Sunday, July 25, 2021

I Checked the Backgrounds of 412 Capitol Hill Rioters: And Here's What I've Found

This post was edited on July 27. First, we inadvertently skipped #410. So we have inserted a new rioter there. We have also extended our list to 420 names. And the trend continues, with right-wingers as common as worker bees in a hive.

AS A FORMER HISTORY TEACHER, I’m fond of facts. So, I’m not prone, like Trump cultists, to start shouting, “Lock her,” or “Lock him,” or “Lock them up!” until there’s a trial.

And conviction.

When one of my conservative friends insisted recently that the rioters were all Antifa and left-wing types – in disguise – I set out to ascertain the truth.

If you’re not delusional, you already know the truth; but, still, I wanted to get to the rock bottom of this story.


In our “collection” today, we have

Individuals who are charged with assaulting police:         17

Proud Boys (extreme right-wing)                                          4

Oath Keepers (extreme right-wing)                                   3

Members of other right-wing extremist groups                 7

QAnon dupes                                                                      4

Came to D.C. to “Stop the Steal”                                        4

Individuals willing to kill other Americans                         4

Individuals who hate the free press                                      7

Persons who expressly support Trump                               10*

Antifa/left-wing individuals                                        0


*Some of these categories overlap, and its likely that all 46 individual arrested and highlighted today were supporters of then-President Trump.



“Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda [emphasis added] the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.” 

Albert Watkins, lawyer for one of the rioters




So far, CBS reports, 18 defendants out of more than 500 have plead guilty, including 13 charged with misdemeanors. Six, including three Oath Keepers, have agreed to cooperate with investigators. Forty have been charged with conspiracy and face the stiffest penalties. They include four Three Percenters, fifteen Proud Boys and sixteen Oath Keepers. And yet, on July 11, Rejected-President Trump was still insisting that the rioters “were peaceful people, these were great people.” 

He went on to inform Maria Bartiromo, of Fox News, that The crowd was unbelievable and I mentioned the word ‘love,’ the love in the air, I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said of his rally on the Ellipse in the hours leading up to the attack. “That’s why they went to Washington.” 

He added: “Too much spirit and faith and love, there was such love at that rally, you had over a million people.”


Yes. Love for Mike Pence, for example! “Hang Mike Pence,” the loving folks chanted that day.

Speaking of love, let’s pick up the numbering where we left off last time, and keep figuring out who really did all that rioting on Capitol Hill. 

For your edification: 

366. Andrew Taake: Poor Andrew, 32, is the second poor schlub to get arrested after bragging about participating in the riot on the dating website Bumble. This has got to suck. You come for the romance and the F.B.I. comes for you. 

Prosecutors now say video from the day of the attack shows Taake pepper spraying police and using a “whip-like self-defense tool” to strike officers. And that is how you don’t impress the ladies, but do get charged with a felony. 

(So far, I’m unable to find any details regarding his political affiliation. He’s a white guy from Texas, though…)



367. Ricky Wilden: Wilden, 39, from Oakhurst, California, is a self-described member of the Proud Boys, and dedicated enough to travel across country to riot. He is charged with eight misdemeanors and felonies, including assaulting police officers, at one point spraying them with an unknown chemical substance. 

Perfume, perhaps? Feel the love.



368-372: Thomas and Dawn Munn, and children, Kristi, Joshua and Kayli: The family that riots together stays together. All five Munns have been charged with illegally entering the Capitol and disorderly conduct. A tip from a relative of Kristi Munn’s fiancé led to their arrest. 

In December, Thomas Munn posted a call to action on Facebook: “Our President has asked two things from us so far ...#1 Vote #2 January 6, 2021.” 

(#3: Smash up Congress?) 


373. and 374. Jamie Buteau and Jennifer Buteau: Add this Florida couple to the list of people under arrest. Jamie has been charged with throwing a chair at police officers during the riot. 

His wife faces lesser charges. 

Previously, the duo appeared in a video about QAnon, during which Jamie talked about attending a rally for President Trump in 2018. Mr. Buteau told a reporter he was holding a “Q” sign, and believed Trump sent a signal by pointing to him. Trump “validates it [QAnon] by doing those little things, letting us know that, you know, he hears us.”



375. Nathan Wayne Entrekin: Mr. Entrekin joined the ranks of the arrestees after he showed up for the riot dressed like the angel Moroni, of Church of the Latter Day Saints lore. 

