Wednesday, May 25, 2022

October 26, 2018: Right-Wingers Claim Trump Critics Sent Bombs to Themselves


10/26/18: Right-wing nuts are floating the idea that the bombs sent in the mail to leading Democrats and Trump critics were sent by Democrats and Trump critics to make Trump look bad. 

This theory is similar to other right-wing nut-job theories: children were being held hostage as victims of sexual slavery in a Washington pizzeria; Obama was really born in Kenya (a Trump favorite for years); the slaughter at Sandy Hook Elementary was a government inside job to give Obama an excuse to seize all the guns; the Air Force used weather weapons to drown people in Texas; chemicals in our water are turning frogs gay; Robert Mueller has “raped kids in front of people” and gotten away with it. In other nut-job news, federal troops were going to come storming out of tunnels under abandoned Walmart stores and conquer Texas during Jade Helm. And the Parkland school shooting involved a bunch of “crisis actors.” (See: 10/28/18.)


Reporters ask President Trump if he has any plans to reach out to those who received bombs in the mail. That would include two of the men who have previously held the same office Trump tarnishes daily. 

You already know the answer. 

“Uh, if they wanted me to,” he responds. “But I think we’ll probably pass.” 

In fact, Trump bristled at the idea he was to blame in the slightest. “I think I’ve been toned down if you want to know the truth. I could really tone it up [emphasis added],” he tells reporters, “because as you know the media’s been very unfair to me and the Republican Party.” 

Even before most right-wing psychopaths in America were up and loading their guns, or making their bombs, Trump was awake Friday morning, and laying out a new conspiracy theory. “Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls,” he tweeted, “and now this ‘Bomb’ stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!” 

Also, keep making those bombs?

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