have 13,246 fewer murders per year.
and Wales had a combined
population of 58.4 million in 2016. I think we can also assume almost every
man, woman and child had access to a knife. Still, the murder rate in England
and Wales was 1 in every 80,775 people.
United States, with a population
of 323.4 million, saw 17,250 murders in
2016. That would make our rate 1 in 18,748.
numbers may not do justice to the difference. If we had the same murder rate as
England and Wales, where knives are a problem, but guns are rare, the United
States would have suffered 4,004 murders in 2016. That’s a difference of 13,246
in one year; and you can carry a similar difference back over many years.
aren’t the issue and it is glaring stupidity to argue they are. We in America
live in a gun-drenched society and if more guns made us safer, we’d already be
the safest people on earth.
2015, after a deranged white man in South Carolina walked into a black church
and gunned down nine parishioners, President Obama brought up the question of
gun violence in America.
had brought it up in 2012, after the slaughter at Sandy Hook. But every time he
called for sensible steps to address gun violence in our schools and theaters
and streets, the N.R.A. screamed that the Second Amendment was doomed. Obama
was coming for all our guns, all 300 million. The only way to stop Obama from
taking away every gun—not to mention every sharp knife—was to rush out and buy
all the assault rifles the gun makers could produce.
death toll in nearly every other advanced nation in the world remained starkly
lower. These were nations like our own, where people had access to knives and,
if not baseball bats, other wooden clubbing options, axes and garden tools and,
in Japan, samurai swords. Somehow, the gory calculus was never the same. Japan led the way
in safety with only .029 murders for every 100,000 people. Fifteen other
advanced nations had murder rates less than 1 per 100,000. Germany suffered
murders at the rate of .70, South Korea, .84, Sweden, .92. Eleven countries,
including Australia, 1.07, Canada, 1.44, and Israel, 1.75, had murder rates
under 2 per 100,000. Hungary’s rate was 2.86. Chile’s was 3.14. Only Estonia,
Turkey and Mexico suffered greater slaughter than the United States, with our
rate of 3.82.
up knives is intellectually lazy at best, dishonest at worst, which is to say,
typical Trump.
the roar of outrage from the right-wing crowd if Islamic terrorists managed to
kill 13,246 Americans on our nation’s streets in one year. They’d be demanding
we load every Muslim American in the country on boats and send them back to the
countries from which they came (including all those Muslim Americans born in
this country). They’d insist we had to ban every Muslim from entering the
United States for the next thousand years.
Trump’s take on the need for a border wall if one Mexican who snuck across the
border had murdered 10 more Americans yesterday.
17 on February 14.
problem in the U.S. is guns. Not all
guns, not all guns in all
hands, not the Second Amendment.
problem is too many guns accessible to too many hands.
could pass sensible laws to curtail that ready access to too many people with
too many potentially murderous hands. Or you could stand in front of yet
another N.R.A. convention and talk like a clown.
5/19/18: Trump
makes me nauseous. That’s all I can stand for today.
5/20/18: It’s a
quiet Sunday in Trumpistan. Not a single person in the administration gets
Still, a Trump Twitter Tantrum ensues. At 8:11 a.m., we get
....At what point does this soon
to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted
Democrats and two people who have worked for Obama for 8 years, STOP! They have
found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction, but they aren’t looking at the
Thirteen angry Democratic lawyers? Trump is foaming at the
mouth. His next tweet comes at 8:19:
...in the Hillary Clinton
Campaign where she deleted 33,000 Emails, got $145,000,000 while Secretary of
State, paid McCabes wife $700,000 (and got off the FBI hook along with Terry M)
and so much more. Republicans and
real Americans should start getting tough on this Scam.
So: You’re only a “real American” if you like Trump?
Ten minutes later:
Now that the Witch Hunt has
given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily
be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on
the Republican Party. Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or
Fraudulent Dossier!
This last tweet is absurd. The New York Times has reported that Don Jr. took a second secret
meeting at Trump Tower, where it is alleged representatives of Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Emirates offered help during the 2016 election. This is the
“failed and crooked” Times, which
correctly called Don Jr. out on a June 2016 meeting with Russians, which Don
Jr. originally denied he had.
Nor has Mueller “given up on Russia.” One participant in this
newly revealed meeting was George Nader. Nader is cooperating with Mueller.
Nader was also involved in another secret meeting with a Russian in the
Seychelles. No one remembered any of these meetings until the free press dug up
the facts.
Faced with a tightening noose, the “very angry and clearly
delusional” (my characterization) Chief Executive does what no president has
ever done. He says he will
interfere with an investigation into his own administration.
At 12:37 he makes this clear:
I hereby demand, and will do so
officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not
the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes
- and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama
5/21/18: In the
wake of his Sunday tweet tantrum, Donald J. Trump in part gets his way. The
Department of Justice agrees to look into whether or not the F.B.I.
“infiltrated” his campaign or put a “spy” in strategy meetings or set up a
hidden camera to watch Melania undress.
Steele dossier was correct.
Even the nit-wittiest nitwit could figure this out if they
devoted five minutes to cogitation. A source, now revealed as a result of
right-wing yapping, “inside” the Trump 2016 campaign talked to three people.
One was George Papadopoulos who has since pled guilty to lying to the F.B.I.
A second was Carter Page, who shows up in the infamous Steele
dossier, allegedly for traveling to Russia and talking to individuals with
direct links to Vladimir Putin. Page now admits he did go to Moscow during
the 2016 campaign. At first, Page denied telling anyone on the Trump team
about his trip. Later he admitted he did. Then he said he didn’t meet with any
high Russian officials.
Then he said, okay, I did.
The third individual contacted was Sam Clovis. Clovis described the extent of his contacts with the “spy” during
the campaign. “The meeting was very high level; it was like two faculty members
sitting down in the faculty lounge talking about research. There was no
indication or no inclination that this was anything other than just wanting to
offer up his help to the campaign if I needed it.” No cloaks were involved. No
daggers. The pair talked in a hotel lobby. Clovis didn’t have a hidden gun or a
pencil that could spray chemicals. He had a cup of coffee and a notebook in his
According to Clovis he never even bothered with notes. Isn’t
that convenient—if you might be investigated!
Clovis then blew a giant hole in the idea that this source
was spying on everyone for the run amok F.B.I. “I’m not going to name the
individual, I know exactly who it is...but I will say this: That person had
nothing to do with the campaign. They were not part of the campaign.”
So, it would seem the “spy” did not spy on Trump Sr., or
Trump Jr. or Ivanka or even Tiffany Trump.
ANOTHER RABID DEMOCRAT comes to the defense of Robert Mueller
and…Oh wait, he’s a Republican. It’s the man who briefly led the Trump
transition team, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
In a speech at the University of Chicago, he tells the
audience, “Bob Mueller himself is not a partisan, he’s an honest guy, he is a
hard working guy, he’s smart and you can’t argue that the investigation hasn’t
been effective so far.”
Trump’s biggest problem, says Christie, not counting the fact
he’s a pathological liar, is Trump.
“There’s no way to make an investigation like this shorter,”
Christie says he warned the president, “but there’s lots of ways to make it
longer. He’s executed on a number of those ways to make it longer.”
“I don’t question Bob Mueller’s honesty or his integrity,”
Christie says finally, “never have, and having worked with him for years, I
still wouldn’t.”
SPEAKING AT a conference in New York, former Russian chess champion Gary
Kasparov warns that Vladimir Putin will attack our elections again. Putin is
not a democratically elected leader, Kasparov says. “He’s a dictator.” For
seventeen years, Kasparov notes, the Russians have been trafficking in lies and
false stories on the internet and they’re good at what they’re doing. “The sad
news is propaganda works,” he told his audience. “Fake news works.”
also believe in the KGB.”
Did he believe our president was in the pocket of Putin?
“Donald Trump had more Russian connections than Aeroflot,” he replied. “While I
believe in coincidences, I also believe in the KGB.”
5/22/18: It’s
another bad day for Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. A longtime business
partner pleads guilty and agrees to cooperate with investigators.
That partner is Evegeny A. Freidman, a Russian immigrant (of course), known as
the New York City “Taxi King.” Freidman avoids a lengthy jail sentence and is
required to hand over $1 million to settle his unpaid tax bills.