(HuffPost mistakenly describes his costume as that of a “Roman gladiator.”) 

Allegedly, Entrekin narrated his role in the riot in videos he sent to his mother, with whom, unsurprisingly, he lives. “I’m here, Mom!” Entrekin says in one video. “This is my flag!” (See photo, below.) 

“Are we going up? This is a good workout. Forward, forward, forward,” he said, after climbing the Capitol Building stairs. “I made it, Mom. I made it to the top. Mom, look, I made it to the top, to the top here. Look at all the patriots here. Haha, if I can make it up that, anybody can.” 

“I’m here for Trump. Four more years, Donald Trump! Our rightful president!” Entrekin yips. 

Once inside, he keeps narrating: 

“This is our house! Wow, Mom. I wish you were here with me. It’s really exciting in here. It’s joyful and it’s sad at the same time. We can’t let Biden ... to be our president. We can’t ... there’s no way.”

Living with mom. Go figure.


We’ve already counted Jacob Chansley on our list. So we won’t number him again. But comments made by his lawyer give us some picture of a subset of people who showed up on January 6, to fight for Donald J. Trump. 

Albert Watkins, who represents Jacob Chansley, a protester who became well known for his Viking-style outfit during the riot, described the defendants as having “brain damage” and of being “f***ing retarded,” in comments to Talking Points Memo. He stood by his words the next day, adding, 

A lot of these defendants – and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully – but they’re all fucking short-bus people. These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum.


But they’re out brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers – they’re part of our country. These aren’t bad people, they don’t have prior criminal history. Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda [emphasis added] the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.”  

(The reference to “short-bus people,” harkens to the smaller buses typically used to bring students with disabilities to school.)



If Entrekin was a “mama’s boy” and Chansley was on the autism spectrum, many rioters were dangerous in the extreme. 

“Love,” as Trump tried to claim, had nothing to do with their decision to march on the U.S. Capitol and stop the certification of the electoral votes. That is: to halt democracy in its tracks.


376. Fi Duong (a.k.a. “The Monkey King”): Duong was wearing two kinds of masks during the attack. On the morning of the riot, however, he introduced himself to an undercover member of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department.


The undercover officer introduced Duong to an undercover F.B.I. agent, and Duong and that agent later communicated for months. As USA Today explains, Duong hosted the agent at Bible studies meetings where they discussed guns, militia-style training activities, and plans for Virginia to secede from the union and become the state of Appalachia.


According to his indictment, Duong’s nascent militia group continued to surveil the Capitol for months, in the aftermath of the riot. At one meeting at his home, Duong asked a member of the Three Percenters to speak. Duong admitted at that meeting that he had been at the Capitol, but wearing masks. The F.B.I. says his presence was later confirmed on surveillance video. Duong got his hands on an AK-47 and a suppressor and discussed the possibility of breaking the people who had been arrested out of prison. “It’s just a matter of figuring out where the prisons are and that should all be public information.”


A little loving gunfire should do the trick.


According to prosecutors Duong also discussed testing Molotov cocktails and appeared ready to go to war against federal agents if they came looking for him. “I believe Duong meant he was willing to barricade himself in his residence in defiance of law enforcement commands,” an informant wrote, “and was willing to die in this standoff in a similar manner to the standoff in Waco, Texas with David Koresh.”


(Duong’s charging document listed four unidentified associates, all apparently ready to kill in the name of Donald J. Trump.)



377. Edward Francisco Rodriguez: Rodriguez, 26, allegedly showed up at the riot carrying a “Stop the Steal” sign. 

Video appears to show him spraying a line of police officers with some kind of chemical irritant. Then he retreats into the crowd. 

Later, he talks to a reporter and that talk ends up in a Reddit video. “Here in America, we fight back,” he says. “We will never surrender to dictatorship, corruption, communism or socialism. We the people will never put up with their bullshit.” 

“Bullshit” such as getting out seven million more votes.



378. Shane Jason Woods: Woods, 43, clearly listened to years of President Trump claiming most members of the media were “enemies of the people.: Woods is charged with  assaulting a member of the press during the riot. The Illinois man allegedly tackled a cameraman.



379. Alan William Byerly: The 54-year-old from Pennsylvania has been arrested and charged with attacking not only police on January 6, but a cameraman for the Associated Press. The cameraman tells prosecutors that he was “pushed, shoved and dragged” down the Capitol Hill steps by Byerly and three others. 

