Thursday, May 26, 2022

October 11, 2018: Clueless President Says Climate is "Fabulous."


10/11/18: Floridians wake up to catastrophic damage; and where was Trump last night? Focusing on recovery efforts? Making sure the federal government could move quickly and marshal resources? 


On one side: science, on the other side: snowballs.



Surely, Trump’s not like that “golfing” dude from Kenya, who Trump loved to criticize. Where was President Obama during the recovery period from Super Storm Sandy? Let’s check Citizen Trump’s Twitter feed: 


So, Obama was “wrong” to campaign the day before the presidential election, even with Springsteen. Springsteen was a New Jersey native doing all he could to drum up relief for victims of Super Storm Sandy. 

Where was Trump today? Why, this must be “Fake News!” There is no way the man is a giant orange hypocrite! 

According to the Associated Press – and we have photos – Trump was campaigning in Erie, Pennsylvania. (See also: 10/12-13/18)



EVEN BETTER, when not campaigning, Trump was busy casting doubt on climate change science. 

He says a United Nations report predicting dire consequences in the future, if the world does not address the issue, is just one of many reports. He doesn’t necessarily believe what 91 scientists from 40 countries are saying. He could, he tells reporters, find other reports that say the climate is “fabulous.” 

Really! He says the climate is “fabulous.” 

If the President or his benighted fans would care to see a few more reports on climate change they could go to the NASA website and read a little bit. The banner for that website notes: 

Carbon Dioxide [in the atmosphere]: 409 parts per million .

Global Temperature: 1.8° F (since 1880).

Arctic Ice Minimum (down): 12.8 percent per decade.

Ice Sheets (down) 413 Gigatonnes per year.

Sea Level 3.2 millimeters per year.


Next, Trump could stop traipsing off to rallies and check the website for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and try a little harder to get a grip on what actual scientists say. 

Did you know, for instance, that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are the highest in 800,000 years? Did you know carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main driver of climate change? 

Did you know methane gasses are roughly 25-30 times more damaging, molecule for molecule, in terms of climate change, than carbon dioxide? 

Did you know the Trump administration is rolling back Obama-era rules to cut methane emissions? You can look this up!!!! 

So could the Science-Moron-in-Chief.


Did you know Andrew Wheeler, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, is a former lobbyist for Big Coal? 

Did you know Wheeler replaced Scott Pruitt, partly because Pruitt was a paranoid jerk who had members of his security detail go pick up his laundry? And did you know that when Pruitt was Oklahoma Attorney General he so loved fossil fuel companies that he liked to take letters from oil companies complaining about unnecessary E.P.A. regulations, copy their documents (exactly) to state letterhead, and send them along with his signature at the bottom? 

Did you know that a Republican senator, James Inhofe (a friend of Pruitt’s) once said, if he could make a snowball in January in Washington D.C., then global warming wasn’t real! 

Good luck young people. You’re going to need it. Because these guys, environmentally speaking, are screwing the pooch. 

And your children’s pooches, too.

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