IN A RELATED STORY, Paul Campos, a professor at the
University of Colorado, floats a theory about Cohen. Campos notes that Trump’s lawyer
was involved in three hush money settlements in 2016. Two involved Trump. One
was a payment to Stormy Daniels. A second payment went to Playboy Bunny Karen
McDougal. The third involved Elliot Broidy, a heavy-hitting GOP fundraiser, who
impregnated another Playboy Bunny, Shera Bechard. (See: 4/14/18 and 4/16/18.)
Campos’s theory: Broidy took a fall for…Donald J. Trump!
Campos notes several intriguing details. In all three
settlements the women were initially “represented” by a lawyer named Keith
Davidson. Davidson has since been accused of conspiring with Cohen to insure
all three clients remained quiet. In the Daniels case and the Broidy case,
Cohen used nearly identical non-disclosure language. He used the same
pseudonyms. For the women: Peggy Petersen. For the men: David Dennison. And the
two Petersen/Dennison payoffs were routed through the same L.L.C., Essential
Consultants, set up by Cohen during the 2016 campaign.
Broidy took the hit for his sins and paid $1.6 million to
hush up the pregnant Bunny. Soon after, he gained direct access to President
Trump. This led to a private meeting at the White House where a business
deal with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates was discussed. The United
Arab Emirates agreed to give Broidy a contract to provide security services worth perhaps $600 million.
Leaked emails between Broidy and George Nader show another
interesting connection. Here the Associated Press picks up the story:
Just two days before that
meeting, on November 30, Broidy wired $200,000 from his Bank of America account
to Real Estate Attorneys’ Group, a California firm. On December 5, REAG
transferred that money to attorney Keith Davidson. Davidson was at the time
supposedly representing the legal interests of Shera Bechard,
a Playboy model with whom Broidy now claims to have had an
affair. (Bechard fired Davidson shortly afterward, when she became
convinced that Davidson was actually working in concert with Michael Cohen,
Donald Trump’s personal attorney, to protect Cohen’s client’s interests rather
than hers.) That $200,000 was supposed to be the first of eight quarterly
payments that “David Dennison” agreed to make to Bechard, in order to buy her
silence about an affair and a subsequent abortion. All this was laid out in an
NDA recovered from Michael Cohen’s office when it was raided last month.
Now, being a fact-based blogger, let me say we cannot know
where this tale will end. We do know this. Nader is cooperating with Mueller.
Nader has been in several meetings with Broidy.
the Bunny abort Donald’s love child?
If Broidy was covering for Trump—if Trump was the actual semen
donor in the Bechard affair—all kinds of campaign finance laws would have been
broken. Broidy’s deal with the UAE might be viewed as a quid pro quo. Trump
gets silence from the pregnant Bunny. Broidy gets a contract worth hundreds of
millions. Saudi Arabia and the UAE get the kind of U.S. foreign policy they
want: pressure on Qatar, a neighboring rival.
And as an added “bonus,” the Playboy Bunny would have
aborted…Donald J. Trump’s love child!
There may be nothing to this theory; but we already know a
Trump Tower doorman, Dino Sajudin, was paid $30,000 to keep quiet about Trump and a housekeeper’s child.
We know Broidy was previously convicted of bribing New York State officials.
We know that the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti,
has warned that two other women whose stories appear
credible may have received large hush money settlements in 2016.
So, we can assume Cohen is worried. And if Cohen is worried
the President of the United States is worried.
(Author’s Note; 8/25/19: Nothing has come of this Broidy-Bunny-Trump Bunny Baby-story. It could
be, for once on this blog, that we were totally wrong. Generally, save for
typos and misspellings of names, and too many examples of poor
sentence-structure, your humble blogger has been right on target in what he
5/23/18: This
may be the day Donald J. Trump proves conclusively that he has no shame, and
possibly proves he’s nuts. He wakes from his slumber and launches another
Twitter rampage. The gist of his message is this: Everyone else is lying. The
only person you can trust is me.
Up with the birds, Trump’s first tweet comes at 5:54 a.m.:
Look how things have turned
around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a
made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which
this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!
Clearly, we’re off to a bad start—with an unhinged president
categorizing critics and federal investigators as “criminals.”
This is when you realize that if Trump had the power to lock
up his enemies without trial he would. Hillary would already be behind bars, no
trial required. Trump made that clear during the campaign. John Kasich and Ted Cruz,
Trump once complained, were teaming up against him during the campaign. “It’s
collusion,” he told Sean Hannity. “In business you go to jail for that, but
it’s collusion where they’re coming together because they are getting beaten
America has plenty of cells. Trump would fill them. Snoop Dog
would end up behind bars as punishment for an insulting video.
Trump insisted that those who burn the American flag, a form
of protected free speech according to the Supreme Court, should be jailed.
And we know Trump would be happy to fill entire prisons with
journalists who write about him in unflattering terms.
Comey would already be in jail. Trump said that too.
In any case, Trump was steaming to start his day. Next, he
tweet-quoted a Fox News story: “‘It’s clear that they had eyes and ears all
over the Trump Campaign’ Judge Andrew Napolitano”
5/30/18 for a reversal in the judge’s thinking.)
At 6:12, the president tweets again: “SPYGATE could be one of
the biggest political scandals in history!”
Trump Tower of Lies is imploding.
At 6:33 he bends the words of James Clapper, who had
blistered him on television the day before. Trump tweets: “‘Trump should be
happy that the FBI was SPYING on his campaign’ No, James Clapper, I am not
happy. Spying on a campaign would be illegal, and a scandal to boot!”
At this point, anyone who bothers to check what Clapper said
begins to realize the Trump Tower of Lies is imploding.
As the day progresses, what do we learn? First, let’s revisit
what Clapper said in an earlier appearance on The View. Joy Behar, one of the hosts, put the following questions
to him:
BEHAR: So I ask you, was the FBI
spying on Trump’s campaign?
CLAPPER: No, they were not. They
were spying on, a term I don’t particularly like, but on what the Russians
were doing. Trying to understand were the Russians infiltrating, trying to
gain access, trying to gain leverage or influence which is what they do.
BEHAR: Well, why doesn’t [Trump]
like that? He should be happy.
CLAPPER: He should be.
The concept is simple. If Russians were infiltrating Trump’s
campaign, the good guys (U.S. intelligence agents) would want to stop the bad
guys (agents of a hostile foreign power; Russia).
If Manafort and others were working in the interest of
foreign powers, Candidate Trump would surely
want to know. And Manafort had neck-deep ties to Russian interests
going back years.
The best possible explanation would be that Trump knew
nothing about Manafort’s shady past. But Manafort is dirty beyond question—a
money launderer in the pay of Russians—if not worse. We know he was heavily in
debt to a Russian oligarch when he took on a job in the Trump campaign for free.
A new report, issued by Bloomberg
on the same day Trump is tweet-moaning about the “Criminal Deep State,”
indicates Manafort
made 17 trips to Ukraine in 2014 and 2015, just before joining Trump’s team. The purpose of all those trips was to perform
lobbying work for the Opposition Bloc, a pro-Russia political group.
the magnetic pull of crook to crook was at work. Manafort had been advising a
corrupt Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, who, when toppled in a
popular uprising, fled to…Russia.
Bloomberg, noting
that Rick Gates, Manafort’s right-hand man, has pled guilty and agreed to
cooperate with the Mueller team, explained:
Gates worked with Manafort for a
decade in Ukraine, serving as a loyal wingman. In his guilty plea, Gates
admitted that he helped Manafort set up dozens of undisclosed offshore bank
accounts, hide their work as unregistered agents for Ukraine and launder millions
of dollars into the U.S. Manafort convinced Gates to help him create false
documents for banks, urged his son-in-law to lie to a bank appraiser and misled
lenders about the use of loans, prosecutors charged.
benefit the Putin government.”
In an in-depth story last November, the Business Insider reported that in 2006 Manafort signed a $10
million annual contract with Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch and allegedly murderous crime boss. Manafort agreed to perform
lobbying work in the U.S. which he promised “would greatly benefit the Putin
Nevertheless, money woes soon beset him. Deripaska filed suit
in 2014 in the Cayman Islands (where all good money launderers go to shield
bank accounts from pesky tax laws and legal oversight), claiming Manafort had disappeared
after he gave him $19 million to invest.