Byerly is also accused of hitting at least three police officers and trying to use a stun gun on one. 

“It is deeply troubling when journalists are targeted for simply doing their jobs,” a spokesman for the Associated Press adds. 

(For tips on how to “lovingly” stifle the free press, see: China, in Hong Kong.)


380. Michael Thomas Purse: Purse was seen on Capital surveillance dressed in a black tactical vest with the word “PRESS” on front and back. He also donned a black helmet with the word “PRESS” on both sides, and carried a recording device on a long pole. Authorities say there is no record of his receiving press credentials from anyone on January 6. Nor is there any record of his having been employed by any news organization in at least the last six years.


On his own livestreaming website, authorities allege Purse admits as much. He’s not a member of the press. In one video he posts, he can be heard saying, “Mission accomplished, we broke into the Capitol.” 


He’s a likely Trump fan; but we’re not sure. We do know, in one video from that day, he decided it would be fun to harass an Israeli reporter, block his cameraman, and spew a few anti-Semitic slurs.

And in a second video, Purse and another man decide to harass a Danish reporter who says she’s trying to do her job.


Pulse, it sounds like, replies, “my job is to get in your face.”


381. Joshua Dillon Haynes: Animosity toward the free press was a hallmark of the Trump presidency, and the same sickness is manifest repeatedly during the attack on Capitol Hill.


Haynes is one of a group of people charged with helping to destroy tens of thousands of dollars of cameras and broadcasting equipment after they charged a media staging area on January 6.


According to the F.B.I., Haynes picked up and slammed down several pieces of expensive equipment. Then, for emphasis, he stomped on one camera for fun. For some reason, he is also seen in video from the day helping to remove an air conditioning unit from a building outside the Capitol.


According to prosecutors, Haynes admitted on social media that he had helped storm the building. That evening, he received a text, telling him not to “be like antifa tearing stuff up.” “Too late,” he replied, “broke lotsa stuff.”


As USA Today explained:


In an interview with the FBI, Haynes stated he disagreed with force used by law enforcement officers on Jan. 6 to prevent Trump supporters from stopping the presidential election from being “stolen.” Haynes told the interviewing officers that he thought the rioters who used force against law enforcement officers on Jan. 6 were “heroes.” 


When interviewed by law enforcement officers, Haynes assured them he was not a member of the Proud Boys, but he had attended one of their meetings.



382. Gabriel Brown: Mr. Brown was also arrested and charged with damaging camera equipment during the riot. 

Because all Trump fans hate the free press. Unless the free press practitioners love Donald J. Trump. 

Hugs and kisses for Tucker Carlson.



383. Zvonimir Jurlina: Like Brown (above), Jurlina is charged with smashing up the equipment of the free press.



384. Sandra Pomeroy Weyer: Ms. Weyer was arrested by the F.B.I. on June 28, and charged with a variety of riot-related crimes. That includes encouraging and filming an attack on a journalist for the New York Times.


Four or five men first cornered the reporter, reached inside her vest, and grabbed her press credentials. When they saw she worked for the Times, they seized her camera and knocked her to the ground.


According to Weyer’s indictment, in the video she made, the victim can be heard screaming for about ten seconds in a stairwell inside the Capitol Building. When the reporter tried to retrieve her camera Weyer can be heard yelling, “F---ing traitor, get the f--- out” and “Get her out, mace her.”


As the York Daily Record notes,


On Jan. 7, an unnamed person texted Weyer this message: “Hope u guys had nothing to do with the riots they were all hoodlums and traitors,” according to the FBI. Weyer responded, according to the FBI: “I seen no riots. I saw Patriots sick of being lied to and the election being stolen from us! I saw no violence from the Patriots!”


Weyer has been charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, disorderly and disruptive conduct and violent entry. She wasn’t charged in connection with the attack on the journalist, although the photographer was “anti-Trump, let’s put it that way. That’s why they removed her,” Weyer is heard saying in another video, the FBI reported. 



385. Timothy O’Malley: Another member of the Proud Boys, the Fort Walton, Florida man is charged with misdemeanor trespass and disorderly conduct. He allegedly recorded himself inside the Capitol. 

He came ready to riot, with a red batting helmet on his noggin’ and a “Trump is my president” sticker affixed. 

