Wednesday, May 25, 2022

November 1, 2018: Unhappy Trump Learns He Must Follow the Constitution


November 1, 2018: The president is off again on his anti-immigrant kick. Earlier this week he suggested he would sign an executive order to end “birthright” citizenship in this country. 

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was clear: 

You cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order. As a conservative, I’m a believer in following the plain text of the Constitution, and I think in this case the Fourteenth Amendment is pretty clear [emphasis added here and below] and that would involve a very, very lengthy constitutional process.



Wounded Knee: When America was great the first time? 

This irks Trump, even though Ryan agrees with him that “unchecked illegal immigration” is the “root issue.” Clearly miffed to learn he can’t just ignore the U.S. Constitution when the mood strikes, Trump tweet-attacks Ryan. Then he warns that if the infamous caravan does reach our border and members of the caravan throw rocks or stones at troops guarding the border, those rocks and stones will be considered “firearms.” That means U.S. troops will be authorized to fire on civilians, including women and children. Make America great again, c. 1890. 

See: Wounded Knee. 

Former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel, a decorated Vietnam War hero and former Secretary of Defense responds to Trump’s comments: “My reaction ... is one of disgust. That is a wanton incitement of unnecessary violence. It is a distraction, it is a distortion, it is a rank political purpose to use our military like this.”

Wounded Knee, 1890: Sometimes asking the troops to open fire isn't wise.



IN OTHER RACIST NEWS, Trump decides to tweet a campaign ad that has been deemed so objectionable even Fox News won’t air it!!! 

Al Cardenas, former chairman of the Florida Republican Party, responds in a scathing tweet, saying of Trump: “You are a despicable divider; the worse [sic] social poison to afflict our country in decades. This ad, and your full approval of it, will condemn you and your bigoted legacy forever in the annals of America’s history books.”

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