We can therefore assume Manafort was interested in placating
a dangerous Russian crime boss. Once Manafort joined the Trump campaign he
found time to email one of his many Russian friends. Had Deripaska been made
aware of Manafort’s expanding role in Trump’s political operation? If so, maybe a deal could be worked out—access
to Trump for the Russian crime boss, knowledge about Trump’s plans—forgiveness
for Manafort for that $19 million gone south?
His Russian friend responded. Deripaska was indeed paying
close attention. Manafort emailed again: “How do we use to get whole. Has OVD
[Deripaska’s initials] operation seen?”
Trump's pal: Vlad. |
Being an evidence-based kind of guy, I admit there’s no known evidence to tie the president
directly to illegal contacts with Russians. Still, the smell of dead
rats assaults the nostrils. And you can see why U.S. intelligence might have
wanted to keep tabs on several shady members of the Trump campaign team.
The critical question then comes into view. Has the President
of the United States been trying to derail an investigation into Russian
interference in 2016, simply to cover the Trump rump?
Later in the day the president pushes for a meeting to get to
the bottom of this “spy” business during his campaign. He tells reporters in a
quick gathering on the White House South Lawn that he’s all about “total
transparency.” He’s not blocking an investigation. “What I’m doing is a service
to this great country and I did a great service to this country by firing James
He did a great service to himself, that’s for sure.
The plan for the meeting is soon set. It will include White
House Chief of Staff John Kelly, representatives of the F.B.I., the Department
of Justice and U.S. intelligence, and two members of Congress.
Great! Two branches of government working together in the
name of transparency...
Wait. Two members of Congress?
Representative Devin Nunes is one. This is the same man whose
hometown newspaper labeled him “Trump’s stooge.”
The second would be Rep. Trey Gowdy, another Republican. No
Democrats! That is the president’s idea of “transparency.”
“first instincts are to twist and distort the truth.”
On her 4:00 p.m. MSNBC show host Nicolle Wallace, a former
member of the George W. Bush administration, puts up the following quote from
former CIA head Michael Hayden’s new book,
The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in the Age of Lies.
Hayden had a decades-long career in the U.S. military and retired from the U.S.
Air Force as a decorated four-star general.
We have elected someone as
president of the United States whose first instincts are to twist and distort
truth to his advantage, to generate financial benefit to himself and his family.
And in so doing, to demean the values this country has traditionally stood for.
He has set a new low bar for ethics and morality. He has caused damage to our
societal and political fabric that will be difficult and will require time to
repair. And close to my heart, he has besmirched the intelligence community and
the FBI, pillars of our country, and deliberately incited Americans to lose
faith and confidence in them.
Hayden’s comments on camera are equally harsh. Trump, he
warns, ignores “objective reality.” The president has attacked what Hayden
calls the “truth-tellers.” He has created friction points, and here Hayden
ticks them off on his fingers, listing “intelligence, law enforcement, courts,
science, scholarship and journalism.” Hayden admits the truth-tellers are
imperfect in the stories they tell.
Yet, he adds, “Their only safe haven is to preserve and
pursue truth as they best know it to be.”
Referring to the “scene” on the South Lawn earlier in the
day, where the president attacked reporters for what they had said, Hayden
warns that the President of the United States is completely untethered from the
truth. His comments represent “a created reality to meet the needs of the
moment.” The president “never argues the facts of the case.” He simply attacks
those who threaten him—plying truth as their swords.
Trump’s shield?
THE CLOUDS around the Trump administration darken. The BBC
reports on another secret meeting involving
Michael Cohen. Cohen took a payment of $400,000 from representatives of the
president of the Ukraine. In return he set up a meeting with Trump at the White
House in June 2017. At the time Cohen was not listed as a representative of the
Ukraine as would be required under U.S. law. After the meeting, the government
of the Ukraine suddenly stopped helping Mueller pursue links between
pro-Russian Ukrainian interests and Paul Manafort.
The BBC reports: “One source in Kiev said [Ukrainian
President] Mr Poroshenko had given Trump ‘a gift’—making sure that Ukraine
would find no more evidence to give the US inquiry into whether the Trump
campaign ‘colluded’ with Russia.”
According to the reporter for the BBC, “Last week in Kiev,
the prosecutor in charge of the case, Serhiy Horbatyuk, told me: ‘There was
never a direct order to stop the Manafort inquiry but from the way our
investigation has progressed, it’s clear that our superiors are trying to
create obstacles.”
5/24/18: Let’s
get another day in America off to a rousing start. Fox & Friends is running a taped interview with the president.
He’s stoked to hear the NFL will fine players who kneel during the National
After all, nothing says, “I love the land of the free, and
the home of the brave” more than squelching the right to protest.
The NFL does say players can remain in their locker rooms if
they prefer.
you shouldn’t be in the country.”
Trump can’t talk long before making it clear how he feels
about the rights of those with whom he disagrees. “Well, I think that’s good,”
he tells the three hosts, Larry, Curly and Ainsley, referencing the fines. “I
don’t think people should be staying in locker rooms. But still, I think it’s
Then Trump takes it ten steps too far. “You have to stand
proudly for the national anthem, or you shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be
there. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country.”
Trump doesn’t have much chance to celebrate the news because
he has a spy problem on his hands or in his head. In Trump’s muddled thinking,
the F.B.I. and other federal agencies were spying on his campaign. He tweets
out “evidence, which often means making it up. At 7:21 we get: “Clapper has now
admitted that there was Spying in my campaign. Large dollars were paid to the
Spy, far beyond normal. Starting to look like one of the biggest political
scandals in U.S. history. SPYGATE - a terrible thing!” The meeting between
members of Congress and representatives of the U.S. intelligence community, to
get to the bottom of this Spygate mess, is on for later in the day. (See:
5/23/18. Trump has already told the same lie about what Clapper said.)
BEFORE THAT MEETING can take place, Trump learns another
lesson. Diplomacy is hard.
The much-ballyhooed June 12 summit with North Korea is
Here, your favorite blogger should be clear. He would not
fault Trump on most foreign policy matters, were Trump not so gleeful in
bashing predecessors for their “failures.” Trump will take credit for every
step forward the United States makes on any front. He will blame everyone else
for any step back.
This much is true in 2018 and has been true for years: None
of the options to contain Kim Jong-un’s rogue regime are good. Trump is simply
the latest U.S. president to discover that fact.
like love, is hard.
The rest of the day you could watch “experts” on cable
television debate. On Fox News everything Trump had done or would ever do was
brilliant. On MSNBC a radically different case was presented. Politicians put
forward arguments based not on reason but on whether they had an “R” or “D” after
their names.
This blogger would point out that history shows diplomacy is always messy and complex.
The Spartans and Athenians could not resolve their differences 2,500 years ago.
The Peloponnesian War dragged on for twenty-seven years. The Israelis and
Palestinians can’t settle their differences today. And, despite Jared Kushner’s
best efforts, they won’t anytime soon. North Korea has been a nettle for the
U.S. to grasp since attacking South Korea on June 1, 1950.
This is the way the world works, always has worked, and
always will work. Diplomacy is hard.
China has been both an active and silent actor in what is a
long-running play. In the winter of 1950, the Chinese sent hundreds of
thousands of troops crashing across the Yalu River and smashed into American
and U.N. forces. Harry Truman was the first president to learn that North
Korea, backed by China, would present a challenge to the interests of the
United States.
It may still prove that Trump and his team have a good backup
plan despite the cancelation of talks—that perhaps back channel movements are
likely in days to come. But it’s hard not to laugh at a fool like Trump, who wants nothing so much as to be constantly
praised. Gone for now is his chance at a Nobel Prize, which, if you believe the Big Orange Buffoon, everybody was saying he
In order to cancel the summit, Trump sends the following
letter to the Chairman of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea:

The missive reads like a weird breakup letter. “I felt a
wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me,” Trump writes. “I look
very much forward to meeting you” someday, the lovesick U.S. leader moans. He
can’t forget Kim’s “beautiful gesture” when the romance seemed strong. He can’t
believe the “tremendous anger” now directed his way.
Diplomacy, like love, is hard.
Like a jilted lover, Trump makes his deepest feelings clear.
If he can’t have Kim, no one can! He’ll blow him to bits. “You talk about your
nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God
they will never have to be used.”
Of course, there’s a reason no nation has exploded an atomic
bomb on an enemy in 73 years. At best, if we use our “massive” nuclear arsenal,
we’re going to roast millions of men, women and children. Most would be
innocent human beings who don’t like Kim any more than good Americans do.