In his video, he crows, “We took the Capitol. We’re moving on to other floors now. Whoo. Our house.”



386. David Moerschel: The Florida man is alleged to have communicated at great length with other Oath Keepers, and to have participated in the riot. Right-winger, without a doubt.



387. Mark Grods: The arrest of Grods, 54, an Alabama man, was announced on June 30. The same day authorities revealed that this member of the Oath Keepers had agreed to cooperate with investigators. As noted by the Washington Post, Grods “admitted to two federal counts of conspiracy and aiding and abetting the obstruction of an official proceeding.” 

As part of his plea, Grods has admitted to taking part in an encrypted phone call with other members of the Oath Keepers, including founder Steve Rhodes, to taking arms to Washington D.C., and to providing them “to another individual to store in a Virginia hotel,” ready to hand if violence exploded.



388. Jonathan Pollock: Pollock has been charged but remains at large. He showed up on January 6, dressed in a ballistic vest, wearing kneepads and gloves with plastic knuckles. 

As CBS explains, Pollock allegedly attacked three police officers in rapid succession: “He pulls one officer down a set of steps, knees and punches another in the face, then pivots and punches a third officer in the face and pushes that officer to the ground by holding and choking the officer’s neck. 

Then he leads a series of renewed attacks.



389. Associate 2: Pollock is assisted in attacking police by an unnamed person, identified in their indictment only as his brother. (I am guessing that this brother is a minor.)



390. Joseph Hutchinson III: An employee at the Pollock family gun shop, Hutchinson, 25, also aids in the attack. He and Pollock are accused of assaulting multiple officers on that day.



391. Michael Perkins: Perkins is accused of helping Pollock and others bulldoze police lines. When one officer is pulled alone into the crowd several others rush to help. Perkins picks up a flagpole and jabs it into one officer’s chest, then uses the pole to strike another in the back of the head.



392. Joshua Doolin: Doolin, 22, also works for the Pollock family. On January 6 he carries a flagpole on his shoulder and advances up the Capitol Hill steps, using the pole to menace police. He is turned back briefly by chemical spray. Later he can be seen in body-camera footage with zip-tie handcuffs tucked in his belt and a riot-control chemical canister, which “appears to belong to law enforcement,” slung over his shoulder.



393. Olivia Pollock: Jonathan Pollock’s sister, 30, follows Hutchinson during the attack. She can be seen carrying a flagpole with an American flag. She attempts to grab an officer’s baton, but is knocked back. As USA Today describes it, “She raises her hands in a fighting posture and elbows the officer in the chest, again trying to steal the baton.” In pictures from that day, she, too, is wearing a tactical vest. She and her brother, Hutchinson, Perkins and Doolin are charged with a long list of felonies and misdemeanors, and are believed to have acted in unison.



The Pollock’s Lakeland, Florida gun shop is named “Rapture Guns & Knives” and advertises on Facebook: 

We are a local gun shop that sells both new and used firearms. We also offer CCW classes for law-abiding citizens interested in a Florida concealed carry license, reloading equipment and supplies, optics of various types, and quality ammunition. Our gun store also sells new and used knives for customers looking for hunting, utility, or collectible knives. And if you are in need of gun repair, come visit our expert gunsmiths.


On March 31, Gabe Pollock, the father, posts this message: 

Rapture Guns & Knives will be closed for Good Friday (4/2), and will be reopening on Saturday (4/3).


God loved us enough to come and die for us, so that we could spend eternity with Him in Heaven.




And I think we can all agree. Nothing quite captures the message of Jesus so much as selling guns and ammo and endeavoring to overthrow the government.



394. Trevor Brown: Brown was grabbed by police during the riot, but released that night without charges.


Mr. Brown is apparently a slow learner, because tipsters soon began reporting that he was bragging about his participation in the riot on Facebook and Instagram, posting photos and videos.


The day after the riot, he had this to say: “We the people need one more solid rally like this and CONgress will be forced to bow and be thrown out for not representing the will of the people and charged with crimes against humanity.”


We should note that Brown is one of several rioters to get confused about where he was during the riot. In one post he put up a photo of the Capitol, stating “I am the First person to breech the White House in 200 years.”


We offer up this actual photo of the White House, to help right-wing dolts figure out where they weren’t.

This is the White House.



395. Jonathan Davis Laurens: Laurens, 38, a Georgia native, wore a “Trump 2020: No More Bull----” flag as a cape around his neck to the riot. 

