Monday, February 28, 2022

January 15 & 18, 2022: Imaginary Voter Fraud and the Return of JFK

1/15/22: Donald J. Trump traveled to Arizona today to hold a rally, and lay out his vision for America. 

Ha, ha. Nope. He wanted to howl about how he got cheated out of gazillions of votes in 2020 and how he should still be president. Sadly, evidence continues not to pile up. Pima County announced the same day that 151 cases of possible voter fraud had been examined and zero prosecutions would be in order. Many of the voters involved were confused about lost ballots, potentially stolen mail, and the like. Looking only at cases that required more extensive review, 23 involved registered Republicans, 15 registered Democrats, and 13 registered as unaffiliated/other.

Ms. Babbitt died because she believed Trump when he said the election was stolen.


As for that fat guy, who used to play a lot of golf while president, Loser Donald told his fans at the rally that the F.B.I. was behind the January 6 attack – not the same chumps sitting in the audience – who believed his lies for four years. He also showed his love for law enforcement (remember when he said 99.9 percent of cops were great people) by blasting the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the attack on Capitol Hill. "I watched this guy being interviewed,” Trump grumbled, “they wanted to protect him so they wanted to keep him. He couldn’t get on television fast enough. The guy who shot Ashli Babbitt for no reason.”


He called the officer an “out-of-control dope” and a “disgrace,” but did not mention the eleven rioters (all Trump fans) charged with seditious conspiracy earlier this week. Those eleven were all talking about touching off civil war in the wake of the November 2020 election.


Lt. Michael Byrd, a 28-year veteran of the Capitol Police, revealed his identity in an August interview on NBC.


Trump was on a nutjob roll, warning his audience that in New York State white people were being sent to the back of the line, when it came to COVID-19 treatments. Not that they were refusing to get in line at all.


Because, you know, if you get a vaccinated you might become magnetized, or you could take horse de-worming medicine, instead, or don’t worry this virus is no worse than the flu, or masks are really “muzzles,” and when President Biden says we should all get shots, he’s really treating anti-vaxxers like Jews during the Holocaust.



1/18/22: Oh, yay! The more guns we have in America the safer we are. The evidence is everywhere!! 

I jest, of course. 

TSA announces that in 2021, a record number of guns (86% of them loaded) were intercepted at airport baggage checks. And let’s all imagine just a few of the on-flight altercations involving masks having ended up with gunfire being exchanged onboard our flights. 

Yay, guns.



And, yay, QAnon. According to sharp-eyed conspiracy nuts, the real Donald J. Trump did not show up for his first rally of 2022 in Arizona, this past weekend. According to various “reports,” the speaker who showed up was a body double. (We are assuming a dumpy-looking body double.) Or, it might have been John F. Kennedy in a Donald Trump costume. 

For that matter, it could have been Bigfoot in a Trump costume. Who the hell could ever be sure? 

Speaking of nonsense, Ex-President Blubber told his fans, yet again, that the 2020 election was stolen from him. 

By Bigfoot, perhaps. 

We should note, of course, that if JFK showed up in any costume, he had to be doing quite well, since he would have to be 105 years old.

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