Monday, February 28, 2022

January 9, 2022: An Attempt to Stop the Peaceful Transfer of Power

1/9/22: Sen. Mike Rounds, Republican from South Dakota, says on Sunday what everyone not a member of the Trump cult already knew about the 2020 election. “We did not win the election, as Republicans, for the presidency.” 

Okay, 10, 9, 8…wait for Loser Donald to explode.

Elections aren't always decided in one day.



“An attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power.” 

Governor Asa Hutchinson



And we’re not even considering how Trump might react when he learns that Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, said on CNN the same day. Those who embraced the “big lie” of a stolen election, he warned, might be in position to truly undermine the next fair election. 

“What worries me,” he added, “is that they’re not demonstrating leadership.” 

Jake Tapper asked Hutchinson what he thought the Republican Party needed to do in months ahead.


“We have to one, make sure we show that that [attack] was unacceptable. We have to define it in the right way, it was an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. And thirdly, we have to make sure we are clear that President Trump did have some responsibility for that,” he replied. 

Which is exactly what this blogger has said. Now, we have two more Republicans who have faced the truth.


Trump was lying about a stolen election before it happened. He’s been lying since he lost and got booted from the White House. It’s time good Republicans face up to the truth and find a new leader of their party, one most Americans could respect. 

Someone willing to show leadership again. 

Not to demagogue. 


FUN FACT: Indiana State Senator Scott Baldwin, a Republican, if you had to guess, made news when he suggested that teachers in the state should be neutral in discussing Nazism and other “isms.” 

You know, maybe Nazis weren’t so bad! 

At issue was a proposed new law which would limit how public schools discuss race. Because, yeah, maybe we should be neutral on racism, too. Discuss in class: KKK, good or bad?


Sen. Baldwin was responding to concerns expressed by Matt Bockenfeld, a history and ethnic studies teacher, who warned that a proposed bill would have a chilling effect on teachers in the classroom. 

“Of course, we’re neutral on political issues of the day,” Bockenfeld said. “We don’t stand up and say who we voted for or anything like that. But we’re not neutral on Nazism. We take a stand in the classroom against it, and it matters that we do.”


Baldwin, a Republican, said he did not agree that teachers should be anything but neutral.


“I’m not discrediting, as a person, Marxism, Nazism, fascism,” he said. “I have no problem with the education system providing instruction on the existence of those isms. I believe that we’ve gone too far when we take a position on those isms.”


“We need to be impartial,” he continued. “We need to be the purveyors of reason. We just provide the facts. The kids formulate their own viewpoints.”


So, kids: Slavery? Not all bad – since slaves got free meals. Genocide? How many races do we need, anyway? Hitler? Guy was a war hero. 

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