He allegedly posted on Facebook from inside the Capitol, and responded to a comment with this: “A few bad apples were trying to break windows and kick on doors, but most of us put that (expletive) to bed real fast. We weren’t there to tear (expletive) up, just disrupt the system. All in all, I had fun!” 

The “system” he “had fun” disrupting was the counting of the electoral votes, a foundation of democracy itself.



396. Robert Morss: According to federal agents, when they arrested Morss at his home, for his role in the riot, they found a Lego version of the Capitol Building Morss had built. The 27-year-old Pennsylvania man, and sometime-substitute teacher, showed up on January 6, dressed in a tactical vest, with a red “Make American Great Again” hat stuck on his head. He appears in pictures from that day to be carrying both a pair of scissors and a knife in his vest. 

Authorities allege that Morss kept a notebook titled “Step by Step To Create Hometown Militia.” Steps listed included “Ambush,” “Battle Drills” and “Formations.” 

Police confiscated both his Legos and his notebook and charged him with a battery of offenses.


Sadly, Morss is a veteran and a former Army Ranger, and would normally deserve our thanks. His mother told the judge at a detention hearing that her son had done three tours in Afghanistan. He received an honorable discharge, went to Penn State, graduated and dreamed of being a history teacher. 

His parents sound nice from what I read; but we can’t ignore the fact that young Morss was thinking of setting up “ambushes.” Who did he plan to ambush? Federal agents. Local police? Or Americans, like me, who supported Joe Biden? 

With our votes.



397. Timothy Allen Hart: Hart, who hails from Huber Heights, Ohio, posted a video two days before the riot with the caption “Headed to DC…to support President Trump because the election was tainted.” 

He then posted videos on YouTube of him driving from Ohio to Washington D.C. and then videos from the Capitol. Several tipsters provided information about Hart. Charging documents say he can be seen in video knocking down barriers manned by police. He’s also seen inside the Capitol, wearing a QAnon sweatshirt.



398. Noah Bacon: Mr. Bacon can be seen in video from January 6, at multiple locations inside the Capitol. He’s wearing an I (heart) Trump t-shirt and a U.S. Space Force cap. Bacon allegedly rushes into the building around 2:38 p.m. He picks up a yellow flag from the floor and briefly tries to cover a security camera. Then he tries to jam a flagpole into a door frame to force open the door.


He makes his political leanings clear in a social media post the day after the attack: “The crime of a fraudulent election is complete. 93 to 6,” he says in reference to the vote of the U.S. Senate to certify the final electoral vote.


“93 people,” he adds, “are going to jail for Seditious Conspiracy and High Treason for certifying a fraudulent election.”



399. Evan Neumann: The 48-year-old Californian remains at large. D.C. Metropolitan Police body camera footage allegedly shows Neumann outside the Capitol on Jan.6. He is seen verbally abusing officers behind a metal barricade. When an officer asks him to move away he refuses. He tells officers they will be “overrun” by the crowd, and says, “I’m willing to die, are you?”


Again, feel that love! That love Trump felt in the air.


Neumann finally grabs the barricade and rams a line of officers. When they push back he throws a flurry of punches. More rioters join him, and they break the barricade. Neumann lifts it off the ground and strikes officers with it. In an interview with F.B.I. agents he admits being in Washington D.C. and interacting with law enforcement. Beyond that, he declines to elaborate.




400. Robert Chapman: After bragging on Bumble, a dating website, that he had been part of the Capitol Hill riot, Chapman ends up handcuffed. One woman he contacted about a date replied, “We are not a match.” 

Then she called federal authorities.



401: Bryan Ivey: On June 22, the 28-year-old from Tennessee plead guilty to a misdemeanor for his part in the attack. He was fined $500 and faced up to six months. Fox News reports that Ivey’s brother and wife traveled to D.C. with him, but neither is believed to have entered the building. Not much else is known about Mr. Ivey, although a video of his time inside the Capitol was posted to Parler, the far-right social media website.



402. Samuel Christopher Fox: Fox of Mt. Pleasant, Pa. was turned in by a friend. According to the F.B.I., he posted pictures of himself inside the Capitol during the riot, and added: “All the lefties pissing and moaning right now can take comfort in the fact we walked into a building that was ours instead of using politics to loot stores.”



