Monday, April 23, 2018

The Tail of the Bunny and What We Learn about Donald J. Trump

I try to chronicle the escapades of Donald J. Trump and his predatory crew every day. In this episode we learn something about the man from a Playboy Bunny, which is an indication of how far we have fallen already:

4/19/18 (Day 90; Year II): It’s been that kind of presidency. One Playboy Bunny has escaped from what was apparently a rigged non-disclosure agreement (possibly involving illegal backdoor involvement by Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen) brokered with the National Enquirer.

A lot of Bunnies figure in the story of this administration. So pay attention. This Bunny is Karen McDougal. She claims she carried on a ten-month affair with Trump back in 2006, around the time third Trump wife and current FLOTUS Melania, was recovering from the birth of her child. Now, in court, McDougal has managed to win the right to talk freely about her story—and, if possible, make as much money as she can.

(In part, it appears the National Enquirer and its lawyers caved—because if they kept fighting, Cohen and others, possibly including Donald J. Trump, might have been forced to give depositions.)

Okay, don’t get the Bunnies mixed up. We are not talking about the Bunny impregnated by sleazebag Republican fund raiser and Trump pal, Elliott Broidy. (See: 4/14/18 and 4/16/18.)

Nor do we mean the Bunny trainee who went on to become a federal judge (more on her in a moment)

We mean the latest Bunny to tell her tail.

Let’s be honest here and just say this is Trumpistan, and anything is possible. Of course, there’s another Playboy Bunny in the news. This time, we’re talking about Barbara Moore, Miss December of 1992, who says she had an affair with Trump in 1993. And may I be the first to say, “Well, thank god, at least the First Lady wasn’t in the picture in those days.”

So…Trump wasn’t cheating on any wife…..

Oh, wait. 

He was engaged at the time to Marla Maples, who would soon become his second wife. And Maples was pregnant with their child, a baby they would eventually name Tiffany.

In other words, typical cheating Donald J. Trump!

Moore in more clothes than normal.

If you would like to read about what Moore calls a “steamy” affair you can click the link above and see what she told the British tabloid, the Daily Mail. She certainly has lots of pictures from her visits to Mar-a-Lago. In fact, it appears she took pictures of every room in the house and probably stuck her head in all the closets and opened the medicine cabinets. She has photos of herself with the cook, in a bikini by the pool, ascending the steps and one of a younger version of the Big Orange Buffoon, flexing his muscles.

Moore says she came forward now because her name appeared in a legal document filed in Karen McDougal’s case.

Believe it or not, another Bunny was also outed in the documents; but she’s not talking yet.

For the president, I suppose you could say there’s good news and bad in her story. First the good: Moore says Trump was a great lover and a gentleman. She even says she believes he’s a great president.

(I think we can safely say, then, that Trump was not attracted to Moore because of impressive intellect.)

The bad news—proven again—is that Trump is a serial liar.

Moore has few regrets about her affair with the billionaire businessman. But she does admit she had no idea there was already another woman in his life. “But at the time I didn’t know he was with someone else, let alone engaged to Marla Maples and it was only recently I learned she was pregnant at the time.”

This had “shocked” her, she said.

The reached out to the White House for comment. “A source familiar with the matter said the president said these are more false accusations.”

Again with the fake news dodge!

In other words, add Moore to the incredibly long list of people who for no reason whatever tell lies about Donald J. Trump. That list would include nineteen women who accused him of sexual improprieties during the 2016 campaign, a couple of thousand students at Trump University who say they were scammed, dozens of undocumented Polish workers cheated out of wages decades ago, and pretty much every single person at the top of the Department of Justice and F.B.I.

If you’d care to read more about the previous sexual escapades of our current president, you can go to the article and indulge. Moore does go into detail about how they met and how they flirted and how excited she was to meet the famous businessman in the flesh.

In all the flesh.

“I was intimate with him the first night. Yes,” she says. “And it was really…I felt special. I felt like he was very passionate with me and we both felt a chemistry. I was surprised he was older, I’d never been with an older man before, but he was good, a really good lover. He was kissing my neck, being really attentive. And you know, the sex was normal, he didn’t ask me to do anything weird at all.”

