Sunday, July 3, 2022

April 5-16, 2017: President Trump Defends Sex Abusers - and Other Low Moments in Trumpistan


4/5/17: Trump defends Fox News host Bill O’Reilly after The New York Times reports that O’Reilly paid $13 million to settle five lawsuits involving sexual harassment. “I think he’s a person I know well – he is a good person,” says Trump. “I think he shouldn’t have settled; personally I think he shouldn’t have settled. Because you should have taken it all the way. I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.” 


“I think he’s a person I know well – he is a good person. I think he shouldn’t have settled.” 

President Trump, defending Bill O’Reilly



Two weeks later Fox News decides Mr. O’Reilly did plenty wrong and cans his right-wing ass. 


POSTSCRIPT: In 2014 Citizen Trump boasted about helping Roger Ailes when a former employee claimed to have damaging information, related to sexual abuse, regarding the Fox News CEO. “When Roger was having problems he didn’t call 97 people,” Trump told a reporter, “he called me.”  

Accusations against Ailes kept coming. Sexual predators stick together! (See also: Judge Roy Moore, 11/13/17.)

Trump and O'Reilly at a ball game - discussing who has been accused more often?



4/6/17: Representative Devin Nunes, Republican chairman on the House Intelligence Committee, is forced to recuse himself after questions swirl over his decision to visit the White House secretly and talk over the Russia investigation with Trump officials. Not a good way to run an investigation.



4/7/17: Trump changes his mind after saying the USA should never get involved in Syria. He orders 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles to be fired at the airfield from which the chemical attack on April 4 was launched. He and his rich friends are hanging at Mar-a-Lago. So, the president focuses next on the “most beautiful piece of chocolate cake” he’s ever seen. 

Launching a military strike on Syria, and maybe getting American servicemen and women killed. No big deal. 

We’ve got dessert!



4/8/17: Bureau of Labor statistics show the U.S. economy added 98,000 jobs in March. February figures are revised downward. It may be time for Trump to start talking about “phony” numbers again. (See: 3/10/17.)



4/9/17USA Today and other media sources report that administration officials have told them a strike force including the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson is heading for North Korea. 

With Trump at the helm, America is bad ass again! (See: 4/12/17.)

Oops! Where is that carrier?



4/10/17: Neil Gorsuch is sworn in as justice on the U.S. Supreme Court after Senate Majority Leader McConnell invokes the “nuclear option” and eliminates the filibuster. This means the Supreme Court is now whatever McConnell says it is and that means no Merrick Garland. 

This is a major threat to an independent federal judiciary and this threat will not abate if Democrats regain control of the Senate. If you love the U.S. Constitution you have new cause for worry.



4/11/17: Press Secretary Spicer, defending the decision to strike Syria, says even Hitler never used chemical weapons on his own people. 

No further comment required.



4/12/17: Trump warns that the U.S. Navy is sending a carrier strike force to North Korea. “We are sending an armada, very powerful. We have submarines, very powerful, far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. We have the best military people on Earth. And I will say this: he [Kim Jong-un] is doing the wrong thing.” (See: 4/18/17.) 


NATO is no longer obsolete. 

Trump also explains during a press conference that NATO, which he said was obsolete in January, is “no longer obsolete.” Apparently, he realizes he might need help from our closest allies. 

As a bonus, President Trump calls Candidate Trump a liar. China, he insists, is “not a currency manipulator.”



4/13/17: The U.S. drops “the mother of all bombs” on an ISIS hideout in Afghanistan, killing an estimated 96 enemy fighters. Not bad. Not bad! 

Did you know, under Mr. Obama, the Pentagon estimated 50,000 ISIS fighters were wiped out? 

Look it up; but don’t forget the “body count” fiasco of the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. 

(Every good liberal knows you can’t always trust government. Conservatives don’t grasp that fact about our side.)



4/14/17: White House officials tell reporters they will no longer release records of who  visits the White House – because what reason could the American people have for wanting to know who the president likes to hang with? Pictures later show Trump’s draft-dodging friend Ted Nugent posing in front of a painting of First Lady Hillary Clinton in a White House hallway.



4/15/17: Still no sign of the president’s tax returns as all good citizens file their own 1040s. Trump promised in 2014, without equivocation, that he would release his taxes if he ran for president.

He lied.



4/16/17: Mr. Trump insists people who marched by the tens of thousands in protest on Tax Day, demanding to see his returns were paid to do so

No pay stubs or evidence to support his claim are ever produced.

The blogger: protesting for free.

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