403. Elliott Bishai: Bishai, 20, is arrested along with Elias Irizarry (#364 on our list). Like Irizarry, he’s a student at The Citadel and a graduate of the same Nation Ford High School. Bishai was a member of the Junior ROTC program at Nation Ford. He’s an honor student in college and studying political science. 

In a statement, after his first court hearing, his lawyer said, 

“We do take these charges very seriously, and Elliot has the greatest respect for the United States Capitol Police, for law enforcement, and for the United States Capitol. He loves the U.S. Capitol, loves his country and would never harm his country or the Capitol in any way.



404. Stephen Chase Randolph: Mr. Randolph (see: Paul Russell Johnson, below) was arrested after the F.B.I. used facial recognition software on his girlfriend’s Instagram account. He and Johnson are charged with kicking, punching and shoving law enforcement officers during the riot. 

In the indictment against the two men, we read. 

On April 13, 2021, two FBI agents, acting in an undercover capacity, surreptitiously recorded a conversation with RANDOLPH at his workplace. During the interaction, RANDOLPH, who identified himself as “Stephen,” admitted attending the riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. RANDOLPH said he attended the former President’s speech but left early after hearing people would be going to the U.S. Capitol. RANDOLPH said that upon arriving at the area of the U.S. Capitol, there were steel barriers set up in front of a grassy area in front of the U.S. Capitol building and there were approximately 15 police officers spread out in this particular area. RANDOLPH said he was in this area for approximately 5 minutes before “shit went crazy” and that he was standing close to people who were throwing items at the police. RANDOLPH further stated “I was in it,” and “It was fucking fun” referring to being in the crowd at the U.S. Capitol. RANDOLPH said he witnesses a female police officer get pushed over by barricades and that her head had bounced off the handrails by the stairs. RANDOLPH opined that the female police officer likely had a concussion because she was curled up in the fetal position after being pushed to the ground.



405. Paul Russell Johnson: Johnson and Randolph (above) are charged with picking up a metal crowd control barrier and using it as a weapon to batter Capitol Hill police officers defending Congress.



406. Steven Thurlow: The Washington Post provides the following background on Thurlow, who is seen in at least one picture on social media, wearing a patch representing the Boogaloo bois: 

“Ahh nothing like a new pair of 511’s and a fresh set of level IV SAPI’s in the plate carrier to go ‘peacefully protest’ with,” Thurlow allegedly posted on Facebook next to a photo of himself wearing body armor, camouflage and a gas mask with a knife and AR-15 rifle next to a Christmas tree, prosecutors said. Patches that Thurlow wore related to the 101st Airborne Division, in which he served from 1988 to 1991, and “Boogaloo,” a term taken up by fringe groups referring to a racially or ethnically motivated civil war, prosecutors said.



407. George Tenney III: Mr. Tenney, from Anderson, S.C., is accused of being the first to open the east Capitol Rotunda doors from the inside, allowing the mob to enter. The Washington Post, quoting court documents, notes, 

Tenney, administrator of a Facebook page called PowerHouse Patriot, talked as early as Dec. 12 of joining “patriot revolution groups” or militias, before posting on in late December, “I heard over 500k armed militia patriots will be in DC by the (Jan.) 4th,” according to charging papers.


“It’s starting to look like we may siege the capital building and Congress if the electoral votes don’t go right. … We are forming plans for every scenario,” charging papers also alleged Tenney posted.


So, let’s be crystal clear for all the dopes out there, like Rejected-President Don. Many of these rioters were prepared to water the tree of liberty with blood, as Jefferson once put it. Only that blood, by the very nature of their plan would have had to be the blood of other Americans. 

What exactly had those other Americans done? They had voted, in record numbers, just like Trump’s loyal fans. 

And they had outnumbered Trump’s fans by seven million. 

So they won.



408. Nicholas J. Perretta: Mr. Perretta, of Baden, Pa., has told federal authorities that he and Mitchell Paul Vukich (below) traveled to Washington D.C. to attend then-President Trump’s January 6 rally. In video from the riot, Perretta can be seen knocking down police barriers, and then an officer in front of him goes down. Perretta says all he and Vukich did inside the Capitol was take a bunch of “three-month-old Congressional papers,” which they threw away later.



409. Mitchell Paul Vukich:  The New Brighton, Pennsylvania man posted a message on Twitter at 3:15 p.m. Jan. 6, as the riot was going full blast. “I was one of the first 15 people in the #Capitol,” he bragged. “Wild stuff. Be safe out there.”  