That, at least, is a relief.

“I felt like it was love-making, not just a one night stand,” Moore continued. “And I didn’t feel like I was a piece of meat or anything. I just felt really admired and adored. He was very loving.”

The next morning she was embarrassed to “do the walk of shame back to her room in the sparkly gold dress she was wearing from the night before.”

Never fear, Ms. Moore. Donald is a gentleman—at least in terms of how he treats whatever woman he is boinking at the time. He “gave me an overcoat and called a security guard up to his suite. I felt like, wow, this guy really is nice. He’s a gentleman. He was a complete gentleman the whole time.”

That would be: The whole time he was cheating on his fianceé.

Well, you get the idea. Moore was invited to Mar-a-Lago. Trump played golf part of the time and she watched, and they rode around in a golf cart and had sex. Not in the golf cart, I don’t mean. “I would make him laugh. And I remember him taking a lot of pictures of me. The whole thing was a whirlwind, a fantasy come true,” Moore says now.

Did we mention Trump was already engaged and the woman he was going to marry was carrying his child????

Moore was living a fantasy for sure.

Moore does have a lot of pictures—and the Daily Mail notes that these pictures still have the date stamp, for example, “April 25, 1993,” in the lower right corners.

The tale of tail continues:

After her dreamland visit to Mar-a-Lago, Moore and Trump regularly spoke over the phone. Moore says she’d regularly call him and came to be on first name terms with his two personal assistants, Rhona and Norma. (Rhona Graff was Trump’s executive assistant and Norma Infante Foerderer was his long-time personal assistant.) In an old phone book Moore dug out of her attic an entry under T shows Donald Trump’s phone numbers entered in pencil.

“I definitely felt like our relationship was getting stronger. And, and that’s when he invited me to New York to the Trump Tower and I just thought that, you know, we were an item. I thought that we were dating and I was special.”

She flew to New York and hung out in his penthouse and they had sex. She came back to the city again in the summer, this time for a photo shoot. Another Playmate told her she should call her “boyfriend.” Moore did and Trump invited both young women over. Trump said he was tired after a long flight and didn’t want to go out—and we assume be seen and reported to Marla.

Did we mention Marla was pregnant???

Moore picks up the story once more:

We had a couple of glasses of champagne and Donald was laying on his back, on his bed with his arms up and we were just sitting on the corner of his bed talking and chatting. Then he goes “come here” and I just started to hug him and we started kissing and my friend was still there. We just went at it and it was like she just didn’t exist.

At this point, you may want to stop reading or get a wastebasket and vomit. As “things turned steamy,” the Daily Mail reports, “the friend retreated but only as far as a chair in the corner of the room. She sat and watched as Moore and the billionaire had sex. Moore smiles at the naughty moment.”

That’s probably all you need to know about Trump, the gentleman. There was “giggling and it was playful,” Moore insists. It didn’t bother her that the other young woman was watching “because we were such good friends.” She hadn’t expected to have sex with a witness—but she was “really young and it’s just what happened.”

Moore is quick to add, that Trump never suggested the second Playmate join the fray. I mean, you have to have standards, right?

Then a key detail, as related by the Daily Mail: “Throughout the illicit affair Moore says it never once occurred to her [emphasis added] that Trump might be engaged to another woman. And not for a second did Moore think Trump was two-timing her with another woman, let alone engaged to someone.”

Even when her aunt living in New Jersey, who was working in New York as a fit model, passed comment that she thought Trump was dating someone called Marla, Moore ignored it.

“I suppose I trusted him because we talked almost every day, but my aunt was right. I never ever thought that he was seeing anybody else that didn’t even cross my mind.

I was very young and I just thought this is my guy right now.”

Their “relationship” fizzled in September 1993, for what are obvious reasons today. On October 13, Tiffany Trump was born. That December, Moore’s “gentleman” married Maples, in a lavish ceremony in front of a thousand guests.

