Wednesday, March 30, 2022

October 20, 2020: The President Has a New Scapegoat: Dr. Fauci


10/20/20: It’s Day #3 of Character Counts Week. Sadly, the oaf in the Oval Office is having trouble handling the pressure of a reelection campaign. In a call with top staff, Trump refuses to take responsibility (one of the Six Pillars of Character) for the hash he has made of handling the coronavirus.




“If more Americans paid attention to his advice, we’d have fewer cases of COVID-19, & it would be safer to go back to school & back to work & out to eat.”


Sen. Lamar Alexander, defending Dr. Anthony Fauci



Dr. Deborah Birx, left, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, right, flank the president.

They've been telling us for months to wash our hands, mask up, and socially distance.

Only the man in the middle has contracted COVID.


Denying even the math, the president continues to insist that the nation is turning the corner in the fight against the virus, and he should get at least one more term in office, if not two or ten.


Since last we checked, the CDC has recorded the following new case numbers:


10/16:  70,078

10/17:  53,157

10/18:  47,035

10/19:  60,061


Total cases: 8,188,585.


Death toll: 219,499.


Tens of thousands more Americans have been, or are, currently hospitalized after being infected. Hospital bills, if nothing else, have been wrecking strained family finances across the land.




THE OVERALL PICTURE looks like hell. That means Trump has to find someone else to blame.


(“Leadership” is another one of the Six Pillars of Character, which Trump is also going to knock over today.)


Trump’s latest fall guy turns out to be Dr. Fauci. According to the president it’s Dr. Fauci’s fault that idiotic claims have been spilling from presidential lips for months. Such as: the virus is no worse than flu. The virus is going away soon. It will disappear like magic, or could be cured if we inject disinfectant.


If that doesn’t work, crushed flower petals will.


Now, in a rambling phone conversation with top campaign people, he criticizes the doctor for providing bad advice. “People are tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots,” the president grumbles, “these, these people that have gotten it wrong.”


(“Respect” is one of the Six Pillars and down it goes.)


Trump tells supporters that Fauci’s a Democrat, which in Trumpistan means he can’t be trusted at all. 

(He’s not a Democrat, by the way.)


“Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb,” the president whines. “But there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci’s a disaster.” 

As for Trump hey, hundreds of dead every day, no big deal he’s ready to move on. “People are tired of COVID,” he insists. His campaign should ignore the virus and focus on the imaginary danger presented by Antifa. “I have the biggest rallies I’ve ever had,” Trump brags. “And we have COVID. People are saying: whatever. Just leave us alone. They are tired of it.”


As for the nation being tired, Biden’s campaign quickly responds: “Mr. President, you’re right about one thing: The American people are tired. They’re tired of your lies about this virus.”


The pettiness (“pettiness” is not one of the Six Pillars of Character) of the president was also on display in a batch of knucklehead tweets. In one he faulted Dr. Fauci for appearing more often on TV than “the late, great Bob Hope.” Then he mocked him for wearing a mask to throw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals’ Opening Day game. That game took place in July!


Now on the eve of the World Series the fool in the White House seemed to believe it was relevant that Dr. Fauci, 79, delivered what was “perhaps the worst first pitch in the history of Baseball!”


Yeah. That was Trump’s focus.




FEW REPUBLICANS spoke up, because in Trumpistan they’ve been neutered and know how to grovel. Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, chair of the Senate Health Committee, did at least come to Dr. Fauci’s defense. Alexander, who retires at the end of his current term, offered an implicit denunciation of the president. Fauci, he said, is “one of our country’s most distinguished public servants. If more Americans paid attention to his advice,” he continued, “we’d have fewer cases of COVID-19, & it would be safer to go back to school & back to work & out to eat.”


(The Trump quotes, above, come from several sources: the Associated Press, Axios, The New York Times, Sen. Alexander’s Twitter feed and the blogger’s transcription of Trump’s words from tape.)



POSTSCRIPT: Trump often cites Antifa as his latest Boogie Man, used to scare the totally uninformed.


According to detailed analysis, members of Antifa have been linked to one death in the U.S. in the last quarter century. In that incident the deceased was deemed the assailant.


Unless that case is adjudicated further, we can report that far-right extremists have a 329-0 lead in murders committed during that period.

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