9/13/20: Michael Caputo, Trump-chosen spokesperson for Health and Human Services, suffers a complete Facebook meltdown. 

He suggests that scientists at CDC and HHS are fomenting “sedition.” Left-wing hit squads are forming. “And when Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin. … If you carry guns,” he tells right-wing fans, “buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s going to be hard to get.” 

“There are hit squads being trained all over this country” to mount armed opposition to a second term for Mr. Trump, he says. 

Worst of all, Caputo insists, “There are scientists who work for this government who do not want America to get well, not until after Joe Biden is president. … To allow people to die so that you can replace the president is a grievous venial sin, venial sin,” Mr. Caputo adds. He is so badly rattled he forgets that venial sins are minor; and only mortal sins are tickets to eternal damnation. 

“And these people are all going to hell,” he says, to emphasize whatever unhinged point he is making.




9/22/20: Gen. H. R. McMaster, Trump’s second National Security Advisor, says the president is “making it easy” for Russia to interfere in the November election. 

“It’s just’s just really important for our leaders to be responsible about this.” Putin, he said, is our enemy and wants to sow division.



9/23/20: Reporters ask Mr. Trump, if he lost the election, would he commit to a peaceful transfer of power. 

His answer: 

“Well, we’re going to have to see what happens,” Trump said. “You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”


Pressed further, Trump responded: “We’ll want to have — get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a very — we’ll have a very peaceful — there won’t be a transfer, frankly. There’ll be a continuation.”


That’s a “No,” again.



10/16/20With all the talk of “civil war” among Trump supporters, should he be defeated at the ballot box, and all the calming words offered by Mr. Trump regarding the coming “rigged” election, gun sales skyrocket. In June, a record 3.9 million background checks were conducted. That would be the most for any single month since the system was created in 1998.



10/27/20Reports are circulating. If Trump wins a second term he’s going to fire F.B.I. Director Christopher Wray. As Axios explains, “A win, no matter the margin, will embolden Trump to ax anyone he sees as constraining him from enacting desired policies or going after perceived enemies.” 

Wray testified in front of Congress recently and said the F.B.I. had not seen any evidence of widespread voter fraud, not even involving mail-in ballots. 

Twenty former U.S. attorneys, all Republicans, sign a letter, warning, in a way, that this blogger has been right from Day 1. President Trump, they say, is “a threat to the rule of law in our country.”





10/28/20: Six days until the election and more than 66 million Americans have voted early, in person, or by mailing ballots.


The aptly named James Blight, of Haines City, Florida, decides he might be able to widen the president’s path to victory, at least in his hometown. First step: Drink all afternoon.


Second: Steal a front-end loader with a backhoe arm.


Third: Drive through town digging up people’s Biden/Harris signs and vandalizing their properties.



10/30/20: At a campaign rally in Minnesota, President Trump makes clear. He is going to win. “We have to win the election. We can’t play games. Go out and vote,” he shouts. “Do those beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.” 

Rigged by what? “Those beautiful absentee ballots,” I think. 

The president spends the rest of his day clogging his Twitter feed with half-truths and frantic lying:


“Watch the Great Red Wave!”


(Biden has an average lead in the national polls of 7.8 points.)


“The Election should END on November 3rd.”


(So, if he’s losing, he’s not going to go to court?)


“Joe Biden has vowed to abolish the entire U.S. Energy Industry.”


(Does this include the use of fire?)




10/31/20: President Trump is a master in the hateful art of  dehumanizing foes. He has, for example, labeled Sen. Kamala Harris a “monster.”


Saturday, he said again that his political foes were guilty of “treason.” The penalty for such a crime is death.


After he lambasts CBS’s Leslie Stahl for conducting what he felt was an “unfair” 60 Minutes interview of himself, she is deluged with death threats. Stahl is now shielded by a round-the-clock security detail.





November 1, 2020: With only two days left until Election Day, I continue poring over polling data, as I have for weeks. As a result, I have started drinking more and I’m still not sure what to expect.


I have argued repeatedly that the polls, in aggregate, have rarely been wrong. Whenever I point this out, Trump fans respond with fury, and insist, because I believe in evidence, that I must be a commie.


I’m a believer in facts – sometimes referred to as “math.” I have been checking polls as far back as the 2000 election. In the first column (below) we see who had the lead in the final average of polls. The second column is the actual margin of victory. The third shows the difference between prediction and actual vote.



Final Presidential Polling Averages (2000-2020)


            Lead in the final polls                 Real margin             Difference


Bush                +0.6                                       0.5                                         1.1**

Bush                +1.5                                       2.4                                         0.9

Obama            +7.3                                       7.6                                         0.3

Obama            +0.7                                       3.9                                         3.2

Clinton           +3.2                                       2.1                                         1.1


Biden (with one day left):  +6.7.                                                                                                                

Still haunted by the ghosts of 2016, I checked to see how accurate midterm polling had been. RealClearPolitics reports on what is called the “generic ballot.” That is, which party do voters prefer to control the next Congress?



Midterm Election Polls


                                         Average lead               Final result     Difference


2002    Republicans                   +1.7                           +4.6                    +2.9

2006    Democrats                  +11.5                           +7.9                    –3.6

2010    Republicans                   +9.4                           +6.8                    –2.6

2014    Republicans                   +2.4                           +5.7                   +3.3

2018    Democrats                    +7.3                           +8.4                   +1.1

2020    Democrats                    +6.8                                ?                          ?



In the last five midterms, the party leading in polling on the generic ballot went on to pile up more votes when people cast actual ballots. The biggest margin of error in any of the last eleven national elections was 3.6 points.


We might note that in 2018, President Trump insisted a “red wave” was coming. When the waters receded, Democrats had outpolled Republicans by 8.8 million votes, largest midterm margin ever recorded.


We’ve said this before, and in days and weeks, and months – and years – Trump will prove that Trump Math is really just math he makes up.




11/2/20: Let’s give it up for the Nineteenth Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. If Mr. Biden wins, it’s going to be because of the ladies. I have always been fond of the women demographic, myself, and would never grab any of them you know where, because I am not a classless jerk. Female Americans are going to go big for Joe Biden tomorrow.


In an average of 21 polls since the start of September, women prefer the Democrat over President Pussy Grabber by an average of 18.7 points.


Voter turnout among young people could also be huge, since, to cite one example, most young Americans believe climate change is real and a grave threat. If a “red wave” is coming, it’s going to have to be led by folks with walkers. Americans, age 18-29, voted at a rate of 36% in the 2018 midterms, almost double the rate from 2014. A Pew Research study puts the turnout figure in 2018 even higher, 42%, or 26 million millennials. At that point, this youthful cohort made up one-fifth of the vote. “By making our voices heard,” one told a reporter last week, “it will send a message to those in power: We’re not going anywhere, and we’ll continue raising hell.”


If you’re a Republican you have growing reason to sweat, because 63% of voters under 30 say they plan to vote this time around, vs. 47% during the last presidential election. According to a study by Harvard University, those young voters will break 63% to 25%, for Biden. A second study predicted a more modest 59% to 37% split. Still, the more the young show up, the worse it is for Trump.


FUN FACT: Four former communications directors for the Republican National Committee explain that they have cast early ballots for someone not named Trump.


One, Ryan Mahoney, even posts this picture on Twitter:



Trevor  Francis and Lisa Miller join Mahoney in casting ballots for Biden. Doug Heye writes in the name of Sen. Mitt Romney.


The National Committee of Asian American Republicans also announces it will support the challenger.


Signs of trouble ahead for Team Trump abound. 



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