Kim has the capacity to hit targets in the continental United
States, which is new, and not Trump’s fault. Yet we must admit, assuming we
have some modicum of intellectual honesty, that previous presidents had to
consider a similar dilemma. They knew Kim had the ability to turn Seoul (and possibly
Tokyo) into a smoking hole in the ground. The only difference between 2006,
when North Korea got its first nuclear bomb, and 2018, is that Los Angeles is
now in range.
But at least we’ve got a few cool medallions—coined before
the meeting was canceled—we can toss and flip.
Naturally, they show Trump’s face. (See: 6/1/18.)

WITH HOPES for a Nobel Prize dashed, Trump can console
himself knowing there’s a meeting scheduled to consider spying on his campaign.
According to the propaganda people at Fox News, this meeting
will allow Congress to get to the bottom of the Spygate mess. But for some odd
reason, Democrats in Congress think
they should attend.
One meeting becomes two.
Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy attend the first. Speaker Paul
Ryan tags along. He has a scheduling issue and can’t go to a second meeting
planned after the first. Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, F.B.I.
Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats arrive.
Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, has
secured a seat—after Democrats point out that Trump’s interest in “total
transparency” (see: 5/23/18) might be
more believable if members of both parties were allowed.
But then the tale takes an odd twist. Remember, this is a
meeting called because Congress has
a duty to exercise oversight over the Executive Branch. To the
surprise of nearly everyone, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Trump
defense lawyer Emmet Flood appear.
Flood is indubitably not a member of Congress. He has no
reason to be sitting in a meeting such as this, unless to get the scoop on what
investigators might know about his boss.
And if Congress is trying to ensure proper oversight over the
Executive Branch, why is Kelly there?
Kelly and Flood—at least according to White House Press
Secretary Pinocchio—speak briefly and leave.
A Republican congressional staffer, hearing they appeared, says, “That’s the craziest shit I ever heard.”
A second meeting is required because top congressional
leadership, not just Nunes sucking up to Trump, and Gowdy trotting after to watch,
is held soon after the first gathering concludes. Present are Rep. Nancy Pelosi
and Sen. Chuck Schumer for the Democrats, Nunes again, Sen. Mark Warren, a
Democrat, and Sen. Richard Burr and Sen. Milksop Mitch for the Republicans. The
same three intelligence heads give a similar briefing to the group.
On Fox News, soon after, Brett Baier asks Milksop Mitch to describe the meeting just
“Were you surprised by what you learned?” Baier wants to
know. Were there, like, dozens of spies!!!!
“Nothing particularly surprising,” Milksop replies. “But
again, it was classified, so there’s no real, no real report I can give to
MEANWHILE, DETAILS about both the idiocy and mendacity of
President Trump continue to spill out.
Two days ago, after watching too much cable news, Trump
claimed the F.B.I. informant who talked to three members of his campaign had
been paid “a massive amount of money…many times higher than normal” to spy on
his campaign. That informant, now revealed to be Stefan Halper, looks a lot
less suspicious if one turns off the television and searches for truth. As Politifact notes, his biography
impresses. Halper is “professor emeritus at Cambridge University in England
where he lectures on international security issues. He served as deputy
assistant secretary of state for Political-Military Affairs in the Reagan
At the time he was being paid to talk to three members of the
Trump team (see: 5/21/18), he was
also working on a study of Russian-Chinese relationships, and Halper was paid by the Pentagon, not the
The tab for all his work, both “spying” on Trump and doing
Pentagon research, came to $244,960.
Guess how much Halper earned working for the Pentagon from
9/29/2017 to 3/29/2018, while Trump had his fanny planted on his Oval Office
throne? Halper earned $411,575 on Trump’s watch.
IN RELATED NEWS, the president told allies earlier in the
week that he wanted “to brand” Halper a “spy,” not an informant. According to
the Associated Press, he told confidants he thought that sounded more ominous, and would stir up his base.
Typically, whether he had the facts straight or not never entered into the
calculations of the President of the United States.
At this point, I think we can safely say if Trump thought
supporters would believe talking Oreo cookies told him Barack Obama was leader
of a “Criminal Deep State,” then Trump would be tweeting about talking Oreos.
Postscript: A federal judge rules that
Trump and his Twitter police can’t ban critics from his feed. In using Twitter
extensively and in making it a forum for discussion of government policy,
banning critics denies them access to a public forum and violates First Amendment rights.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I am seriously thinking
about signing up for Twitter today.
5/25/18: Trump
can’t let the “Spygate” story go. On late night television Stephen Colbert
labels the matter “Stupidgate.” A former federal prosecutor labels Trump’s
disingenuous campaign “Liegate.”
As expected, the president lays out his “case” in a series of
idiot tweets. He could stand up at a press conference and explain his concern
in detail to the American people. But he’d have to answer probing questions and
he’d get mad. Trump hasn’t held a press conference for 461 days.
Instead, we’re served tweets:
The Democrats are now alluding
to the the concept that having an Informant placed in an opposing party’s
campaign is different than having a Spy, as illegal as that may be. But what
about an “Informant” who is paid a fortune and who “sets up” way earlier than
the Russian Hoax?
Tweet #2: “Can anyone even imagine having Spies placed in a
competing campaign, by the people and party in absolute power, for the sole
purpose of political advantage and gain? And to think that the party in
question, even with the expenditure of far more money, LOST!”
Tweet #3:
“Everyone knows there was a Spy,
and in fact the people who were involved in the Spying are admitting that there
was a Spy...Widespread Spying involving multiple people.” Mollie Hemingway, The
Federalist Senior Editor But the corrupt Mainstream Media hates this monster
vandalism of democracy.”
The New Jersey Star-Ledger
captures the sentiment of that part of the American
people still capable of grasping the basic issues in this sordid Trump tale.
The Star-Ledger editorial reads in
Confident that he can use the
U.S. Department of Justice as his personal chew toy, Donald Trump has again
decided that he can trample the thickest red line in American rule of law and
that nobody is going to lift a finger to stop him.
The president demanded that
Justice launch an investigation designed to torpedo another criminal
investigation—the one in which Trump is the principle subject, which is
probably his most audacious act of obstruction since he fired the FBI director
who led another investigation against him.
…this is the same president who
said, “I have absolute right to do what I want
with the Justice Department,” despite the prevailing consensus that DOJ has
operational independence from the executive branch...
It’s all very predictable, given
the jaw-dropping scorecard of an investigation which Trump has tried to
disturb, derail, and delegitimize. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has extracted
guilty pleas from Trump’s national security adviser, deputy campaign manager,
and foreign policy adviser, and indicted his campaign manager, 13 Russians and
3 Russian companies.
Mueller has bagged all that in
just 12 months. And he hasn’t even frog-walked Michael Cohen and Roger Stone out of their caves yet, or shown
whether Donald Trump Jr. tried to solicit anything of value in all those visits
with foreign agents during the 2016 campaign.
…Yet as the special counsel
shoves it into fifth gear, the possibilities still seem endless. The last thing
America needs is for its Justice Department to be complicit in this vandalism
of democracy.
Times breaks another story. On January 9, 2017, just eleven
days before Trump is sworn into office, Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer and
fixer (and at the time an employee of the Trump Organization), has another
secret meeting at Trump Tower.
His guests are Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian oligarch, and
Vekselberg’s American cousin, businessman Andrew Intrater. No one knows about
this tea party until reporters poring through C-SPAN footage notice the two boarding the elevator
in the Trump Tower lobby and exiting again half-an-hour later.
It turns out to be a productive meeting. Cohen gets a $1
million contract to advise his visitors on business opportunities in
Trumpistan. Vekselberg and Intrater donate $1.2 million to support Trump
inaugural festivities. Vekselberg and Cohen later attend an inaugural ball together.
You can certainly understand why a Russian oligarch might
want to curry favor with a new president, especially one happy to be curried.
With direct ties to Putin, Vekselberg would like nothing better than to see
U.S. sanctions lifted. We know Vekselberg attended the same dinner in Moscow
where General Flynn spoke and we know Flynn was paid handsomely for his eloquence. We know Flynn forgot
to reveal payments from Russian entities as required by U.S. Army
regulations. We know Flynn lied to Vice President Pence about another meeting
with Russians. We know Vekselberg was stopped at a U.S. airport recently by
agents from the Mueller probe. So, if you smell something fishy, your olfactory
senses are working.