Vukich is another QAnon dupe. 


410. Matthew Loganbill: Mr. Loganbill is owner of the Tooth and Nail gun shop. When he was arrested in connection with the January 6 riot, a judge strictly limited his ability to handle weapons – only allowing Loganbill to transfer weapons from one store he owned to another. On July 10, the none-to-bright gun store owner decided signing up for and participating in a shooting contest would be fun. And then he thought it would be even more fun to post his score online and say, in essence, “Hey, look at me. I was in a shooting contest!”

Prosecutors are not amused, and the judge in his case is peeved.

When first arrested, federal authorities relied on evidence including anonymous tips and social media posts allegedly made by Loganbill. In one he says he talked to a Capitol Hill police officer and told him, “We came peacefully this time, it will be different if we have to come again…”

A tipster told the F.B.I. that Loganbill was a “hot head” and bitter about damage done to his business during the pandemic. He also warned that Loganbill was “extremely immersed in the paramilitary lifestyle, viewed himself as a patriot and likely felt his actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6 were justified.”

Loganbill went to D.C. to “stop the steal.”

By gunfire, if necessary? Again. Can we be clear. These are people who want to overturn results of an election by force.

You can see why the judge in his first hearing wanted to limit Loganbill’s ability to transfer weapons anyplace.



411. Kenneth John Reda: When not participating in riots, Mr. Reda works as a physed teacher and assistant football coach at a Florida high school. He’s not exactly proficient in languages, allegedly posting this garbled admonition on his Parler account: “We need to get together and organize against this KABAL we need to overthrow it....they have thrown their last ditch effort to overthrow this election therefore this nation if we do not come together and organize we will LOSE.” 

When I do a little digging, I find the indictment against Reda includes this autobiographical sketch from a Parler account under the name of “mrjoebidenhead:” “Imperfect Son of the Lord Jesus Christ, Husband, Father, Son, Pop, Educator, concerned American NRA & 2A supporter: WWG1WGA.” 

Reda is QAnon all the way.



412. Michael Lee Brock: Mr. Brock was wearing a “God, Guns and Trump” hoodie on the day he allegedly helped storm the Capitol. 

Perhaps his hoodies should have read, “and Assault.” Brock, 54, is now charged with felony assault on the police, after video shows him striking officers with a four-foot rod. He could be looking at twenty years in prison. 

Trump fans will tell you Brock might have been an “Antifa type” in disguise. Let’s just say, it’s unlikely. I can’t find definitive proof yet. 

It’s fun to note, however, that in looking up material on Brock, I find a story about two Republican congressmen, Rep. Trent Kelly and Rep. Mike Guest, who met with members of the “Patriot Party of Mississippi” on the morning of the riot.


As reporters for Mississippi Today explain, 

The “Patriot Party of Mississippi” is one of several similar groups that was formed on Facebook in the last week of December 2020. The group used tags from high-profile conspiracy theorists on right-wing and white nationalist websites and social media pages, and the Mississippi group’s posts invited supporters to “Operation Occupy the Capitol” on Jan. 6, when they vowed to “take back our country from corrupt politicians.”


When reporters tried to contact members of this fine group, they were unable to make any connections. 

I try to locate the Facebook page for the group, but it appears to have been deleted, which is too bad. 

Donald J. Trump might have liked it.



413. Kevin A. Tuck: Up until the day of his arrest, Tuck, 51, was a police officer with the Windemere, Florida police department. When confronted with evidence of his participation in the assault on Congress, Officer Tuck at first denied it, and he was arrested the next day. 

So, definitely not the “Antifa” type.



414. Nathaniel A. Tuck: Nathaniel, 29, his dad (above), Rae, and George (below), are accused of joining Proud Boy member Arthur Jackman (#302 on our list) in breeching the Capitol. 

The younger Tuck is a former officer with the Apopka Police Department. So, again, not a likely left-wing type. 

Dad is charged with crimes that could get him 23 years in prison, but he’d still get out before his son. Nathaniel could be looking at 28 years behind bars. On social media, the younger Tuck is alleged to have posted about how he had joined the “Space Force” branch of the Proud Boys, after watching videos of Antifa riots. “Anyone else decide to join after seeing antifa videos online? Lol. I got myself in a rabbit hole on YouTube and watched 6 hours of videos of antifa attacking people,” he wrote. “I was like ‘Fuck this, I’m joining the Proud Boys’ lol.”


