Saturday, April 23, 2022

Kevin McCarthy Caught on Tape Telling the Truth Again


4/23/22: If you missed it, the free press, doing what the free press does best, kicked over a D.C. stone this week. All the little creatures scurried out, heading in various directions, seeking new dark places to hide.





Kevin McCarthy Caught on Tape Telling the Truth Again.




Thursday, The New York Times reported that in the wake of the January 6, 2021, attack on Capitol Hill, Rep. Kevin McCarthy told top Republican leaders, including Rep. Liz Cheney, that he was going to call then-President Trump and tell him he should resign. McCarthy, Cheney, and others, spoke by phone on January 10.


The ink had hardly dried on the printed page before McCarthy was out with a claim that the Times story was “totally false and wrong.” His spokesman chipped in with a bonus Ninth Commandment-breaker, insisting, “McCarthy never said he’d call Trump to say he should resign.” 




The “Fake News” people happened to have tape.


The problem for McCarthy – but not the problem for anyone who values truth – was that the “Fake News” people had tape. The New York Times countered McCarthy’s lie by making the tape available.


You don’t have to be a flaming liberal, as is this blogger, to quickly conclude that McCarthy was fabricating furiously (and as we shall see, this was not the first time he was caught telling the truth on tape). If you have eardrums that function, and a mind not clamped shut like a bear trap that missed catching facts, I urge you to listen to the tape. If you love this country, for God’s sake, listen.


Rachel Maddow was kind enough to play the tape on her Thursday night MSNBC show, providing graphics so viewers could read along.


At one point, Rep. Cheney (who doesn’t lie – and has therefore been drummed out of the Trumplican Party) asks if McCarthy thinks Trump might resign.


He responds:

"I've had a few discussions. My gut tells me no. I'm seriously
thinking of having that conversation with him tonight.
I haven't talked to him in a couple of days."


He continues:


"Um, from what I know of him, I mean you guys all know him too, do
you think he'd ever back away? But what I think I'm going to do, is I'm
going to call him."



McCarthy had already told his listeners that an impeachment resolution was coming – and might in fact be leveled against Trump, even after his time in office came to an end on January 20.


He explained:

"This, this is what I think, we know it'll pass the House. I think there's a 
chance it'll pass the Senate, even when he's gone. Um, and I think there's
a lot of different ramifications for that."



He assured everyone on the line that he hadn’t discussed the matter with the “Dem’s,” then added,


"Now, this is one personal fear I have. I do not want to get into any
conversation about Pence pardoning."





On that fateful day, it sounded like the nation might have hope.


Let me beg you, if you are a good American, if you truly care about free and fair elections: Listen closely to the tape. Play it again and again if you fail to catch the significance the first time. Four days after the riot on Capitol Hill, the Republican House Minority Leader wasn’t trying to blame some mysterious “Antifa” crew for the chaos. He wasn’t fuming about a stolen election. He was hoping that the man who fanned the flames of insurrection would resign. And he didn’t want to have to talk with Trump about getting a pardon from Vice President Mike Pence, if Mr. Pence were suddenly thrust into the presidential role.


Put yourself in McCarthy’s place – I mean before he starts lying. He believes the leader of his party, and the President of the United States, should resign. And he knows Trump may need a pardon.


When President Richard M. Nixon resigned in disgrace on August 8, 1974, he knew he had lost the support of his own party members in Congress, not just Democrats who had worked hard to uncover the truth. He knew he was going to be impeached – and removed from office. So he quit. One month later, he was pardoned by newly-installed President Gerald Ford, putting a merciful end to a black chapter in U.S. history, and ending Nixon’s career once and for all.


In the Watergate era, when confronted with overwhelming evidence, Republicans of good conscience faced up to a bitter truth. Their champion had repeatedly broken the law, and Nixon had to go.


On January 10, 2021, McCarthy faced a similar situation. He knew Trump had no business holding high office. He knew he should go. Only this was not the Watergate Era. Nor was this the Grand Old Party of the past, a party that stood proudly for conservative principles and values.


The Trumplicans are a party of cowards – McCarthy – McConnell – Rep. Jim Jordan, Senator Lindsey Graham, and so many others. For a brief moment, that day, McCarthy felt the tug of conscience and honor. A light of truth flickered in his mind – but in days ahead he snuffed it out.


On tape, on that fateful day, it sounded like the nation might have hope. McCarthy continued:


"Again, the only discussion I would have with him is that I think this will pass,
and it would be my recommendation you should resign. Um, I mean
that would be my take, but I don't think he would take it. But I don't know."



That’s what he said, speaking the truth, four days after the riot. The Times says they have more tape. “What he did is unacceptable,” McCarthy added, but not on this tape, referring to the president who had stoked the fire.


“Nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it.”


Sen. McConnell’s cowardice is equally glaring. Reporters quote him, shortly after the attack, telling Republican allies, with a hint of relief, that, “The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us.” He told supporters that he expected members of the party to help pass articles of impeachment, noting, “If this isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is.”


Unfortunately, the GOP failed in the end. Mitch and most Republican senators lost their nerve. McCarthy went to Mar-a-Lago to grovel and grin. In February 2021, with many police officers battered by the mob still hospitalized, McConnell was asked in a Fox News interview if, should Trump run again in 2024, he would support him.


“Absolutely,” the coward said.




“I think there’s two people Putin pays.”


NOR SHOULD WE FORGET, this was not the first time Rep. McCarthy was caught on tape, speaking a critical truth.


In June 2016, when it looked unlikely that Trump would win the presidency, McCarthy offered the kind of honest assessment this liberal blogger might have made. “I think there’s two people Putin pays,” McCarthy told a gathering of fellow Republican lawmakers, “Rohrabacher and Trump.”


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher was sometimes mocked in the press with the identifier, (R-Moscow), and labeled “Russia’s favorite congressman.”


In any case, the Washington Post soon had the story and printed it. McCarthy was just as quick six years ago to deny the truth.


But the free press – doing its job, which is to hold the powerful to account – said, we’ve got tapes.


McCarthy replied, in essence: “Okay, I said it. But I was joking.”


It was a joke – and the joke was on all of us, and on this great nation, and some of us, more ill-informed, elected Donald J. Trump.


The problem was that on tape, McCarthy was telling the truth. Democracy is not likely to survive if he becomes Speaker of the House in 2022, if McConnell is returned to Senate Majority Leader, and Trump wins a second term in 2024. McCarthy believed Trump was in Putin’s pocket in 2016. He and McConnell knew the election wasn’t stolen, and the attack on Capitol Hill was fomented by the president. They knew Trump deserved to be ousted from office. What they lacked  was the courage to put their careers at risk to protect fari elections, the rule of law, and the U.S. Constitution.


It’s right there on tape.


You just have to listen.

BLOGGER’S NOTE: For a slightly more detailed description of what happened, see my original post on McCarthy’s comments about who Putin paid, and scroll down till you find the entry for 7/13/18, or click the link where I separated it out just for today.

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