This past April, Vekselberg and his companies were
specifically sanctioned as a result of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
(For months President Trump insisted no meddling occurred.)
These sanctions led to somewhere between $1.5 billion-$2 billion in Vekselberg’s assets
being frozen.
CNN sent a reporter to catch up to Vekselberg in Moscow; but
when confronted with questions about payments to Cohen and donations to the
Trump inauguration, he refused to answer.
MEANWHILE, TRUMP STRAIGHT MAN, Congressman Louie Gohmert, insists that
the president is purer than the Virgin Mary. Robert Mueller, however, “has
protected radical Islamists his whole career.”
have taken over the minds of our pets.
Gohmert offers the theory that the “anthrax scare” which
filled the news a few days after the 9/11 attacks was a diversion, that Mueller
(the director of the F.B.I.) was “looking for something to take the attention
Oh, fuck it. If you can believe this crap, you might as well
start arguing that aliens have taken over the minds of our pets and are spying
on us every time we ruffle our dogs’ ears or feed our fish.
In the wake of the terrible 9/11 attacks, media coverage was
continuous and profound. No one was “diverted” by the anthrax scare. Most
Americans probably don’t remember it even occurred. We all remember that on
that terrible day 19 individuals, adhering to a twisted strain of Islam,
carried out their murderous attacks. No one “diverted” us from that horrible
The only people stupid enough to believe Gohmert’s comments
are conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, on the right-wing fringe. These are
the nuts who think the 9/11 attacks were a
government “inside job.”
In fact, we know Gohmert spoke at length to Jones on his May
18, 2015 show. At the time, Louie was shouting warning about the Jade Helm plot,
wherein the Obama administration was going to send federal troops to invade
Texas. How would this invasion proceed? There were tunnels. These tunnels were under
Walmart stores that had suddenly closed without reason. When it comes to
diversionary tactics Gohmert earned a black belt in bullshit years ago.
CONGRESSMAN Adam Kinzinger, like Gohmert a Republican, unlike
Gohmert, a war hero and not nuts, appears on CNN. Wolf Blitzer describes him as
“a key member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.” A transcript of their
talk includes these relevant details, as always emphasis added, unless
otherwise noted.
BLITZER: We got a lot to
I want to talk about North Korea in just a moment, but first are you concerned
at all by this pattern of connections between people in President Trump’s orbit
and these Russians, including oligarchs directly linked to Vladimir Putin?
I mean, I don’t really know what to make of any of this stuff, partially
because, as I have said from the very
beginning, I—Mueller knows what he’s doing….I want him to
complete his report. And then I will make a determination based on what he
…But the day to day, I mean, to be honest with you, I just really don’t even
pay attention to every story on this. I don’t know what to make of it, but I’m
sure we will find out when the Mueller
investigation is completed.
BLITZER: So, just to be precise, Congressman, none of these developments bother
you at all?
KINZINGER: Well, I mean, I’m not saying they do or don’t bother me. What I’m
saying is, we hear something new every day, some of which are debunked, some,
they say may be accurate.
BLITZER: The president is also arguing that the confidential FBI source who was
investigating Russian ties of the Trump campaign is actually a spy and he was
actually directed by the Obama administration to undermine President Trump.
Does that make sense to you?
KINZINGER: I don’t know. Again, I mean, all I have seen is what I have seen on
TV about that.
And then I have seen my colleagues who have been briefed on this. They came out and said they weren’t overly concerned about it,
as you played a sound bite from Mitch McConnell. I have not been briefed on it,
so I just don’t know.
BLITZER: The president’s allies, at least some of them, are clearly ramping up
their attacks on the special counsel, Robert Mueller, was for a long time the
FBI director.
I want you to listen to what your Republican congressman—your Republican
colleague Congressman Louie Gohmert told Judicial Watch. Watch this.
(They watch Gohmert spin his yarn.)
BLITZER: When you hear that, what’s your reaction?
KINZINGER: I know Louie, obviously. I like Louie. He’s a good guy.
But I disagree with him in this
case. I don’t know what case he’s referring to, but I can tell you with pretty
good confidence that Mr. Mueller’s not sympathetic to radical Islam. So I
think, if there’s any connection that was made, it’s not because of any kind of
sympathy by Mr. Mueller. I trust
his investigations. I trust his techniques.
Indeed, it is possible Mueller’s final report will exonerate
President Trump. If Trump is innocent, that should be clear enough.
5/26/18: We
start the Memorial Day weekend the way Republicans like it. First, there’s
excitement because…well…giant tax cuts for fat cats!
In related news, did you realize top prices for Rolex watches
can surpass $400,000? This is exactly the way to insure a healthy economy. Cut
taxes and the superrich will create more jobs for Rolex factory workers.
I should point out the website offering the watch above includes “free shipping
and handling” if that might be a factor in your decision.
Speaking of the typical American worker, this has been a great
month for them. No, I’m joking! First, the U.S. Supreme Court rules, 5-4, that
companies which require individual workers to sign arbitration agreements can
ban collective action by workers to recover overtime pay they were wrongly
denied. Now, if Mega Corporation-R-Us bends the rules
and 980 workers are cheated out of $1,900 overtime pay each, those 980 workers
can go to arbitration individually
and complain.
I think we can say with total “confidence” that Mega Corporation-R-Us
will not fire Worker #1, who steps forward first and complains.
Or worker #2, who doesn’t get the message when they do.
In similar fashion, if a female employee has been sexually
harassed by her superior, she must go to arbitration to complain. She may not
join forces with other female workers similarly harassed.
act was passed to improve the rights of workers.
Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for the Supreme Court majority
in Epic Systems Corp v. Lewis, rules
that the Federal Arbitration Law of 1925 has precedence over the National Labor
Relations Act of 1935. The latter act was passed to improve the rights of
workers eight decades ago.
Now that conservatives have a grip on the highest court in
the land, the corporations can do what they want. This kind of decision is a
“payoff” for donations corporations have heaped on the GOP. Abercrombie and
Fitch won’t need to change a policy that requires thousands of workers not
scheduled for shifts to come in immediately, at 10:00 a.m. on a Tuesday, if notified
two hours before. Company leaders at Mega Corporation-R-Us can sexually harass
a nightshift cleaning woman, two receptionists, three interns and five
secretaries over the course of several years.
The nightshift cleaning woman will have every right to pay
for a lawyer and go to arbitration herself.
True, the law in this case is complex. Gorsuch may be
technically right. But law and justice do not always match. (See, for example:
The Fugitive Slave Law.) At the end of his lengthy opinion, even Gorsuch all but admits that
The policy may be debatable but
the law is clear: Congress has instructed that arbitration agreements like
those before us must be enforced as written. While Congress is of course always
free to amend this judgment, we see nothing suggesting it did so in the
NLRA—much less that it manifested a clear intention to displace the Arbitration
Act. Because we can easily read Congress’s statutes to work in harmony, that is
where our duty lies. The judgments in Epic,
No. 16–285, and Ernst & Young,
No. 16–300, are reversed, and the cases are remanded for further proceedings
consistent with this opinion. The judgment in Murphy Oil, No. 16–307, is affirmed.
The five judges who signed on for this ruling include:
Gorsuch, appointed to his seat after Milksop Mitch ignored two hundred years of
precedent and refused to give a hearing to Merrick Garland; Chief Justice John
G. Roberts Jr.; Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.; Justice Anthony Kennedy and Justice
Wax Figure Clarence Thomas. All were appointed by Republican presidents.
AS SUMMER APPROACHES, teachers can relax after bruising
strikes in several deep red states. These strikes in West Virginia, North
Carolina, Oklahoma, Arizona and Kentucky were sparked by a variety of issues.
In Oklahoma teachers had gone a decade without raises. Now, you may be asking why
states can’t raise pay for teachers. The answer is simple. GOP lawmakers are inordinately
proud of having signed the Grover Norquist “taxpayer protection
If you go to the webpage for Americans for Tax Reform you can
see that 46 members of the U.S. Senate and 208 members of the U.S. House of
Representatives, all members of the GOP (I think), have agreed never to raise
taxes again, not in a million years, assuming they live so long.
