I FIRST POSTED THIS STORY in October, in the wake of a massacre on the Las Vegas streets. Sadly,
today we can recycle it, word by bloody word.
All we need are a few fresh tears.
This morning twenty-six Americans, ages 5-72, do not wake up to worry about
health care or border walls or transgender people using the same bathrooms.
do not wake up at all.
A gunman armed
with a military-style Ruger AR-15, the weapon of choice of most modern psychopaths,
shoots up a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. The toll, including wounded,
rises to 46.
What an
unspeakable tragedy this is. And what will Republican leaders do now that they control
all the necessary levers of power to make a change?
Nothing at all.
Thoughts and
prayers will be offered. That’s not enough. We can spend $21.6 billion (if
not three times that much) to build a “big, beautiful wall” along our border to keep “criminals” and “rapists” out.
But we can’t
lift a legislative little finger to staunch the carnage in our churches, schools
and on our streets? We can’t act, no matter how sensible policy changes
might be, no matter how limited the steps we might take? We can’t do anything
at all—because the NRA crowd holds GOP lawmakers’ nuts in a vice?
Here is what I said a month ago. Here is what I fear we will be talking about again and again in weeks and months and years to come.
MASS MURDER PLAYS out in America again. The
tragedy in Las Vegas follows scenes equally terrible at the Pulse Nightclub in 2016,
at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2014, at the Century 16 Theater in 2012. There are too many senseless mass shootings in this country even to mention or list.
At this point all the leading voices in the
Republican Party offer are thoughts and prayers.
Turn on the news right now. Turn on Fox—NBC—or
CNN. You’ll hear the same questions you heard last time and you’re going to
hear again, sometime much too soon. What was the shooter’s motivation? Were
there accomplices? Did neighbors know he harbored a sickness?
You will hear the same shaken voices of survivors—a girlfriend of a wounded concert goer, her blouse specked with blood, a visitor to Las Vegas from Canada who caught the shooting in a choppy video on his phone, a local man, a fan of country music, thanking first responders who helped him escape the gory scene. A grim-faced sheriff will look into a bank of cameras and tell us what authorities so far know. Search warrants will be issued for the perpetrator’s car and home.
You will hear the same shaken voices of survivors—a girlfriend of a wounded concert goer, her blouse specked with blood, a visitor to Las Vegas from Canada who caught the shooting in a choppy video on his phone, a local man, a fan of country music, thanking first responders who helped him escape the gory scene. A grim-faced sheriff will look into a bank of cameras and tell us what authorities so far know. Search warrants will be issued for the perpetrator’s car and home.
The death toll will climb in the hours and days to
come, as critically wounded human beings succumb.
The same debates we’ve heard before will be
heard again. Guns don’t kill people, people…. Fuck it.
Why even finish that sentence?
We will be told that it makes no sense to ban
sales of semi-automatic or automatic weapons because any truly sick individual can
kill you with a car, club, bare fists, a goddamn knife, fork or spoon.
You’ll hear right-wing conspiracy types insist
this was a government-sponsored job, so liberal politicians in Washington will have
an excuse to confiscate all the guns. That’s the sick and pathetic line pedaled by gun
nuts (and not all gun owners are nuts) after the massacre of teachers and
children at Sandy Hook. No one ever saw the bodies, they howled. The slaughter must have been faked.
After that tragedy, you hoped something positive might result. You
thought, maybe, Wayne LaPierre and his NRA buddies would relent. Six- and
seven-year-olds, torn to pieces by bullets, sprayed from an AR-15 in the hands of an
unbalanced teen. Even the NRA, you hoped, would balk at that.
President Obama called for action. Thinking
of his own children he began to cry.
The Democrats couldn’t get a bill passed—even
to limit the size of gun magazines for sale.
Republican refused to act.
JUST THE OPPOSITE in fact: Beholden to the
NRA for support and massive infusions of campaign cash, the GOP pushed to extend
gun rights. Open carry laws proliferated across the states. Under Republican
rule, it became easier to get concealed carry licenses than access to the
voting booth. In fact, Congress is currently considering a bill to allow more
Americans, including the kind of crazed killer who just sprayed a Las Vegas
crowd, to buy silencers for their weapons.
At this point, we might as well be blunt. We’ve
heard every argument from the right we can ever hear. In the wake of the bloodbath
at the Pulse Nightclub we heard the problem was not guns. The
problem was terrorists.
Or, from true right-wing haters, we heard, “The problem is Muslims. We must ban them all from coming to America if we want to be safe.”
Or, from true right-wing haters, we heard, “The problem is Muslims. We must ban them all from coming to America if we want to be safe.”
We heard that Mexican immigrants were the threat. What we had to have was a long and tall wall. On right-wing television and right-wing
radio stories of individual tragedies were endlessly reported—and they were tragedies indeed—of this illegal immigrant or that, who came here and killed.
We had to keep those people out too.
We heard about carnage in Chicago. We heard right-wing
types hint the problem there was…well, to be frank…black people with guns.
Black people were the problem.
Not guns.
In the wake of multiple school shootings we were
told the only way to protect our children would be to arm teachers—so that in crowded
third grade classrooms, hallways filled with middle school teens or at drop off
times in front of our high schools, educators could counter incoming fire with outgoing
fire of their own.
