Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Daily Dose of Donald J. Trump: "Character is Destiny" Edition

“CHARACTER IS DESTINY,” the Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said. For Trump and his minions this is clearly the case. When you cram the White House with bullies, wife-beaters and foul-mouthed louts, people notice.

Trump finishes behind Buchanan in presidential ratings.

Consider results from a recent Quinnipiac poll: 61% of Americans said they did not like Trump as a person.

Only 3 in 10 said they did.

Even worse, only 1 in 5 Americans (18%) believe the president has been faithful to his third wife. 

At this point, Melania is probably part of the majority—who thinks he has not. 

Is Trump even fit to be president? Four Americans in ten (41%) think he is. A sizable majority (57 percent) say he’s not. Men tend to give him a pass in that regard, splitting on the question 49-49 %. Only 33 % of women believe the Emperor deserves his seat in the Oval Office today. Again, a sizable majority (56 %) believes Trump acts more like an autocrat than a normal president.

In other words, the polls are not looking particularly good for the Emperor at this point in his reign; but Trump is a half-full-or-more kind of guy, you could say. This past month he took a look at all the polls—at least all the good ones his sycophantic staff dared place on his desk. Trump saw the glass was more than half full and never noticed it was filled with brackish swamp water.

He was so thrilled by what he saw he had to tweet the news: “Great Pollster John McLaughlin now has the GOP up in the Generic Congressional Ballot. Big gain over last 4 weeks. I guess people are loving the big Tax Cuts given them by the Republicans, the Cuts the Dems want to take away. We need more Republicans!”

I am a fact-based kind of guy and I have puzzled over polls for many years. And I was seeing a glass that appeared less than half full and less by a lot. I decided to do some checking. Who was this pollster the Emperor loved? According to a story from 2014, Republican candidates had been warned not to use McLaughlin’s services because he had “a recent history of missing the mark by wide margins” in races he tried to predict.

Trump supporters, as we know, like to insist the polls were rigged in 2016 and totally, totally off. Not true at all. If you know how to add 2 + 9 and get 10.89 you know they were off by only 1%. Clinton was expected to win the popular vote by 3.2%. She did, but not in key states, and only by 2.1%.

So let’s look at the trends in regard to the generic ballot—where Trump sees a glass that is looking so good. (You figure he can look in the mirror and believe his hair looks good; so maybe we shouldn’t be surprised.) In this poll registered voters (usually) are asked which party they prefer to control Congress in the coming election. According to RealClearPolitics here are the results.

See if you can spot a trend:

In fact, if you go all the way back to January 2017 you won’t find a single poll, and there have been more than 150, in which Republicans hold a lead. By comparison, the GOP had an average lead of 2.4% in 2014 and won by 5.7%. They led in generic ballot polling in 2010, too. Surveys showed them ahead by 9.4%. They won by 6.8%. The last time the Democrats were up during a midterm election year was 2006. Polls gave them a 11.5% lead.

They won by 6.8.

Polling results aren’t much better for the Emperor himself. Again, see if you can spot the trend:

We know that the trends can change, but so long as the Emperor remains delusional in his approach to governing—which is to say, probably for the next three years—we should not expect to see much difference. Character is destiny, after all. Trump did get a bump right after the tax cuts passed. But chaos in the White House, accusations of an affair with a Playboy Bunny, tone-deaf dealings with survivors of the Stoneman Douglas shooting, and a general bullying streak that percolates out of the Oval Office won’t help him win any friends in days to come.

Right now, his best bet is to subvert the Constitution and lock his political opponents up. That’s the tactic Vladimir Putin prefers—and we know how much Trump admires Mr. Putin.

And there’s always “hope,” I suppose, for Emperor Trump. This week the Communist Party was poised to alter the Chinese constitution and allow Xi Jinping to serve as president for life if he so desires.

Trump’s reaction to the news was telling and even Fox News was forced to address the topic. Naturally, they gave the Emperor his usual pass. Trump actually seemed to like the idea of Xi ruling for life and when he spoke at Mar-a-Lago his fat-cat friends apparently agreed. Here’s how Fox told the tale:

“He’s now president for life. President for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to a recording obtained by CNN. “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot someday.”

Trump’s remarks were reportedly met with laughter and applause during a luncheon for Republican donors at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

Pause for a moment to think how Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly (this would have been before he got banned for sexually assaulting a bevy of beautiful co-workers) would have responded if President Obama had made similar comments. 

“Obama loves communism!” they would have screamed. 

“Obama said a dictator was ‘great.’ He wants to be a dictator himself! 

Obama hates America! Obama wants to kick over your Chirstmas tree and confiscate all your guns!”

Nope. Not at Fox News, not during the reign of Emperor Donald I. The Emperor can suck up to dictators of every kind.

It’s all going to be just fine, Fox News assures its listeners every morning, afternoon and evening; but they seem to forget. Character is destiny. If Heraclitus is correct, the Emperor is surely screwed.



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