Meanwhile, President Trump has issued a series of executive
orders stripping protections from federal civil service employees. Now it will
be easier to fire them if they ask for more money or improved benefits
and—hopefully, as Republicans would put it—to bust their unions.
Republicans will cast all these moves as noble efforts to
save taxpayer dollars. Actually, these are bricks in a wall—no, not that
wall—to break the power of ordinary American workers.
the Great Scam worked.
There was a time when many workers in private industry had excellent pensions.
Then Mega Corporation-R-Us began to complain about greedy workers. Leaders of
the GOP agreed. Unionized workers with pensions were the worst! Executives at Mega
Corporation-R-Us, however, earning seven-figure salaries were not. Mega executives
only wanted to create jobs.
Conservatives argued that government was the problem, never
the solution. The only way to make America great again would be to starve the
beast and slash taxes, so your average auto assembler could afford a Rolex.
Mega Corporation-R-Us, Behemoth Retailing, and Leviathan
Cable TV, and especially multinational corporations, managed to pull off
several slick moves. First, corporations insisted they had no choice but to
move factories from “high-wage” states to states where “business-friendly”
rules prevailed. These states, almost exclusively Republican-controlled, had
laws that made it difficult for unions to organize. They promised lower taxes
on businesses and reduced services like healthcare for ordinary citizens. But
hey! Job creation! Texas “created” 10,000 jobs by syphoning off 10,000 jobs
from Michigan and Ohio. Those jobs just happened to pay $25 per hour in Ohio.
In Texas non-union workers would accept $13 instead.
Government was not the enemy of workers.
Democrats were not the enemies of workers.
Unions, imperfect as they are, were not the enemy. The
corporations and their political allies were perpetrating a Great Scam.
Soon the corporations realized that immigrant labor was even cheaper
than non-union labor. You could pay an undocumented Mexican $6 per hour to
install drywall in new homes. An American—if unionized—might demand $23. A
non-union, native-born worker might expect $13.75. Americans would expect
overtime if workdays stretched to nine or twelve hours. The undocumented
workers wouldn’t complain if overtime wages went unpaid. They wouldn’t dare. In
Texas, one of the reddest states in the land, hundreds of thousands of
construction jobs were lost by native-born workers—and filled by the
undocumented instead.
Let me stop a moment and make clear. This is not a diatribe
against immigrants. My Irish ancestors came to America in the 1800s for much
the same reason millions of Mexicans have come in recent years. I do not fear
Haitian immigrants for their race. I do not fear Syrian immigrants for their
religion. I do not fear Nigerian immigrants for their cultural beliefs. I do
not fear immigrants at all. As a liberal, I would argue that immigrants enrich
this country in many, many ways.
I am simply listing the steps required to pull off the Great
Scam. The Mega Corporation-R-Us crowd, overwhelmingly Republican in sentiment,
took a series of steps that inevitably held wages down.
Now, we have a president who promises to build a magic wall
to keep the undocumented out—and keep the jobs in—and the GOP continues to sell
the same worthless “male enhancement” fiscal pills.
Yes. Unemployment is down. Plenty of $10 per hour jobs and
even $13 and $15 per hour jobs are opening up.
For most Americans, the $29 per hour-jobs at Ford Motors,
General Electric and Stanley Tools are gone.
were loyal only to their bank accounts.
Still, the corporations weren’t finished. The next step was
inevitable. The rise of multi-nationals meant Ford Motors looked to Mexico to
build engines. General Electric turned to China to manufacture lightbulbs.
Stanley Tools started producing wrenches in Taiwan. The people who ran our
corporations showed less and less loyalty to workers and to America itself.
They were loyal only to their bank accounts. Why pay a worker in North Carolina
$14 per hour to make underwear, for instance, if a worker in Sri Lanka could
make the same garments and do it for $14 per day? Why build iPhones in the U.S.
and deal with overtime rules when you could do business in China and workers
would put in 90 hours per week and never complain?
True. China was (and is) a communist nation. True. Communism
is founded on the premise of destroying capitalism. Truer still: China is a
growing threat to the United States on the international stage. The
multinationals didn’t care if
decisions they made helped China gain power. Great piles of money
were to be made.
The average American worker could see his or her economic
position weakening but couldn’t tell why. Meanwhile, the multinationals sent
Joe’s shipyard job to Vietnam. Calvin’s steel-making job ended up in
Bangladesh. GOP politicians and shills at Fox News convinced Joe that Democrats
wanted to take away his guns and convinced Calvin there was a “War on Christmas”
to worry about.
Understandably, the average worker felt the pain. The coal
miners who voted for Trump in 2016 were desperate and saw a vote for him as a worthwhile
gamble. The men and women at the Carrier plant in Indiana, scheduled for
closing, should, almost unanimously, have voted Republican, if Republicans could really save their plant
from closing. If a Republican candidate was promising to bring jobs
back from China, voting Republican, not Democratic, made sense.
The problem, again, was that the Democrats had never been the
ones to ship the jobs to China to begin.
You could listen to the truth, buried at the end of Mitt
Romney’s famous 47% speech if you paid attention in 2012. It wasn’t the obvious
part—about how 47% of Americans were “takers,” and Romney and the superrich
were “makers”—that should have alerted workers to the fact the Great Scam was
It was the second part that revealed a fundamental truth
about the Republican Party. Romney was talking to a room full of the fattest
possible cats about the joys
of investing in China.
In that role, Romney had reveled in opportunities to make
money by shipping jobs to China—failing to take note of the near-slave wages
and terrible working conditions Chinese workers had to accept. Here’s how he
described the “possibilities” of making piles of dough in China:
And I remember going to—sorry
just to bore you with stories—but I was, when I was back in my private equity
days, we went to China to buy a factory there, employed about 20,000 people,
and they were almost all young women between the ages of about 18 and 22 or 23.
They were saving for potentially becoming married, and they worked in these
huge factories, they made various small appliances, and as we were walking
through this facility, seeing them work, the number of hours they worked per
day, the pittance they earned, living in dormitories with little bathrooms at
the end with maybe ten rooms. And the rooms, they had 12 girls per room, three
bunk beds on top of each other. You’ve seen them.
American workers would never accept similar conditions.
Romney continued in truly tone-deaf fashion:
And around this factory was a
fence, a huge fence with barbed wire, and guard towers. And we said, “Gosh, I
can’t believe that you, you know, you keep these girls in.” They said, “No, no,
no—this is to keep other people from coming in. Because people want so badly to
come work in this factory that we have to keep them out, or they’ll just come
in here and start working and try and get compensated. So, we—this is to keep
people out.”
And they said, “Actually,
Chinese New Year, is the girls go home, sometimes they decide they’ve saved
enough money and they don’t come back to the factory.” And he said, “And so on
the weekend after Chinese New Year, there’ll be a line of people hundreds long
outside the factory, hoping that some girls haven’t come back and they can come
to the factory. And so, as we were experiencing this for the first time, for me
to see a factory like this in China some years ago, the Bain partner I was with
turned to me and said, “You know, 95 percent of life is settled if you’re born
in America.” This is an amazing land. And what we have is unique, and
fortunately it is so special we’re sharing it with the world. I’m concerned about
the future, but also optimistic as I said, and I look forward to getting
America back on track…
wages and benefits declined, it didn’t bother the fattest cats.
If wages and benefits declined at home, it didn’t bother
Romney and the fattest cats. It didn’t bother the Koch brothers or the Walton
clan. The Koch’s could afford to donate hundreds of millions to Republican
candidates and causes. They would eventually be repaid for their “investment”
with policies that granted them tax cuts worth billions. The Walton family
continued to donate to the GOP and continued to pay workers subpar wages.
Walmart managed to curtail hours so fewer employees would qualify for healthcare under the Obama plan. Big Pharma
donated hundreds of millions to the GOP and kept jacking up drug prices.
Republicans kept arguing that it would be a horrible idea if Medicare started negotiating to lower drug costs. The price of
insulin shot up by 700% in twenty years and champions of capitalism pronounced
it good.
The average worker got a few extra dollars in his or her
paycheck when Trump and Congress cut taxes.
Unfortunately, Calvin could no longer afford the insulin his
daughter, who suffered from type-1 diabetes, needed to live. Still, if he
watched enough right-wing TV, he found solace in thinking Republicans were
fighting for him—fighting to keep transgender individuals from using the same
bathrooms as his girl.
The Great Scam was in.
The Great Scam still is.
