Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Homeland Security Secretary Can't Remember what Trump Said!

The ludicrous defenses offered up by sycophants to absolve President Trump of the racist statements he recently made continue to baffle reasonable Americans. It’s just another day in Trumpistan.

For full coverage go to 1-100, 101-200, 201-300 and 301-365. Only three days left till the end of Year One.

1/16: In a Senate hearing today, lawmakers tried to dig out answers about exactly what President Trump said in the recent meeting on immigration. The laughable defense of the Racist-in-Chief continued. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (I think that's a Norwegian name, for real), says, well...okay, she did hear “rough language” during the meeting. When his turn to question Nielsen came, Senator Durbin asked what that might have been. Nielsen couldn’t remember. Trump might have said shithole or Shinola or skunk juice, for all she knew.

Durbin probed with a series of questions. Nielsen had a clear member when it came to presidential comments on policy positions. Trump was the best! She admitted Trump had spoken about Norwegian immigrants and talked about how they worked hard.

(Might we surmise, then, that Trump posited the idea that dark-skinned immigrants did not?)

If she heard “tough language” from Trump, could Nielsen remember any specific words the president employed? Nielsen said she couldn’t. Okay, Durbin tried again, did she hear him use “rough language?” Nielsen immediately answered no. How about Senator Graham? Nielsen said yes. What a potty mouth! Durbin asked, “Did you hear Senator Graham repeat exactly the words the president had used?” Nielsen replied, “Uh... what...I think I just went deaf!


What Trump thinks of when he talks about Norwegian immigrants.
(These young ladies are from Sweden. He wouldn't know that.)

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