Moore says she and her daughter both voted for Trump in 2016. “I love him as our president. I love him because it’s funny to me when he kind of puts his foot in his mouth….I think he’s doing a great job and there’s more to come. I feel safe with him in charge.” 

Apparently she’s not worried to think he’s exactly the same man she met in 1993: that is an accomplished and prolific liar.


I mentioned a Bunny trainee who became a judge. By cosmic coincidence, it turns out Judge Kimba A. Wood, currently hearing motions in the case involving F.B.I. raids on Michael D. Cohen’s office, home, hotel suite and safety box once entered the Playboy Bunny training program on a lark.

She was in college and needed the money but only lasted a week. Prancing around in skimpy outfits wasn’t her style, no matter the pay.

I think we can all agree this story would be way cooler, however, if she had posed semi-nude with Trump sometime in the past.

But no.

All Judge Wood has been doing lately is denying motions by Trump’s legal team to quash any evidence that may have turned up in the raids.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Forrest Gump in the Oval Office

In case you missed this story, the conservative radio host, Erick Erickson, took a call from an angry Republican congressman this week. 

The lawmaker wanted to meet but didn’t want to be seen anywhere near Capitol Hill. They agreed to rendezvous at a D.C. Safeway store.

What Erickson’s source really wanted was to vent about President Trump, a man equal parts Richard Nixon, Warren G. Harding and....Forrest Gump?

With Trump you get the same simpleminded thinking as with Gump,
but without the strenuous exercise and kind heart.

Erickson relates the conversation this way, as the two men wander the supermarket aisles, squeezing the avocados and pondering which brand of toilet paper to buy:

“I read you writing about this, about wanting to say nice things when you can and criticize when you need to. He may be an idiot, but he’s still the President and leader of my party and he is capable of doing some things right,” the mysterious congressman began.

But dammit he’s taking us all down with him. We are well and truly f**ked in November. Kevin [McCarthy] is already circling like a green fly circling sh*t trying to take Paul’s [Ryan] job because nobody thinks he’s sticking around for Nancy [Pelosi]. She’s going to f**k up the cafeteria again too. It’s like Forrest Gump won the presidency, but an evil, really f*cking stupid Forrest Gump. He can’t help himself. He’s just a f**king idiot who thinks he’s winning when people are b*tching about him. He really does see the world as ratings and attention. I hate Forrest Gump…Can you believe it beat the Shawshank Redemption? Judiciary [the House Judiciary Committee] is stacked with a bunch of people who can win re-election so long as they don’t piss off Trump voters in the primary. But if we get to summer and most of the primaries are over, they just might pull the trigger if the President fires Mueller. The sh*t will hit the fan if that happens and I’d vote to impeach him myself. Most of us would, I think. Hell, all the Democrats would and you only need a majority in the House. If we’re going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the motherf**ker. Take him out with us and let Mike [Pence] take over. At least then we could sleep well at night…You know having Mike as President would really piss off all the right people, too. They think they hate Trump. Mike is competent. I say a lot of shit on TV defending [Trump], even over this. But honestly, I wish the motherf*cker would just go away. We’re going to lose the House, lose the Senate, and lose a bunch of states because of him. All his supporters will blame us for what we have or have not done, but he hasn’t led. He wakes up in the morning, sh*ts all over Twitter, sh*ts all over us, sh*ts all over his staff, then hits golf balls. F*ck him. Of course, I can’t say that in public or I’d get run out of town.

Erickson sums it all up: 
The congressman’s base loves the President. And were done. He feels better having let it all out. It was a funny conversation with a few additional remarks about the President’s personal life I dare not print. And yes, I agree, it is bad form to say all this in private while publicly praising the President. Welcome to Donald Trump’s Washington.
 Everybody does this sh*t here.

Source: The Resurgent, April 11, 2018

Like Trump:
With Harding you got randy sexual behavior and the Teapot Dome Scandal.

Like Trump:
With Nixon you got hatred for the free press and a healthy dose of impeachment.