Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 15-17, 2017: The President Insists Most Politicians Would Have Met with Russians


7/15/17: Trump Sr. spends the day at his golf course in Bedminster, ogling the ladies of the LPGA. as they tee up their shots. Don’t they look good bending over to putt! Don’t you wish you could grab one by the… 

No, restrain yourself, Orange Leader!



7/16/17 The president starts tweeting at 5:35 a.m.: “HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?”  

He’s mad because polls show his approval ratings are low: “The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40 % [approval] is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!” 

It’s easy to check polls on RealClearPolitics. They’re all bad for Trump because Americans grow weary watching him behave like an ass.



7/17/17: Trump campaign promises keep dropping dead like Napoleon’s soldiers during the retreat from Moscow in the winter of 1812. Not that we want to keep bringing up Russians. Remember the nuclear deal with Iran? Trump called it the worst deal ever made, by any country, including any deal involving any king or queen of Westeros. He would scrap that deal as soon as he sat down in the Oval Office. Who said so? Candidate Trump! Also, his sidekick, Vice President Jesus. “When Donald Trump becomes president of the United States of America,” Mike Pence told a cheering crowd at a rally, “we’re going to rip up the Iran deal!” 

Oddly enough, once in office, the Trump administration discovers the deal is working, not perfectly, of course, but enough to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons. In May, and for a second time this day, the president recertifies the treaty, indicating to Congress it remains valid.



MEANWHILE: DON JR. is in a pickle. He’s no sleazebag, his dad insists. Trump Sr. tweets: “Most politicians would have gone to a meeting [with Russians] like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That’s politics!” 

Actually, it could be colluding with an enemy nation. Keep investigating, Bob Mueller. Keep up the good work!


BLOGGER’S NOTE: The president spends the next two years denying anyone in his campaign ever met with Russians in hopes of gaining information that would swing the election in his direction. Then, asked if he’d take foreign help in 2020, if offered, Trump says he would. Of course, he would. Wouldn’t anyone? See: 6/12/19.)

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