Monday, February 28, 2022

January 7, 2022: More than 6.2 Million Jobs Added Under Biden

Yesterday, the blogger covered the anniversary of the attack on Capitol Hill in a separate post. We can fill in a little here. Attorney General Merrick Garland has made it clear that the cases the DOJ are building against some of the most important players in the attack on Capitol Hill could take years. 

Wire fraud, for example, may be involved, on the part of organizers of the “Stop the Steal” rally.



THE JOBS REPORT is out for December – disappointing to some – with 199,000 jobs added. Figures for November were revised upward, from 210,000 to 249,000. With figures subject to revision, that means 6,215,000 jobs have been added and/or recovered in eleven months, since Joe Biden took office. 

Trump fans may remember when the good job numbers were “rigged” under President Obama. Then the good job numbers were “real” once Donald took office. 

Then in his four years in charge he became the imaginary “greatest jobs president in history.” During his one term in office more than 3,000,000 jobs were lost. He came into office with unemployment at 4.7%, and “slashed” it to 3.5% in three years. Even during that stretch, he added fewer jobs per month during his first 36 months in charge, in pre-pandemic times, than President Obama added during his last 76 months in office. Trump lovers refused to do even the simplest math – or face the facts if they did. Then the pandemic punched the economy in the face. By the time Don departed the White House, unemployment had risen again to 6.3%.


Cue “Sleepy Joe” to the White House. Old “Sleepy” has now cut unemployment by twice as much, from 6.3% to 3.9% in his first eleven months in charge as Donald did in his first three years. 

The labor participation rate has also ticked up from 61.4% when Trump blew town, pouting all the way, to 61.9% in December. 

If you like unemployment to go down, you vote for Democrats. Clinton did it. Obama did it. Biden has done it.



IN OTHER NEWS, anti-vax podcaster Doug Kuzma dies of COVID-19. Kuzma, 61, need not have died, had he been willing to get the shots. From his pictures one could assume he had at least one comorbidity factor – that being obesity. No offense intended. His daughter called him a “great father.” 

“I really loved him,” she added, “and I would do anything for him.” 

Mr. Kuzma is also said to have believed in the QAnon myths, and in his final social media post posed in a photo with the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. Now he leaves behind a grieving family.


Also succumbing to the disease: Cirsten Weldon, who had said she wanted Dr. Anthony Fauci “hung from a rope.” The QAnon promoter had had a habit of telling her listeners, and even people she passed on the street, not to get vaccinated. She and Roseanne Barr had even recorded QAnon videos together. 

Only “idiots” got the shots she claimed, prior to her demise. 

According to The Daily Beast, 

After Weldon’s death, her QAnon allies threatened to pursue violent action against staff at the hospital where she died. Scott McKay, a QAnon personality known as the Patriot Streetfighter,” said he would publicize the names of doctors and nurses involved in treating Weldon, saying he wanted to “put the fear into these medical professionals” in a Telegram post. McKay proposed the hospital staff be sentenced to death, or be murdered in vigilante violence.

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