Lol, you’re probably joining the “Jail House” branch of the Proud Boys next. 

Young Tuck also admitted watching multiple videos posted by Gavin McInnes, founder of the Boys, who “spoke truth.” 

Finally, he posted, “I see an increase in radical leftist ideology that is beginning to effect [sic] my life. I don’t want to stand by while the very foundation of America is being eroded by insane communists. And I also want to fight antifa.”



415. Paul Rae: According to local Florida news, Rae, 38, who lives in Largo, traveled to Washington D.C. as “an associate of the Proud Boys.” In the wake of his indictment, Rae must now surrender any firearms he might own, any ammunition, and his passport. 

“As he walked out of the courthouse,” after his first hearing, reporters noted, “he had no comment.”



416. Edward George Jr.: If I understand the wording of the indictment of these four men, only George and the younger Tuck are accused of assaulting an officer. Jackman and George are accused of stealing a flag and pole during the riot. 

One of the men, unidentified in the story I consult, tweeted after the attack: “We stormed the Capitol, fought the police and took the flag. It’s our flag.”



417. Caleb Berry: We’ll let USA Today do all the real work on this guy. He’s another right-wing type, for sure. 

Berry was part of a group of Oath Keeper members and associates who went to the Capitol carrying communication devices, vests, helmets and goggles and forced their way to the east side of the building and toward the Capitol Rotunda, prosecutors say. The group wore clothes and patches with the Oath Keepers name, logo and insignia, according to court records.  

He has now pleaded guilty, and admits the group dropped off weapons, ready for use, in Arlington, Virginia, and then retrieved them again on January 7, before heading home. In other words, you could feel that “love” Trump talked about again.



418. Mark Ibrahim: Ibrahim, an officer with the Drug Enforcement Agency, has been charged with participating in the riot, and coming accessorized with gun, badge and Trump  flag. 

Ibrahim allegedly lied about his participation, insisting that he went to Capitol Hill at the request of the F.B.I. A tipster told authorities that Ibrahim lied in an attempt to “cover his ass.” 

Apparently, he had plans to launch a political podcast that would be named “Liberty Tavern” and start selling his own cigar brand.



419. Debra Maimone: Maimone was charged with unlawful entry of the Capitol Building on January 6, after video shot by Philip C. Vogel II (below), was uncovered on Parler. These rioters do love the far-right social media site. 

Maimone is seen styling a “Gun, Gods and Trump” sweatshirt, herself, and an American flag face covering. When she removed it to talk about how amazing it was to be in the center of a riot, Vogel warned her to cover her face. “I don’t want them to see you,” he said. To late, bonehead. (Maybe you shouldn’t be filming her.) 

Maimone can be see at one point helping stow a gas mask in Vogel’s backpack. Because as President Trump knows, every loving patriot carries a gas mask to a “Stop the Steal” rally.



420. Philip C. Vogel II: Like Maimone (above) Vogel appears to have a good time once inside the Capitol. Authorities allege he can be seen trying to kick open a door. He and Maimone stand and watch as other members of the mob try to smash open a set of double doors. The charging document adds: According to U.S. Capitol Police, the silver packages contain escape hoods, which are a form of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the wearer from chemical agents, biological agents, nuclear or radiological particles and toxic industrial chemicals for a short period of time. 

According to U.S. Capitol Police, the silver packages contain escape hoods, which are a form of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the wearer from chemical agents, biological agents, nuclear or radiological particles and toxic industrial chemicals for a short period of time.


Apparently, the couple own a business (name redacted in the indictment) together. Prosecutors also allege that the day after the riot, Vogel defended what the mob had done. 

Just listen to the video below about impeachment of Biden. She states if ppl are so afraid of Biden taking office that they would commit crimes and get violent then what is really the reason for it??? The ppl being arrested are law abiding, tax paying citizens. From Construction workers , business owners and real estate agents to Cops, lawmakers, OLYMPIANS, and so many more! By pushing a bullshit narrative that they all followed a couple of clueless IDIOTS that were there just to say they were is a HUGE disservice to those that took a stand that day. Remember, the ppl that allowed this bullshit election go through were in there that day. They are tyrants. These ppl took a stand against tyrants no matter where or who they were.


In other words, we have another pair of Trump supporters.

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