5/27/18: Back
in 2015 a conservative friend got mad when I said Congress should raise the
minimum wage. I argued (as proven by math) that the minimum wage had failed to
keep up with inflation.
He argued, in hallucinatory fashion, that if the minimum wage
was raised a McDonald’s cheeseburger would cost $5.
America really needs is a “Whopper Tax.”
Considering how fat most Americans are, including me, my argumentative
friend, and Orange Teletubby Trump, you might argue that if a Big Mac cost $5,
we’d all be better off in the end. (The rear end.)
At that price we might eat more fruits and vegetables at
Here, let me be the first to suggest a “Whopper Tax.” It’s a
kind of conservative, “take responsibility for your actions” approach to
healthcare. Why should any in-shape citizen pay higher taxes for healthcare for
others if those others are big tubs of goo? We need to place scales at the
entrances of fast food emporiums and in grocery stores. If you buy a bag of
Reese Pieces at the grocery or a Whopper at Burger King, but step on the scale
and you’re obese, then you are the
whopper. Let the federal government impose a “Whopper Tax,” say $1.50 on
the candy or $2 on the burger. These tax dollars can be used to offset the
costs of healthcare in years to come.
Anyway, where was I? Ah, wages!
When it comes to wages, minimum or not, we know the average worker is faring worse than he or she might have three or four
decades ago. How bad have the pay disparities become? An Obama-era rule
helps us get a picture. Under new rules (which the GOP would of course like to
revoke) publicly traded companies must reveal the pay of top executives,
compared to the median pay of workers.
Before we continue, this is not some diatribe about
capitalism. This is not a call to bring communism to our shores. If you’ve been
paying attention, China, almost the last supposed practitioner of communism,
has been thoroughly corrupted by money. Party leaders and their relatives wallow in cash.
Capitalism, to repurpose a quote from Winston Churchill, is
the least bad economic system.
(Churchill had said democracy was the worst form of government, except for all
the rest.) That doesn’t mean the current version is in balance.
Consider Stephen Wynn—until recently chief executive of Wynn
Resorts—as a poster boy for current trends. Wynn’s compensation in 2017 came to
$34,522,695, as much as 909 of his workers. Massive economic clout allowed him
to donate heavily to Republican candidates and causes
($729,217 to Trump alone) while simultaneously forcing female employees who
wanted to keep their jobs to have sex with his weird, plastic-surgery self. It
was what you call a Wynn-win-win for the boss.
Life was good until too many female employees banded together
and the pervert got bounced.
Wynn, left, was really good at getting away with abusing women. |
More generally, life is a stupendous pleasure for the men and
women on top. Margaret Georgiadis, former chief executive at Mattel, never had
to worry about paying her family’s next doctor bill. She took home $31,275,289
in 2017. This was equal to the pay of 4,987 regular Mattel workers. A company
spokesperson offered an apology of sorts, explaining the disparity this way:
“More than half of Mattel’s worldwide employee base consists of manufacturing-plant workers in Asia and
elsewhere, which of course, significantly impacts our median
employee pay rate.”
In other words, you shipped jobs overseas and stopped making
toys in the U.S. You screwed American workers.
Now you’re screwing workers overseas.
A guy who probably put in some serious overtime to earn his
pay would be Frank Bisignano, chief executive at First Data. First Data
processes credit-card transactions and Frank is frankly doing fine. In 2015 he
did suffer a little, earning a paltry $51.6 million. This year, however, he
finally collected a living wage. His take for an average week would be just
under $2 million; for the year: $102,210,396. That means Bisignano made as much
as 2,028 employees.
How are others at the top of the pyramid faring? Michael
Rapino earned $70.6 million, compared to the median pay of Live Nation
Entertainment employees ($24,406). That meant a chief executive-to-worker pay
ratio of 1 to 2,893. Jeffrey Bewkes at Time-Warner made just under $49 million,
as much as 651 cable installers. Steve Easterbrook of McDonald’s took home
$21,761,052, as much as 3,101 men and women behind the counters.
But at least Republicans blocked every effort to raise the
minimum wage and a hamburger didn’t cost five bucks.
5/28/18: The president gets Memorial Day off to a
decent start at 6:01 a.m., tweeting a link
to a story about a little boy he met last year at the Arlington Cemetery grave
of his father.
With that formality out of the way, Trump makes the rest of
the day about himself. His second tweet at 7:58 a.m. reads:
Happy Memorial Day! Those who
died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our
country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers
for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military
and so much more. Nice!
No, Mr. Trump, “those who died for our great country” would
not be “happy and proud” were they able to rise from honorable graves and see
what you’ve been up to. Those who died at Lexington and Concord would consider
your attacks on the First Amendment a disgrace.
Black soldiers, cut down by the hundreds while trying to
capture Ft. Fisher in 1864, would not be proud to hear you call black NFL
players who protest “sons of bitches.” They would not be happy to hear you say
those who protest—who protest
against you—should maybe not be in this country. (See:
Every Jewish soldier who died under the Stars and Stripes
would cringe at your comments in the wake of the Charlottesville riots, when
you said there were “good people” on both sides.
The immigrants who came here, fleeing starvation in Ireland,
religious hatred in Poland and repression in Russia, who learned to love their
adopted country, who fought under its flag, would not see you as you see
yourself. They would see you as a man who tramples on the values that make this
nation great. Pfc. Diego Rincon, whose family fled Columbia as refugees, and
who died at 19 in Iraq, winning posthumous U.S. citizenship, would see where you stand on cutting the number of
refugees allowed to enter the U.S. Rincon would not be proud of you.
Those who spent time in a North Vietnamese prison and died
from torture and abuse—comrades of Sen. John McCain—would rise from their
graves to denounce you for the hypocrite you are.
Lt. Ashley White, killed in combat in Afghanistan in 2011, posthumously
awarded a Bronze Star, would consider your treatment of women, your lying to
even your wife, and would stand aghast.
Those who believed in honor would know you to be a man
without honor.
Those who served because they believed they had a duty to
serve and went to war in 1812 and 1846 and 1898 would consider your family’s
history, of never serving at all, and shake their heads in disbelief.
Those who thought freedom was always worth fighting for,
and by that meant freedom for all, they would not be proud of you today.
They would be appalled.
5/29/18: It’s a
sad day for the president. His favorite TV show has been canceled after
Roseanne Barr goes on a Twitter rampage every bit as unhinged as one of his
Barr’s meltdown begins when she responds to a comment about
Valerie Jarrett, who worked for President Obama. Barr describes Jarrett’s
looks: “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.” That’s
the first nail in Barr’s coffin, a racist twofer, combining a spritz of
anti-Muslim hate with 1870s-style denigration of African Americans.
Suddenly aware that her “joke” might have been poorly
received Barr apologizes.
Still, apologizing can be hard if you have sawdust for
brains. Barr decides the best way to fight fire is to pour gasoline on it and
hold her Twitter fingers in the flames. The second nail in her career coffin is
an anti-Semitic tweet. First, Barr labels Chelsea Clinton as “Chelsea Soros
Clinton” and claims she is married to a nephew of George Soros, a liberal
Jewish financier.
Ms. Clinton gets wind and politely points out, via Twitter,
that while the nephews of Mr. Soros may be fine individuals she cannot say. She
is not married to any of them or all of them.
Barr picks up a third nail and tries to hammer it home.
all make mistakes—but not anti-Semitic mistakes.
Before she can stop herself Barr’s nimble fingers are tapping
away again. “Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you! Please forgive
me!” she faux apologizes. “By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his
fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their
wealth-were you aware of that? But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?”
That is true. We all make mistakes. We just don’t all make anti-Semitic
mistakes. I once ran into the back of a car driven by one of my former
students. It was the only wreck I’ve caused in fifty years. It was a mistake.
It was not an anti-Semitic
A large part of Barr’s problem boils down to the same kind of
profound ignorance we see in the president. A bare minimum of fact-checking
shows Soros was born in Hungary on August 12, 1930. This would make him eight
years old when World War II began, fourteen by the time Germany surrendered.
In other words, Ms. Barr was falling for the kind of stupid
crap that circulates frequently on the internet. In November 2016, for example,
Snopes, the fact-checking site, debunked a rumor that Soros had once been an officer in the dreaded SS, the
military arm of the Nazi regime.
That would have been quite a trick for a boy of fourteen.
