Monday, June 20, 2022

December 3, 2017: President Trump Describes the U.S. Judicial System as a "Laughingstock."


12/3/17: Speaking of courts, that pesky third branch of government, Trump is on the rampage again. 


He wants the courts to make decisions that conform with his furies.



A jury in San Francisco has listened to evidence in the case of Jose Ines Garcia Zarote and deliberated for six days. Zarote, an illegal immigrant, shot and killed Kate Steinle, an innocent bystander on a city pier. That made him a poster boy for Candidate/President Trump, who used the case to prove we needed a giant border wall and a moat filled with piranhas to protect ourselves from “rapists” (but not Judge Moore) and “murderers” (but not Vladimir Putin). 

The death of this young lady is a tragedy. Still, the case for murder is weak. Zarote did fire a gun, and as a felon should not have had one in his possession. The bullet hit the pavement and struck Steinle, eighty feet away, on a ricochet. This does not mean Zarote is not vile. This does not mean the Steinle family did not suffer irredeamable loss. It does mean Zarote could not be found guilty of murder, since there was no intent. 

Unfortunately, the president has no regard for the rule of law. He wants the courts to make decisions that conform with his furies. Referring to a recent terror attack in New York City, he weighed in on what must be done to protect all Americans (not including those who might hope to be protected by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments). Trump insisted our court system, as it stands, is a “laughingstock and a disaster.” What we needed, he fumed, was “punishment that’s far quicker and far greater [emphasis added] than the punishment these animals are getting right now.” 

(See: 3/27/18, for examples of how swift justice could and often does go wrong.) 


POSTSCRIPT: When Trump is greeted with a storm of criticism for yet another attack on the judicial system, Pinocchio Sanders has to stand in front of the press and insist the words that everyone heard coming out of President Trump’s mouth did not come out of his actual mouth. 

Apparently, a ventriloquist was involved.

Sanders is lying.

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