8/28/18: The “Fake News” folks acquire a recording of the president talking to a gathering of Christian leaders at the White House the previous evening. First, he tells them he got rid of a law that forbids churches and charitable organizations from engaging in political campaigns.
He hasn’t. The law remains on the books.
Trump warns of violence if Republicans lose midterms.
Next, he ratchets up his rhetoric. Having warned earlier that if he were to be impeached the stock market would crash, now he says if Republicans lose the midterms there will be hell to pay. “The level of hatred, the level of anger is unbelievable,” he says. If the GOP loses, the Democrats “will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently, and violently. There’s violence. When you look at Antifa and you look at some of these groups – these are violent people.”
The president wraps up the evening by singing his greatest hits. He reminds his listeners that he saved Christmas.
“Little thing – Merry Christmas. You couldn’t say Merry Christmas,” Trump insists. “I’m telling you – when I started running I used to talk about it and I hate to mention it in August, but I used to talk about it. They don’t say Merry Christmas anymore.”
Trump added, to applause: “They say Merry Christmas a lot
right now. It’s all changed. It’s all changed.”
So, let me say, in that same spirit, “Merry Christmas, Mr. President, and fuck you.” Most Americans, including most of us liberals, have been saying, “Merry Christmas,” all along, if for no other reason than habit. The president and those who believe this silly fable of a war on holiday greetings are free to say “Merry Christmas” every time they answer the phone, or sing in the shower, or when their children head off to school every morning, even in April. No one on our side gives a shit. We only think that many times it’s appropriate, as when greeting a Jewish or Muslim friend in December, not to throw, “Merry Christmas!” in their faces.
As for violence, we’re going to beat your orange ass at the ballot box in November. We’re not going to resort to violence.
BLOGGER’S NOTE (11/11/18): My ballot box prediction proved true.
Ian A. Smith is booted from the Department of Homeland Security, after the Trump appointee gets outed for communicating with white supremacists, including Richard Spencer, one of the leaders of the neo-Nazi movement in this country.
The Atlantic explains:
The emails show that the
official, Ian M. Smith, had in the past been in contact with a group that
included known white nationalists as they planned various events. On one of the
email threads, the address of the alt-right white nationalist leader Richard
Spencer is included, as well as Smith’s. Another group of recipients includes
Smith as well as Jared Taylor, the founder of the white nationalist
publication American Renaissance, who calls himself a “white
The fumigation of the Trump administration continued after a particularly busy stretch. As The Atlantic explained, White House speechwriter, Darren Beattie, lost his job after CNN reported that he had attended a conference with white nationalists in 2016. Then the Washington Post noted that Peter Brimelow, publisher of the white nationalist website VDare, had attended a party at the top White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow’s house.
Kudlow said he was unaware of Brimelow’s views and would not
have invited him had he known.
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At a speech by Spencer, fans give the Nazi salute. |
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