Oskar Groening worked at Auschwitz but was not found out for seventy years. The picture at left was supposedly Soros. |
Suppose Barr wanted to look under a few rocks and find some
actual Nazis to tweet-worry about? She need look no further than Richard B.
Spencer, a really big fan of President Trump. (See also: 5/31/18.)
Or she might consider the stirring words of Rocky Suhayda, leader of the American
Nazi Party. That would be an obvious place to start.
Back in 2016, he had this to say:
Now, if Trump does win, OK, it’s going to be a real opportunity for
people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon
that. You know how you have the black political caucus and whatnot in Congress,
and, everything, to start building on something like that, OK.
It doesn’t have to be anti, like
the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda
hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot.
That’s what the movement should contemplate.
What Suhayda was saying was this: “We are bigots. We all know
that. We’re members of the American Nazi Party, for god’s sakes. But if we’re
smart about how we act we can make it hard for people who aren’t bigots to
prove that we are. Are we? Sure. And Trump is our kind of guy.”
For some reason people who like Nazis like Trump. |
Today’s topic is Nuts on Twitter. First up, we have Roseanne Barr, the suddenly
unemployed television star.
golden foot in a golden mouth.
Yesterday she stormed into contention, for “Twitter Nut of
the Year,” with a racist tweet comparing an African American woman to a baby
born from the union of a Muslim terrorist and an ape.
Until that moment, President Trump had “Twitter Nut of the
Year” locked up. But a look at the body of Barr’s work marks her as a dark
horse candidate to take home this year’s prize. (It’s a trophy of a golden head
jammed up a golden ass.) Barr has been all over the place in the past,
insulting all manner of individuals and groups. She once told an interviewer
that the Pope “owns almost every dollar in the world.” She called Hillary
Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, “a filthy Nazi whore.” As Vox noted, racist tweets have long been a staple of her
Twitter feed. Barr referred to Susan Rice, an adviser to President Obama, as “a
man with big swinging ape balls.”
In the same way, there was no conspiracy theory Barr couldn’t swallow. In March
she tweeted about a survivor of the Parkland school shooting. She insisted he
performed a Nazi salute during the “March for Our Lives.” Later she had to admit
the image she had seen and tweeted
about was doctored. Barr offered up Twitter support for Pizzagate
conspiracy sites. This was cool, if you were a right-wing nut. It was sad if
you were the dumb schmuck who believed Hillary Clinton was holding
children in a pizza parlor basement as part of a child sex ring. Then you, the
poor dumb schmuck, would march into said parlor, fire your assault rifle
several times at a locked basement door, get arrested and be sentenced to four
years in jail.
Total children found and saved: 0.
If you tweet your belief in imaginary child sex rings, that’s
how you win “Twitter Nut of the Year.”
Trump, of course, is a tough Nut to beat but Barr has serious
chops. She said Obama organized the Boston Marathon bombing so he could trample
gun rights. At one point she called Israel “a Nazi state,” and insisted Zionism
was a creation of the Third Reich. That’s like saying General Custer was plotting
with the Sioux to get the Seventh Cavalry wiped out.
OF COURSE, to become the champion you must beat the champion,
and the “Twitter Nut of the Year,” three years running, 2015, 2016 and 2017, is
the President of the United States.
Trump gets in another great shot of his own today. With
iPhone in hand, he could have tweeted something like: “Roseanne Barr’s comments
are totally unacceptable in a diverse country based on the ideal that ‘all men
and women are created equal.’” He could have posted: “All good people, of all
races, religions and ethnic backgrounds deserve to be treated with….”
Trump tweets instead:
Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie
Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made
by Roseanne Barr. Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize
for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t
get the call?
That’s how you win the Nut Award: ignore racism and whine
about how mean the media is to you.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, President It’s-All-About-Me has been
tweeting madly about the Mueller investigation all week.
Last Saturday, he unleashed a flurry of Twitter yelps:
With Spies, or “Informants” as
the Democrats like to call them because it sounds less sinister (but it’s not),
all over my campaign, even from a very early date, why didn’t the crooked
highest levels of the FBI or ‘Justice’ contact me to tell me of the phony
Russia problem?”
Okay. Let’s follow the president’s logic. There were “spies.”
They were “all over” his campaign.
No one warned you about the “phony Russian problem?” That
would be true—unless you counted James Comey and James Clapper who spoke to you
about the investigation on January 6, 2017. And you probably should count Sally
Yates, who came to the White House on January 26, six days after you took the
oath of office, to warn that General Michael Flynn, the man you chose as
your National Security Adviser, had been lying about contacts with Russians.
The tweet barking continued:
Who’s going to give back the young and
beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the
phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt. They journeyed down to Washington, D.C.,
with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation...They went back home in
Such young lives ruined! Michael Flynn, pled guilty, age 59;
Paul Manafort, indicted, but still starry-eyed at 69.
Trump grabbed his phone again early Wednesday and started
tweet-babbling once more. This time he quoted Fox News, which he was watching.
It took three tweets to vent. Congressman Trey Gowdy, a Republican, could be
seen on TV answering a question about whether Trump was wrong to be upset with
Attorney General Jeff Sessions or not, after Sessions recused himself from the
Russia investigation.
The tweets read:
Rep. Trey Gowdy “I don’t think
so, I think what the President is doing is expressing frustration that Attorney
General Sessions should have shared these reasons for recusal before he took
the job, not afterward. If I were the President and I picked someone to be the
....chief law enforcement
officer, and they told me later, ‘oh by the way I’m not going to be able to
participate in the most important case in the office, I would be frustrated
too...and that’s how I read that - Senator Sessions, why didn’t you tell me
before I picked you....
....There are lots of really
good lawyers in the country, he could have picked somebody else!”
Trump then tacked on four words at the end of the third
tweet: “And I wish I did!”
Unfortunately, not even some of the regulars at Fox News, and
not Gowdy either, could support Trump’s absurd comments about spies and
infiltrators swarming his campaign.
Napolitano blows a big hole in the “Spygate” boat.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, a legal expert who appears regularly
on Fox, blew a big hole in Trump’s “Spygate” boat.
Speaking to Martha MacCallum, he said:
The allegations from Mayor
Giuliani over the weekend, which would lead us to believe that the Trump people
think the FBI had an undercover agent who finagled his way into Trump's
campaign and was there as a spy on the campaign seem to be baseless—there is no
evidence for that whatsoever.
But this other allegation with this professor (whose name we’re not supposed to
mention), that is standard operating procedure in intelligence gathering
and criminal investigations.
(The professor Napolitano refers to is the single informant
known to have talked to three members of the Trump campaign.)
Gowdy then all but sank the Spygate boat. He is one of a
handful of members of Congress who sat in on meetings with the heads of the
F.B.I., Department of Justice and U.S. intelligence agencies earlier in the
week. This was after Trump demanded investigators provide information about all
the “spies” investigating his campaign. Now Gowdy had this to say in another interview on Fox News. First, the
F.B.I. routinely used informants, he pointed out:
I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens
would want them to do when
they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald
Trump…It looks to me like the FBI was doing what President Trump said: “I want
you to do, find it out.” President Trump himself in the Comey memos said, “If
anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to
investigate it.”
Sounds to me like that was
exactly what the FBI did.
What about the idea that Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani had
been floating lately—that the president should never sit down with the Mueller
team and talk? Gowdy responded, “If he were my client, I’d say if you’ve done
nothing wrong, you need to sit down and tell Mueller what you know.”
5/31/18: Let’s
hear a round of applause for Republicans running for Congress. First, out of
Arizona, we have Joe Arapiao, a former sheriff found guilty of contempt of
court. Arapiao promises if elected to the U.S. Senate to focus on important
matters like President Obama’s birth certificate.
(Even Trump himself and Fox News have long since admitted Obama was born in these United States.)
One GOP primary opponent is Craig Brittian, mastermind of a
money-making revenge porn website.
And it gets even “better.” In Illinois, Bill Falwell is up
for election in the Seventeenth Congressional District.
Falwell has claimed:
The 9/11 attacks were an inside job.
Beyoncé has ties to the Illuminati.
So does Madonna.
And he knows because he has watched their music videos.
“The Illuminati,” CNN explains, “is a secret society that
serves as the basis for a popular conspiracy theory that alleges that many of
the world’s leaders and celebrities are masterminding world events.”