There was nothing
else we could do.
If we tried—if, for example, we required background
checks for private sales at gun shows—the Second Amendment was dead.
IT WASN’T JUST TRAGIC. It was ludicrous and
insane. Paranoia substituted for policy. All too often the real issue was profit,
not even people. Gun sales meant billions for manufacturers every
year. We heard from a thousand right-wing voices: Obama planned to take away
all our guns! We heard that again, during the last campaign. According to Candidate Trump, his opponent would abolish the Second Amendment if she won.
Yet, the facts pointed in the opposite direction.
According to the FBI, based on background checks nationwide, during eight years Obama was in office, approximately 14 million guns were sold—in 2009
alone. Sales increased—I suppose to replace all the imaginary
guns Obama was supposedly taking away—almost every year: 14.4 million in 2010; 16.5
million in 2011; 19.6 million in 2012; 21.1 million the year after that. There
was a “dip” in 2014. Only 20.9 million more guns and pistols hit America’s
streets. In 2015 and 2016, however, banner sales occurred: 23.1 and 27.5
million more weapons went into our purses, cars and homes.
That’s 157.1 million background checks and
roughly that many more guns.
In theory, then, we became, as citizens of this
nation, safer with each passing day. We would stop killers in their tracks. We
would pull pistols from our purses and defend ourselves. And let’s be clear: We do have gun rights. The Second Amendment is there
in the Constitution for a clear reason.
But there are sensible limits on all rights.
“Fighting words,” the courts have ruled, are not protected speech. You can’t
urge people when a brawl is about to occur to hit foes over the head with lead
pipes. Nor does freedom of religion allow you to start a church and
practice polygamy like kings of old.
And all the paranoia and all the political
shouting haven’t made us safe. The right can’t blame today’s tragedy on
terrorists or immigrants or Hillary Clinton. One angry white male, a citizen of
the United States, heavily armed with automatic weapons, using a supply of
high-capacity magazines to allow sheets of rapid fire, and strategically
located on the thirty-second floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel, just murdered fifty-eight other Americans and wounded countless more.
Law-abiding citizens can now arm themselves to
their eyeteeth. What good has it done? More American kids are accidentally killed by guns every year than are ever
killed by illegal immigrants who, we are told, we must block with a wall. More
drivers and passengers are killed and wounded in incidents of road rage than die at the
hands of terrorists in twelve months. Americans are cut down in churches, shot at work by disgruntled former employers,
killed by enraged former husbands at parties, blown away on community
college campuses, and now massacred at concerts
on the Las Vegas strip.
Who do you blame today? What do we, as a
nation, do—other than mop up the blood and move on till the next time the sirens wail?
finally staunch the flow of blood on our streets?
Republicans control all the levers of power in
our nation’s capital today. They control most state capitals as well.
What ideas to stem the mayhem will they offer
today, tomorrow or next week? Is the answer again going to be: Nothing but thoughts and prayers?
Or: Buy one gun, get one free?
How long can the gun manufacturers—merchants
of death as surely as captains of slave ships 1n 1808—continue to buy the
silence of lawmakers with fat campaign donations every two or four years? At
some point, doesn’t the dam of citizen horror for lives lost finally break?
The American people want to know what their leaders
will say. They don’t want the sounds of automatic weapons fire to be all they
hear this week—and the next time—and the next after that.
Say a prayer for all the lives lost, yes.
Keep the bereaved families in your thoughts.
Keep the bereaved families in your thoughts.
But if that’s all the GOP has to offer, the next
time we have a mass shooting event, let’s be honest. Let President Trump stride
to the podium, bow his head slightly and speak to the gathered cameras. Let him
be totally honest.
“We’ve got nothing to offer,” he should say.
I wrote about this before,
after the slaughter of the innocents at Sandy Hook. Nothing has changed for the
good since that day.
Only the pools of blood change.
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How many will die next time? |
Just as I predicted yesterday, the GOP has no ideas in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre. An illegal immigrant kills a young woman (a true tragedy in itself) and we're going to build a long, high wall. A man linked to ISIS shoots up a night club (terrible in every way) and we're going to ban all Muslims from entering the country. A white guy shoots up the Vegas strip--a white guy blows away people in a school, a church, a theater, a campaign rally, a softball game, about a hundred work places in the last few years, on a college campus, at a NFL watch party? Hey, you know what Paul Ryan says: It's "premature" to talk about gun legislation right now. Mitch McConnell says the same. And President Trump, sounding like some stupid dad, trying to stall off a kid, says: "We'll see."
ReplyDeleteTrump doesn't have a clue; and you wonder if he even cares.
I figure I can use this story next time there's a mass shooting, and the next, and the next, and the next, and Trump & Co. will have nothing to offer except, "Hey, liberals want to take all your guns away!" You have to be easily duped to fall for that line at this point, in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteKnow how many MORE guns were sold while Obama was in office--and he was working so hard (in paranoid minds) to "take all the guns away?" Roughly one hundred and fifty million in eight years. That's 18.75 million per year. Or: you could say, counting Leap Years, for 2922 straight days we averaged 51,335 guns sold per day.
ReplyDeleteYou know what this proves: We NEED MORE GUNS. Also: CASKETS.