Thursday, January 4, 2018

Day 350 in Trumpistan: Which Flag Are We Honoring?

I decided to do a separate post for each day, and then add it to my archive, highlighting life in Trumpistan.

If you’d like to relieve Days 301-349 click on this link.

January 4, 2018 (Day 350): President Trump decides he just can’t let a day go by without undercutting fundamental democratic institutions. So he does what he does best. He studies policy.

A, ha, ha, ha, I amuse myself.

Of course he doesn’t. He tweets. Today his topic is rigged elections. Did you know his Commission on Voter Fraud just disbanded? Well, it did. “Many mostly Democrat States refused to hand over data from the 2016 Election to the Commission On Voter Fraud,” Trump tweet whines. “They fought hard that the Commission not see their records or methods because they know that many people are voting illegally. System is rigged, must go to Voter I.D.

You may not remember, but last summer a handful of states, a mere 44, refused to provide all the information Trumpenfuhrer demanded.

Ah…and the District of Columbia.

Fortunately, Alabama did recently comply with the Trump Administration order, which in a way makes it even more depressing for the president to realize accused child molester Roy Moore still couldn’t get elected with his specific blessing.

Even better than that, Kansas also complied. Kansas is the great state where the head of the Commission on Voter Fraud, Kris Kobach, got his start cleaning up all the rampant fraud in American elections. He worked like a right-wing beaver, Kris Kobach of Kansas did. In a matter of only four or five years he managed to secure nine whole convictions for voter fraud, over the course of multiple elections, in a state with a population of 1.8 million.

Clearly, a huge issue.

Trumpenfuhrer tweets once and then he has to mull his course of action. What should he do next with his valuable time as president?

He decides to flog his favorite target. Minorities. No, I mean kneeling NFL players. (They just so happen to be almost all African American.) Really, who could possibly imagine in their wildest fantasies that Donald J. Trump is playing to the racist portion of his base?

In any case, he tweets again, this time providing a link to the picture below, from last September. His tweet reads, “So beautiful....Show this picture to the NFL players who still kneel!

Much respect to all who have fallen in the fight for American freedom and to loved ones who pay such a high price. Still, as a good patriotic American myself, and one who enlisted in the United States Marines in 1968, when Trump’s sore feet hurt too much for him to ever serve his country, there are plenty of reasons I can see why NFL players are protesting. And here’s one of my own. If I were to kneel during the National Anthem, would I be disrespecting the flag—or would I be standing up by kneeling down for freedom. I’m a very big fan of the First Amendment right to protest.

Indeed, you know who I think really disrespected our flag. I think it was Don Jr. and Jared, when they met with those Russians in the summer of 2016, in order to get dirt on a political opponent.

That’s the same meeting that led even right-wing-crazy Steve Bannon to say the actions of those boys were “treasonous,” possibly, and “unpatriotic” without a doubt.

Seems to me like Don Jr. and Jared have their flags all mixed up.

As for minority players kneeling, Mr. President, perhaps they’re protesting this kind of symbolism and support for your positions, and your disinclination to condemn these sorts of individuals:

Even racists have the right to protest, President Trump.
But not all protesters are equal.

Or it might be players are protesting against this kind of police abuse (and no, not all police are abusive):

Walter Scott, unarmed and running away, get shot in the back.

Again, all sympathy should go out to that soldier’s poor wife and to the child who will never know its father.

That doesn’t mean Walter Scott’s family doesn’t also has a grave to visit and to weep over.

Finally, on Day 350 in Trumpistan, lawyers for the president go to court to try to halt publication of the new book, Fire and Fury.

Because that’s what we do in Trumpistan.

We ban books.

So here’s a good rule of thumb, I think, whether you’re conservative or liberal or a Whig or a Know Nothing. If a government tries to curtail the right to protest, or the right of free speech, or freedom of the press, beware. NFL players have every right to protest. So do neo-Nazis. So do Tea Party types and “Never Trump” Resisters. If Fox News is still on television during the Obama years, that’s a good thing; and the same goes for CNN in Trumpistan.

That’s what the First Amendment is all about—and there’s a reason the Founding Fathers listed it before all others.

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